Package org.glassfish.jersey.oauth1.signature

package org.glassfish.jersey.oauth1.signature
Jersey OAuth 1 Signature API and Implementation.
  • Class
    Base64 encoding util class.
    An OAuth signature method that implements HMAC-SHA1.
    Thrown to indicate that the OAuth secret supplied is invalid or otherwise unsupported.
    A data structure class that represents OAuth protocol parameters.
    Interface to be implemented as a wrapper around an HTTP request, so that digital signature can be generated and/or verified.
    Contains the secrets used to generate and/or verify signatures.
    Injectable class used for processing an OAuth signature (signing or verifying).
    Thrown to indicate that an OAuth exception occurred.
    Feature enabling OAuth signature support.
    An interface representing the OAuth signature method.
    An OAuth signature method that implements Plaintext.
    An OAuth signature method that implements RSA-SHA1.
    Thrown to indicate that the OAuth signature method requested is not supported.