Package org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal
package org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal
Jersey server-side internal classes.
ClassDescriptionThis class provides partial default implementation of
.Utility methods used by container implementations.Jersey internal server-side configuration properties.CommonContainerResponseWriter.suspend(long, TimeUnit, ContainerResponseWriter.TimeoutHandler)
andContainerResponseWriter.setSuspendTimeout(long, TimeUnit)
handler that can be used inContainerResponseWriter
implementations instead of the underlying infrastructure.Jersey implementation of JAX-RSresource context
implementation for JSONP format.Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource fileInterceptor that wraps specific exceptions types thrown by wrapped interceptors and by message body readers and writers into a mappable exception.Binder registering theException Wrapper Interceptor
(used on the client side).Injectable encapsulating class containing processing providers like filters, interceptors, name bound providers, dynamic features.Server-side implementation of JAX-RSRuntimeDelegate
.Server side tracing events.