All Classes and Interfaces

Convenience class to allow implementing only a subset of container liefecycle listener callback method(s).
Abstract entity provider model.
Abstract implementation of resource model visitor containing empty implementations of interface methods.
Default implementation of reactive invoker.
Abstract thread pool executor provider.
Annotated method representation.
Annotated method representation.
A visitor to visit a Java annotation.
Configuration options specific to the Client API that utilizes Apache5ConnectorProvider.
Strategy that defines the way the Apache client releases resources.
Strategy that aborts Apache HttpRequests for the case of Chunked Stream, closes the stream, and response next.
Connector provider for Jersey connectors that utilize Apache HTTP Client to send and receive HTTP request and responses.
A callback interface used to configure HttpClientBuilder.
Configuration options specific to the Client API that utilizes ApacheConnectorProvider.
/** Strategy that defines the way the Apache client releases resources.
Strategy that aborts Apache HttpRequests for the case of Chunked Stream, closes the stream, and response next.
Strategy that closes the response and content stream next.
Connector provider for Jersey connectors that utilize Apache HTTP Client to send and receive HTTP request and responses.
A callback interface used to configure HttpClientBuilder.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
An event informing about application lifecycle changes.
The type of the event that identifies on which lifecycle change the event is triggered.
Jersey specific provider that listens to application events.
Jersey server-side application handler.
Monitoring configuration of an application.
Application MX Bean.
Asynchronous connector response processing callback contract.
Injectable asynchronous processing context that can be used to control various aspects of asynchronous processing of a single request.
Asynchronous processing context state.
Utilized by the Servlet container response writer to deal with the container async features.
Factory to create AsyncContextDelegate to deal with asynchronous features added in Servlet version 3.0.
Servlet 3.x container response writer async extension and related extension factory implementation.
A non standard class, field, method or Code attribute, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
Injection qualifier that can be used to inject a ScheduledExecutorService instance used by Jersey to execute background timed/scheduled tasks.
BackgroundScheduler annotation literal.
Base64 encoding util class.
Helper class to register a Bean into CDI BeanManager.
Marker of a public Jersey API that is still in "beta" non-final version.
Specifies the binding between a URI template parameter and a bean property.
A mutable model representing a body part nested inside a MIME MultiPart entity.
Proxy class representing the entity of a BodyPart when a MultiPart entity is received and parsed.
Utility for creating boundary parameters.
Used for broadcasting response chunks to multiple ChunkedOutput instances.
Listener interface that can be implemented to listen to events fired by Broadcaster object.
A dynamically extensible vector of bytes.
Processes a provided class and selects the valid constructor with the largest number of parameters.
Caching connector provider.
Implementation of the request context.
CDI Request scope implementation using Weld-specific BoundRequestContext which allows pass on storage for request-scoped objects.
Implementation of InjectionManager that starts CDI SE container, scans all users bean according to beans.xml file and register Jersey's internal beans using SeBeanRegisterExtension extension.
SPI implementation of InjectionManagerFactory which provides a new instance of CDI InjectionManager.
Response entity type used for receiving messages in "typed" chunks.
Used for sending messages in "typed" chunks.
Used for writing ChunkedOutput.
Chunk data parser.
A parser to make a ClassVisitor visit a ClassFile structure, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
Exception thrown when the constant pool of a class produced by a ClassWriter is too large.
A visitor to visit a Java class.
A ClassVisitor that generates a corresponding ClassFile structure, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
Injection qualifier that can be used to inject an ExecutorService instance used by Jersey client runtime to execute asynchronous client requests.
ClientAsyncExecutor annotation literal.
Injection qualifier that can be used to inject an ScheduledExecutorService instance used by Jersey client runtime to schedule background tasks.
ClientBackgroundScheduler annotation literal.
Meta-annotation that provides a facility for creating bindings between an @Uri-injectable WebTarget instances and clients (and their configurations) that are used to create the injected web target instances.
A holder that is used only during Jersey bootstrap to keep the instances of the given types and then use them during the bootstrap.
Implementations of this interface will be notified when new ClientBuilder instances are being constructed.
Jersey externalized implementation of client-side JAX-RS configurable contract.
Executor for client async processing and background task scheduling.
Jersey client lifecycle listener contract.
Jersey client implementation configuration properties.
Jersey client request context.
Jersey client response context.
A closeable service to add instances of Closeable that are required to be closed.
