Jersey 3.1.10 API Documentation
Common Jersey core classes.
Jersey client
based on the
Apache Http Client.Jersey client
based on the
Apache Http Client.Jersey client-side classes.
Provides core client authentication mechanisms.
Provides core client filters.
Jersey client-side internal classes.
Jersey client-side internal routing API classes.
Jersey client SPI classes/interfaces.
Jersey internal package supporting Jersey CDI integration.
Jersey internal SPI to support custom defined HK2 injection binding for Jersey/CDI applications.
Jersey package to support custom defined HK2 injection binding
for Jersey/CDI applications.
Jersey client
based on the
Grizzly Async Client.Jersey Grizzly 3.x container classes.
Jersey Grizzly 3.x Servlet container classes.
Common Jersey core http classes.
Common Jersey internal API classes.
Configuration factory to handle external properties from different config SPI implementations
Common Jersey internal injection utility classes.
Contains a subset of classes repackaged from the jsr166 written by Doug Lea.
Common Jersey internal localization utility classes.
Common Jersey internal routing API classes.
Common Jersey internal SPI classes/interfaces.
Common Jersey internal miscellaneous utility classes.
Common set of Jersey collection classes.
Common Jersey core io SPI classes.
Jersey classes supporting JSON media type processing based on Jackson.
Package that contains annotations applicable to all content types.
Jackson-based JAX-RS provider that can automatically
serialize and deserialize resources for
JSON content type (MediaType).
Package that contains annotations specific to JSON dataformat.
Miscellaneous helper classes used by providers.
Jersey client
based on JDK NIO framework.Jersey Jdk
internal classes.The container adapter between
JDK HTTP server
and Jersey Jersey application handler
classes.Jersey classes supporting JSON media type processing based on Jettison.
Jersey internal classes supporting JSON processing based on Jettison.
Jersey JSON Jettison provider internal message entity processing utility classes.
Jersey client
based on
Java's HttpClient
.Jersey classes supporting JSON marshalling and unmarshalling using JSON-B.
Jersey classes supporting JSON processing (JSON-P) media providers.
Jersey internal classes supporting JSON processing (JSON-P) media providers.
Logging feature provides the logging of requests and responses on server and client.
JAX-RS Integration with MIME MultiPart Message Formats
Provides support for body parts that are file attachments.
Jersey multipart media support internal classes.
Support for Server Sent events in Jersey.
Common Jersey messaging classes.
Common Jersey internal messaging classes.
Binders for Jersey.
Support for microprofile external configurations in Jersey
Configuration properties for Jersey (client/server/common) could be passed from different sources
using this implementation
Common Jersey model related classes and interfaces.
Common Jersey internal model related classes and interfaces.
Jersey internal classes supporting JSON and XML media type processing based on Moxy.
Jersey classes supporting JSON media type processing based on Moxy.
Jersey internal classes supporting JSON media type processing based on Moxy.
Jersey classes supporting XML media type processing based on Moxy.
Jersey OAuth 1 Signature API and Implementation.
Common Jersey processing classes.
Common Jersey internal processing classes.
Jersey server-side classes.
Provides core server filters.
Server filter internal classes.
Jersey server-side internal classes.
Jersey server-side JAX-RS injection support classes.
Jersey server-side internal monitoring and statistics classes.
Jersey internal server-side monitoring JMX MBeans implementation classes.
Jersey server-side internal classes related to request and response processing.
Jersey server-side internal resource routing classes.
Jersey server-side internal resource scanning classes.
Jersey server-side application & resource modeling classes.
Jersey server-side internal model related and routing helper classes.
Jersey server-side monitoring JMX MBeans interfaces.
Jersey server-side service provider contract (SPI) classes.
Jersey server-side internal service provider contract (SPI) classes.
Jersey server-side WADL support public classes and interfaces.
Jersey server-side WADL configuration classes.
Jersey server-side WADL internal classes.
Jersey server-side WADL internal classes supporting
wadl generators
.Jersey server-side WADL internal classes supporting
generation of resource documentation with
wadl generators
.Jersey server-side WADL internal JAXB beans used for
generation of resource documentation with
wadl generators
.Jersey server-side WADL internal xhtml JAXB beans used for
generation of resource documentation with
wadl generators
.Jersey server-side WADL
model processor
that extends resource model with resources and resource methods that produce WADL content.Jersey generic Servlet container integration classes.
Jersey servlet container asynchronous support classes.
Jersey servlet container initialization classes.
Jersey internal Servlet API.
Jersey internal Servlet SPI.
SPI for Jersey generic Servlet container support.
Jersey Simple 6.x container classes.
Common Jersey service provider contract (SPI) classes.
Common Jersey classes that provide support for JAX-RS URI templates and
encoding/decoding of URI components.
Common Jersey internal classes that provide support for JAX-RS URI templates and
encoding/decoding of URI components.