Package org.glassfish.jersey.server.spi.internal
package org.glassfish.jersey.server.spi.internal
Jersey server-side internal service provider contract (SPI) classes.
ClassDescriptionUtility methods for retrieving values or value providers for the
resource model components.ExtendsSupplier
interface withParameter.Source
information.A resource method dispatcher responsible for consuming a JAX-RSrequest
by invoking the configuredresource method
on a given resource instance and returning the method invocation result in a form of a JAX-RSresponse
.Provider interface for creating aresource method dispatcher
instances.Provides theinvocation handler
instances designated to handle invocations of the suppliedinvocable resource methods
.Parameter value factory SPI.Enumeration of priorities for providers (e.g.Priorities are intended to be used as a means to determine the order in which objects are considered whether they are suitable for a particular action or not (e.g.