This class collects errors, and can then also produce a MultiException from those errors if necessary.
Common (server/client) Jersey configuration properties.
A resource model validator that checks the given resource model.
Component provider interface to allow custom management of 3rd party components life-cycle and dependency injection.
Component provider interface to allow custom management of 3rd party components life-cycle and dependency injection.
ConfigurationModel<CONFIG extends org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config>
Generic class which implements default properties provider's logic and wraps not used methods from ExtConfig
Client transport connector extension contract.
Jersey client connector provider contract.
A constant whose value is computed at runtime, with a bootstrap method.
Model component that is able to consume media types.
Jersey container service contract.
Exception thrown by the container components in to notify Jersey runtime about any errors.
Factory for creating specific HTTP-based containers.
Classes implementing this contract receive container life-cycle notification events.
Function that can be put to an acceptor chain to properly initialize MessageBodyWorkers instance on a current request and response.
Service-provider interface for creating container instances.
Jersey container request context.
Jersey container response context.
A suspendable, request-scoped I/O container response writer.
Time-out handler can be registered when the container response writer gets suspended.
A content disposition header.
Builder to build content disposition.
Standard contract for plugging in content encoding support.
Injection resolver for @Context injection annotation.
Injection resolver for @Context injection annotation.
Context injection resolver binder.
Context injection resolver binder.
An injectable interface providing look-up for ContextResolver<T> provider instances.
Used to annotate SPI provider contracts recognized by Jersey (in addition to the JAX-RS providers).
Jersey contract provider model.
Contract provider model builder.
Simple client-side filter that adds X-Requested-By headers to all state-changing request (i.e.
Simple server-side request filter that implements CSRF protection as per the Guidelines for Implementation of REST by NSA (section IV.F) and section 4.3 of this paper.
Feature to provide the single-line registration of custom providers.
A feature to enable the declarative linking functionality.
Default implementation for JerseyObservationConvention.
Default implementation for JerseyTagsProvider.
This enum represents file extension and MIME types of commonly used file.
Default SSLContext provider.
Deflate encoding support.
Implementation of InjectionManager that is able to delay service's registration and injection to DelayedHk2InjectionManager.completeRegistration() phase.
A listener contract that allows any registered implementation class to receive application destroy events.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Feature that configures support for content encodings on the client side.
Client filter adding support for content encoding.
Container filter that supports encoding-based content negotiation.
Inbound Server-Sent Events channel.
EventSource listener that can be registered to listen for newly received InboundEvent notifications.
Outbound Server-Sent Events channel.
Client for reading and processing incoming Server-Sent Events.
Jersey EventSource builder class.
MXBean interface of the exception mapper statistics.
Provides lookup of ExceptionMapper instances that can be used to map exceptions to responses.
Monitoring statistics of exception mapper executions.
Monitoring statistics of execution of one target.
An extension contract for providing pluggable executor service providers to be used by Jersey client or server runtime whenever a specific executor service is needed to execute a Jersey runtime processing task.
Extended common runtime configuration.
This annotation can mark resource classes or resource methods that should be considered as extended resources.
Jersey extension of ResourceContext.
Extensions to UriInfo.
Model of configuration for external properties.
Provider interface for external (SPI) providers to provide their configuration properties implementations Priority of providers can be adjusted by Priority annotation or just alphabetically (if no Provider annotation is found)
Wrapper for externally provided request context data.
This is to allow integration with other DI providers that define their own request scope.
This supplier is used to set the features on the instances of the supported classes:
A visitor to visit a Java field.
An extension of FormDataBodyPart for associating File File as a body part entity.
Provides an access to context path from the filter configuration.
Provide all configured context paths (url mappings) of the application deployed using filter.
Subclass of BodyPart with specialized support for media type multipart/form-data.
A form-data content disposition header.
Builder to build form data content disposition.
Subclass of MultiPart with specialized support for media type multipart/form-data.
Binds the named body part(s) of a "multipart/form-data" request entity body to a resource method parameter.
A parameter-based exception for errors with FormDataParam.
An implementation of GenericArrayType for those times we need to create this on the fly.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Connector provider for Jersey connectors that utilize Grizzly Asynchronous HTTP Client to send and receive HTTP request and responses.
A customization SPI for the async client instance underlying Grizzly connectors.
A customization SPI for the async client request instances.
