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The Jakarta XML Binding provides an API and tools that automate the mapping between XML documents and Java objects.

The Jakarta XML Binding framework enables developers to perform the following operations:

  • Unmarshal XML content into a Java representation
  • Access and update the Java representation
  • Marshal the Java representation of the XML content into XML content

Jakarta XML Binding gives Java developers an efficient and standard way of mapping between XML and Java code. Java developers using Jakarta XML Binding are more productive because they can write less code themselves and do not have to be experts in XML. Jakarta XML Binding makes it easier for developers to extend their applications with XML and Web Services technologies.

This project is part of Eclipse Implementation of JAXB

Download Jakarta XML Binding Release

The latest stable release of Eclipse Implementation of JAXB is available for download as well as for consumption through maven.




The release includes the following documentation:

Download previous versions

Previous versions of Eclipse Implementation of JAXB are available for download as well as for consumption through maven.

Documentation for version 3.0.x

The release includes the following documentation:

Documentation for version 2.3.x

The release includes the following documentation:

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