Module jakarta.mail

Interface SharedInputStream

All Known Implementing Classes:
SharedByteArrayInputStream, SharedFileInputStream

public interface SharedInputStream
An InputStream that is backed by data that can be shared by multiple readers may implement this interface. This allows users of such an InputStream to determine the current position in the InputStream, and to create new InputStreams representing a subset of the data in the original InputStream. The new InputStream will access the same underlying data as the original, without copying the data.

Note that implementations of this interface must ensure that the close method does not close any underlying stream that might be shared by multiple instances of SharedInputStream until all shared instances have been closed.

JavaMail 1.2
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return the current position in the InputStream, as an offset from the beginning of the InputStream.
    newStream(long start, long end)
    Return a new InputStream representing a subset of the data from this InputStream, starting at start (inclusive) up to end (exclusive).
  • Method Details

    • getPosition

      long getPosition()
      Return the current position in the InputStream, as an offset from the beginning of the InputStream.
      the current position
    • newStream

      InputStream newStream(long start, long end)
      Return a new InputStream representing a subset of the data from this InputStream, starting at start (inclusive) up to end (exclusive). start must be non-negative. If end is -1, the new stream ends at the same place as this stream. The returned InputStream will also implement the SharedInputStream interface.
      start - the starting position
      end - the ending position + 1
      the new stream