Jersey Container implementation based on Grizzly HttpHandler.
Container provider for containers based on Grizzly HttpHandler.
Factory for creating Grizzly Http Server.
Server provider for servers based on Grizzly HttpServer.
Factory for creating and starting Grizzly 2 HttpServer instances for deploying a Servlet.
GZIP encoding support.
A reference to a field or a method.
Abstraction for a resource handler class constructor.
A provider that supports the conversion of an HTTP header, of type T, to and from a String.
Server side request filter used for propagation of request headers to server client request.
AbstractBinder that registers all components needed for a proper bootstrap of Jersey based on HK2 framework.
Helper SPI to help specify Jersey HK2 custom bound types that should be HK2-injectable into CDI components.
Factory which is able to create InjectionManager instance using service loading and automatically initialize injection manager using parent or immediately registers binder.
Factory that provides injection of the referenced instance.
Implementation of the request scope instance.
An OAuth signature method that implements HMAC-SHA1.
Features that provides Http Basic and Digest client authentication (based on RFC 2617).
Extension of HttpAuthenticationFeature.Builder that builds the http authentication feature configured for basic authentication.
Builder that creates instances of HttpAuthenticationFeature.
Extension of HttpAuthenticationFeature.Builder that builds the http authentication feature configured in universal mode that supports basic and digest authentication.
Additional HTTP headers that are not listed in Jakarta REST HttpHeaders.
A pre-matching filter to support HTTP method replacing of a POST request to a request utilizing another HTTP method for the case where proxies or HTTP servers would otherwise block that HTTP method.
Enumeration representing possible sources of information about the method overriding the filter should look for.
Java class for HTTPMethods.
Default Jersey client connector provider that provides connector instances which delegate HTTP requests to HttpURLConnection for processing.
A factory for HttpURLConnection instances.
Implementation of InjectionManager that is able to register and inject services.
Inbound event.
This provider is executed if no headers found for propagation from inbound request via normal propagation mechanism.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Inflector provider resource model component.
A generic interface for transforming data into a result.
Initializable Jersey client-side component.
Extension of InjectionManagerProvider which contains helper static methods that extract InjectionManager from client specific JAX-RS components.
Utility class with static methods that extract injection manager from various JAX-RS components.
This class wraps the jersey class InjectionResolver to make HK2 version of this provided functionality.
Utility class for processing of an injection.
Specifies a link injection target in a returned representation bean.
Styles of URI supported
Specifies on a field that should be ignored by Link recursive introspection.
Used to request the addition of a set of links, can be used for both link headers on a Class or injection into a List or Link[] property.
This class is used as a bridge between HK2 Factory and JDK Supplier.
Thrown to indicate that the OAuth secret supplied is invalid or otherwise unsupported.
A common interface for invocable resource components.
Implementations of this interface will be notified when a new Invocation.Builder is created.
An Invocation.Builder subset of setter methods.
Feature used to register Jackson JSON providers.
Provides configuration properties for a JavaNetHttpConnector.
Provides a Jersey client Connector, which internally uses Java's HttpClient.
A provider class for a Jersey client Connector using Java's HttpClient.
Configuration options specific to JdkConnector.
Jersey Container implementation based on Java SE HttpServer.
Container provider for containers based on lightweight Java SE HTTP Server's HttpHandler.
Factory for creating JDK HttpServer instances to run Jersey applications.
Server provider for servers based on JDK HttpServer.
Jersey-specific abstract class which implements Bean interface.
Implementation of the ClassAnalyzer that supports selection of the constructor with largest number of parameters as defined in and required by JAX-RS specification.
Binder for the JAX-RS compliant class analyzer implementation.
Jersey implementation of JAX-RS Client contract.
Jersey provider of JAX-RS client builder.
Implementation of Reactive Invoker for CompletionStage.
Class that creates a new instance using the provided constructor, selects and injects the values.
A ReceiverContext for Jersey.
Jersey implementation of EntityPart.Builder.
Jersey implementation of HK2 Error Service to provide improved reporting of HK2 issues, that may be otherwise hidden (ignored).
Binder for the Jersey implementation of HK2 ErrorService contract.
Wrapper for InjectionTarget that implements the functionality of injecting using JAX-RS annotations into provided instances.
Jersey implementation of JAX-RS client-side request invocation contract.
Jersey-specific client invocation builder.
Provides names and KeyValues for Jersey request observations.
