Module jakarta.mail
Package jakarta.mail

Interface QuotaAwareStore

All Known Implementing Classes:
GmailSSLStore, GmailStore, IMAPSSLStore, IMAPStore

public interface QuotaAwareStore
An interface implemented by Stores that support quotas. The getQuota and setQuota methods support the quota model defined by the IMAP QUOTA extension. Refer to RFC 2087 for more information.
JavaMail 1.4
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getQuota(String folder)
    Get the quotas for the named folder.
    setQuota(Quota quota)
    Set the quotas for the quota root specified in the quota argument.
  • Method Details

    • getQuota

      Quota[] getQuota(String folder) throws MessagingException
      Get the quotas for the named folder. Quotas are controlled on the basis of a quota root, not (necessarily) a folder. The relationship between folders and quota roots depends on the server. Some servers might implement a single quota root for all folders owned by a user. Other servers might implement a separate quota root for each folder. A single folder can even have multiple quota roots, perhaps controlling quotas for different resources.
      folder - the name of the folder
      array of Quota objects
      MessagingException - if the server doesn't support the QUOTA extension
    • setQuota

      void setQuota(Quota quota) throws MessagingException
      Set the quotas for the quota root specified in the quota argument. Typically this will be one of the quota roots obtained from the getQuota method, but it need not be.
      quota - the quota to set
      MessagingException - if the server doesn't support the QUOTA extension