Class AutoDiscoverableConfigurator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AutoDiscoverableConfigurator extends AbstractServiceFinderConfigurator<AutoDiscoverable>
Configurator which initializes and register AutoDiscoverable instances into InjectionManager and BootstrapBag.
Petr Bouda
  • Constructor Details

    • AutoDiscoverableConfigurator

      public AutoDiscoverableConfigurator(RuntimeType runtimeType)
      Create a new configurator.
      runtimeType - runtime (client or server) where the service finder binder is used.
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init(InjectionManager injectionManager, BootstrapBag bootstrapBag)
      Description copied from interface: BootstrapConfigurator
      Pre-initialization method should only register services into InjectionManager and populate BootstrapBag.
      injectionManager - not completed injection manager.
      bootstrapBag - bootstrap bag with services used in following processing.