An ObservationDocumentation for Jersey.
Built-in Jersey-specific priority constants to be used along with Priorities where finer-grained categorization is required.
Uncaught exception handler that can be used by various Jersey request processing thread pools uncaught exceptions.
Class working with JAX-RS/Jersey types injected using Context annotation and all other types which can be injected using using other *Param annotations.
JerseyQueryParamStyle is used to specify the desired format of query param when multiple values are sent for the same parameter.
Jersey implementation of SeBootstrap.Configuration implementing arbitrary methods for acquiring the configuration settings.
ServletContainerInitializer implementation used for Servlet 3.x deployment.
Public SseEventSource.Builder implementation.
Factory methods for Tags associated with a request-response exchange that is handled by Jersey server.
Provides Tags for Jersey request metrics.
Jersey implementation of JAX-RS client target contract.
An immutable configuration of JSON notation and options.
Builder class for constructing JettisonConfig options
Builder class for constructing JettisonConfig options for the JettisonConfig.Notation.MAPPED_JETTISON convention.
Enumeration of supported JSON notations.
An interface declaring a JSON configuration is available.
Feature used to register Jettison JSON providers.
An adaption of JAXBContext that supports marshalling and unmarshalling of JAXB beans using the JSON format.
A JSON marshaller responsible for serializing Java content trees, defined by JAXB, to JSON data.
A JSON unmarshaller responsible for deserializing JSON data to a Java content tree, defined by JAXB.
Feature used to register JSON-B providers.
Annotation can be used to define the JavaScript callback function name if the valid JSONP format is requested as an acceptable media type of this request.
Feature used to register JSON-P providers.
Feature used to register Kryo providers.
A position in the bytecode of a method.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
This feature enables logging request and/or response on client-side and/or server-side depending on the context's RuntimeType.
Builder class for logging feature configuration.
Verbosity determines how detailed message will be logged.
Auto-discoverable class that registers LoggingFeature based on configuration properties.
Indicates that the resource method to which the annotation has been applied should be executed on a separate thread managed by an internal Jersey executor service.
Injection qualifier that can be used to inject an ExecutorService instance used by Jersey to execute managed asynchronous requests.
ManagedAsyncExecutor annotation literal.
An interface which allows developers implement their own media type predictor.
An injectable interface providing lookup of MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter instances.
Jersey configuration properties for message & entity processing.
Utility class with message related methods.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Resource method handler model.
Iterable list of methods on a single class with convenience getters for additional method information.
Method list filter.
Exception thrown when the Code attribute of a method produced by a ClassWriter is too large.
A visitor to visit a Java method.
The Micrometer ApplicationEventListener which registers RequestEventListener for instrumenting Jersey server requests.
RequestEventListener recording timings for Jersey server requests.
Contract for a model processors that processes resource models during application initialization and resource returned by sub resource locators.
Resource model validation exception.
A visitor to visit a Java module.
Monitoring statistics return statistic information about application run like number of requests received, duration of request processing, number of successfully processed requests, statistical information about execution of methods and resources, information about matching.
A Jersey specific provider that listens to monitoring statistics.
Configuration class for MOXy JSON provider.
Feature used to register MOXy JSON providers.
Feature used to register MOXy XML providers.
This exception can contain multiple other exceptions.
A mutable model representing a MIME MultiPart entity.
Feature used to register Multipart providers.
Automatic registration of MultiPartFeature.
Convenience MediaType (and associated String) manifest constants.
Injectable JavaBean containing the configuration parameters for jersey-multipart as used in this particular application.
Simple map based implementation of the ResourceLinkContributionContext.
This implementation of the resource mapping context assumed resources are of a simple type with a statically defined structure.
Model component that can be name bound.
This is an implementation of the Named annotation.
Configuration options specific to the Client API that utilizes NettyConnectorProvider.
Netty provider for Jersey connectors.
A data structure class that represents OAuth protocol parameters.
Interface to be implemented as a wrapper around an HTTP request, so that digital signature can be generated and/or verified.
Contains the secrets used to generate and/or verify signatures.
Injectable class used for processing an OAuth signature (signing or verifying).
Thrown to indicate that an OAuth exception occurred.
Feature enabling OAuth signature support.
An interface representing the OAuth signature method.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
The Micrometer ApplicationEventListener which registers RequestEventListener for instrumenting Jersey server requests with observations.
RequestEventListener recording observations for Jersey server requests.
The JVM opcodes, access flags and array type codes.
Retrieves stored span from the ClientRequestContext and adds response details to the tracing info.
A feature that enables OpenTracing support on server and client.
OpenTracing Jersey event logging verbosity.
Utility methods for Jersey OpenTracing integration.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Model processor enhancing resource model and sub resources by default OPTIONS methods defined by JAX-RS specification.
Representation of a single outbound SSE event.
Used for creating OutboundEvent instances.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Method parameter model.
Bean Parameter class represents a parameter annotated with BeanParam which in fact represents additional set of parameters.
A factory service to found in a runtime to be used to instantiate the given Parameter class.
Parameter injection sources type.
Used in the resource model to capture information on method parameters.
Simple implementation of ParameterizedType.
Provider that converts the an object of a custom Java type values to String / Collection<String>> type
Provider of parameter updater.
An abstract extension of WebApplicationException for the class of parameter-based exceptions.
A parameter exception for errors with CookieParam.
A parameter exception for errors with FormParam.
A parameter exception for errors with HeaderParam.
A URI-parameter-based exception for errors with MatrixParam.
A URI-parameter-based exception for errors with PathParam.
A URI-parameter-based exception for errors with QueryParam.
An abstract parameter exception for the class of URI-parameter-based exceptions.
A meta-annotation that identifies an annotation as a parameter-based annotation.
Java class for ParamStyle.
A path pattern that is a regular expression generated from a URI path template.
The set of right hand path patterns that may be appended to a path pattern.
A URI template for a URI path.
A pattern for matching a string against a regular expression and returning capturing group values for any capturing groups present in the expression.
An OAuth signature method that implements Plaintext.
The interceptor of a client request invocation that is executed after the request invocation itself, i.e.
The context providing information when the Throwable (typically, the RuntimeException) is caught.
The interceptor of a client request invocation that is executed before the invocation itself, i.e.
Model component that is able to produce media types.
This supplier is used to set the properties on the instances of the supported classes:
Use this on resource methods to contribute links to a representation.
Special interface to indicate that the target should be inherited from the annotated annotation.
Utility to work with ProvideLink annotations.
Container for repeatable annotation, see ProvideLink for details.
A visitor to visit a record component.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Exception thrown by security request authentication.
Class is able to communicate with RequestScope and provide request-scoped descriptors to HK2 DI provider to create or destroy instances.
Request scope injection binder.
Defines values for the ClientProperties.REQUEST_ENTITY_PROCESSING property.
An event informing about details of a request processing.
Describes the origin of the exception.
The type of the event which describes in which request processing phase the event is triggered.
Non-registrable provider that listens to request events.
Auto discoverable feature to bind into jersey runtime.
Function that can be put to an acceptor chain to properly initialize the client-side request-scoped processing injection for the current request and response exchange.
CDI Class Bean represents CdiRequestScope.
Custom initialization provider that is guaranteed to be run from within an active request scope.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Model of a single resource component.
Resource model component builder.
The resource configuration for configuring a web application.
An interface used for finding and opening (loading) new resources.
The ResourceLinkContributionContext provides access for link contributions from other sources to an entity.
This service tries to work out the UriTemplate required for a particular resource class.
Model of a method available on a resource.
Resource method model builder.
Resource method classification based on the recognized JAX-RS resource method types.
Server-side request-response inflector for invoking methods of annotation-based resource classes.
Resource method invoker helper.
MXBean interface of resource method MXBeans.
Monitoring statistics an of an execution of the resource method.
Resource model of the deployed application which contains set of root resources.
Builder used to create resource model instances.
Marker interface for all abstract resource model components, so that they can be traversed using a visitor pattern.
Configurator which binds providers and resources into InjectionManager.
Resource model validity issue.
Following the visitor pattern, this interface allows implementing processors traversing all abstract model components present in a given model.
MXBean interface of resource MXBeans.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Monitoring statistics of the resource.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Exception thrown by security response authentication.
Contract for a provider that maps response processing errors to Response.
MXBean interface of response MXBean.
Monitoring statistics of responses produced by application.
This is a list of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) response status codes.
4xx client error status codes - the request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled.
1xx informational status codes - request received, continuing process
3xx redirection status codes - further action must be taken in order to complete the request.
5xx server error status codes - the server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request.
2xx success status codes - the action was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
Filters out all interfaces annotated with RegisterRestClient and creates new Producer from each of these selected interfaces.
A DynamicFeature supporting the, and on resource methods and sub-resource methods.
Marker interface for all resource model components that contain path information usable for routing.
An OAuth signature method that implements RSA-SHA1.
Runtime resource is a group of resources with the same path regular expression.
Runtime Resource model contains structured information about runtime resources.
Runtime resource model validator validating ambiguity of resource methods.
An extension contract for providing pluggable scheduled executor service providers to be used by Jersey client or server runtime whenever a specific scheduler is needed to schedule execution of a Jersey runtime processing task.
Default implementation of the Jersey scheduled executor service provider SPI.
Scoped Jersey application model component.
A holder that is used only during Jersey bootstrap to keep the instances of the given types and then use them during the bootstrap.
Server-side application configuration.
Jersey server-side configuration properties.
Server-side request processing runtime.
A Servlet or Filter for deploying root resource classes.
Jersey servlet container configuration properties.
Common severity.
Jersey Container implementation based on Simple framework Container.
Factory for creating and starting Simple server containers.
Container provider for containers based on Simple HTTP Server Container.
Server provider for servers based on Simple framework SimpleServer.
Simple server facade providing convenient methods to obtain info about the server (i.e.
Tracing at a very low level can be performed with a TraceAnalyzer.
Used for broadcasting SSE to multiple EventOutput instances.
A SseEventSubscription represents a one-to-one life-cycle of a Subscriber subscribing to a SseEventPublisher.
A JAX-RS feature that enables Server-Sent Events support.
Utility class, which helps to configure SSLContext instances.
The class that builds SSLContext for the client from keystore, truststore.
Represents an InputStream based file submission as a part of the multipart/form-data.
Security context that allows establishing a subject before a resource method or a sub-resource locator is called.
This class is able to find the Supplier of the particular type and use this Supplier to create a new instance.
Creates an implementation of Bean interface using Jersey's SupplierInstanceBinding.
Jersey model component that is suspendable and may hold suspend-related information.
Default implementation of the Jersey executor service provider SPI.
Monitoring statistics of execution of any target (resource, resource method, application).
Enumeration of possible values of property ServerProperties.TRACING.
Utilities for tracing support.
A Java field or method type.
The path to a type argument, wildcard bound, array element type, or static inner type within an enclosing type.
A reference to a type appearing in a class, field or method declaration, or on an instruction.
Thrown to indicate that the OAuth signature method requested is not supported.
Injects a resource target pointing at a resource identified by the resolved URI into a method parameter, class field or a bean property.
Utility class for validating, encoding and decoding components of a URI.
The URI component type.
A URI-based content negotiation filter mapping a dot-declared suffix in URI to media type that is the value of the Accept header or a language that is the value of the Accept-Language header.
A URI template.
Interceptor for method validation processing.
Context for resource method validation interception processing (see ValidationInterceptor).
A context to obtain WADL-based information.
Feature enabling WADL processing.
A WadlGenerator creates artifacts related to wadl.
And internal storage object to store the grammar definitions and any type resolvers that are created along the way.
Call back interface that the created external grammar can use to allow other parts of the code to attach the correct grammar information.
Provides a configured WadlGenerator with all decorations (the default wadl generator decorated by other generators).
Loads a WadlGeneratorConfig and provides access to the WadlGenerator provided by the loaded WadlGeneratorConfig.
If no WadlGeneratorConfig is provided, the default WadlGenerator will be loaded.
This is the model for the definition of wadl generators via configuration properties.
The properties refer to the properties of the WadlGenerator implementation with the specified WadlGeneratorDescription.getGeneratorClass().
WADL model processor which enhance resource model by WADL related resources (like "/application.wadl").
OPTIONS resource method handler that serves resource WADL.
An common Jersey web component that may be extended by a Servlet and/or Filter implementation, or encapsulated by a Servlet or Filter implementation.
The Web configuration for accessing initialization parameters of a Web component and the ServletContext.
The web configuration type.
A filter based web config.
Jersey service contract for self-contained servers.
Factory for creating specific HTTP servers.
Service-provider interface for creating server instances.
A servlet based web config.
An implementation of InjectionTarget that just wraps the provided InjectionTarget because of additional features in an injection phase.
Allows to specify XML header for XML output produced by a resource method it is attached to.