Class MessageBodyFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MessageBodyFactory extends Object implements MessageBodyWorkers
A factory for managing MessageBodyReader, MessageBodyWriter instances.
Paul Sandoz, Marek Potociar, Jakub Podlesak
  • Field Details


      public static final KeyComparator<MediaType> MEDIA_TYPE_KEY_COMPARATOR
      Media type comparator.
  • Constructor Details

    • MessageBodyFactory

      public MessageBodyFactory(Configuration configuration)
      Create a new message body factory.
      configuration - configuration. Optional - can be null.
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize(InjectionManager injectionManager)
      Must be initialize at the time of completed populated InjectionManager.
      injectionManager - completed injection manager.
    • getReaders

      public Map<MediaType,List<MessageBodyReader>> getReaders(MediaType mediaType)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get the map of media type to list of message body writers that are compatible with a media type.
      Specified by:
      getReaders in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      mediaType - the compatible media type.
      the map of media type to list of message body writers.
    • getWriters

      public Map<MediaType,List<MessageBodyWriter>> getWriters(MediaType mediaType)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get the map of media type to list of message body writers that are compatible with a media type.
      Specified by:
      getWriters in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      mediaType - the compatible media type.
      the map of media type to list of message body writers.
    • readersToString

      public String readersToString(Map<MediaType,List<MessageBodyReader>> readers)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Convert a map media type to list of message body readers to a string.
      Specified by:
      readersToString in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      readers - the map media type to list of message body readers
      the string representation.
    • writersToString

      public String writersToString(Map<MediaType,List<MessageBodyWriter>> writers)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Convert a map media type to list of message body writers to a string.
      Specified by:
      writersToString in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      writers - the map media type to list of message body readers
      the string representation.
    • getMessageBodyReader

      public <T> MessageBodyReader<T> getMessageBodyReader(Class<T> c, Type t, Annotation[] as, MediaType mediaType)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get a message body reader that matches a set of criteria.
      Specified by:
      getMessageBodyReader in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of object to be read.
      c - the class of object to be read.
      t - the type of object to be produced. E.g. if the message body is to be converted into a method parameter, this will be the formal type of the method parameter as returned by Class.getGenericParameterTypes.
      as - an array of the annotations on the declaration of the artifact that will be initialized with the produced instance. E.g. if the message body is to be converted into a method parameter, this will be the annotations on that parameter returned by Class.getParameterAnnotations.
      mediaType - the media type of the data that will be read, this will be compared to the values of Consumes for each candidate reader and only matching readers will be queried.
      a MessageBodyReader that matches the supplied criteria or null if none is found.
    • getMessageBodyReader

      public <T> MessageBodyReader<T> getMessageBodyReader(Class<T> c, Type t, Annotation[] as, MediaType mediaType, PropertiesDelegate propertiesDelegate)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get a message body reader that matches a set of criteria.
      Specified by:
      getMessageBodyReader in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of object to be read.
      c - the class of object to be read.
      t - the type of object to be produced. E.g. if the message body is to be converted into a method parameter, this will be the formal type of the method parameter as returned by Class.getGenericParameterTypes.
      as - an array of the annotations on the declaration of the artifact that will be initialized with the produced instance. E.g. if the message body is to be converted into a method parameter, this will be the annotations on that parameter returned by Class.getParameterAnnotations.
      mediaType - the media type of the data that will be read, this will be compared to the values of Consumes for each candidate reader and only matching readers will be queried.
      propertiesDelegate - request-scoped properties delegate.
      a MessageBodyReader that matches the supplied criteria or null if none is found.
    • getMessageBodyReaderMediaTypes

      public List<MediaType> getMessageBodyReaderMediaTypes(Class<?> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get the list of media types supported for a Java type.
      Specified by:
      getMessageBodyReaderMediaTypes in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      type - the class of object that is to be read.
      genericType - the type of object to be read. E.g. if the message body is to be read as a method parameter, this will be the declared type of the parameter as returned by Method.getGenericParameterTypes.
      annotations - an array of the annotations on the declaration of the artifact that will be read. E.g. if the message body is to be consumed as a method parameter, this will be the annotations on that parameter returned by Method.getParameterAnnotations.
      the list of supported media types, the list is ordered as follows: a/b &lt a/* &lt *\\/*
    • getMessageBodyWriter

      public <T> MessageBodyWriter<T> getMessageBodyWriter(Class<T> c, Type t, Annotation[] as, MediaType mediaType)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get a message body writer that matches a set of criteria.
      Specified by:
      getMessageBodyWriter in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the object that is to be written.
      c - the class of object that is to be written.
      t - the type of object to be written. E.g. if the message body is to be produced from a field, this will be the declared type of the field as returned by Field.getGenericType.
      as - an array of the annotations on the declaration of the artifact that will be written. E.g. if the message body is to be produced from a field, this will be the annotations on that field returned by Field.getDeclaredAnnotations.
      mediaType - the media type of the data that will be written, this will be compared to the values of Produces for each candidate writer and only matching writers will be queried.
      a MessageBodyReader that matches the supplied criteria or null if none is found.
    • getMessageBodyWriter

      public <T> MessageBodyWriter<T> getMessageBodyWriter(Class<T> c, Type t, Annotation[] as, MediaType mediaType, PropertiesDelegate propertiesDelegate)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get a message body writer that matches a set of criteria.
      Specified by:
      getMessageBodyWriter in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the object that is to be written.
      c - the class of object that is to be written.
      t - the type of object to be written. E.g. if the message body is to be produced from a field, this will be the declared type of the field as returned by Field.getGenericType.
      as - an array of the annotations on the declaration of the artifact that will be written. E.g. if the message body is to be produced from a field, this will be the annotations on that field returned by Field.getDeclaredAnnotations.
      mediaType - the media type of the data that will be written, this will be compared to the values of Produces for each candidate writer and only matching writers will be queried.
      propertiesDelegate - request-scoped properties delegate.
      a MessageBodyReader that matches the supplied criteria or null if none is found.
    • getMessageBodyWriterMediaTypes

      public List<MediaType> getMessageBodyWriterMediaTypes(Class<?> c, Type t, Annotation[] as)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get the list of media types supported for a Java type.
      Specified by:
      getMessageBodyWriterMediaTypes in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      c - the class of object that is to be written.
      t - the type of object to be written. E.g. if the message body is to be produced from a field, this will be the declared type of the field as returned by Field.getGenericType.
      as - an array of the annotations on the declaration of the artifact that will be written. E.g. if the message body is to be produced from a field, this will be the annotations on that field returned by Field.getDeclaredAnnotations.
      the list of supported media types, the list is ordered as follows: a/b &lt a/* &lt *\\/*
    • getMessageBodyWritersForType

      public List<MessageBodyWriter> getMessageBodyWritersForType(Class<?> type)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get a list of MessageBodyWriters that are suitable for the given type. The list is sorted based on the class hierarchy (most specific writers are first).
      Specified by:
      getMessageBodyWritersForType in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      type - the class of object writers are requested for.
      the list of supported MessageBodyWriters for given class.
    • getWritersModelsForType

      public List<WriterModel> getWritersModelsForType(Class<?> type)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get a list of MessageBodyWriter models that are suitable for the given type. The list is sorted based on the class hierarchy (most specific writers are first).
      Specified by:
      getWritersModelsForType in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      type - the class of object writers are requested for.
      the list of supported MessageBodyWriter models for given class.
    • getMessageBodyWriterMediaTypesByType

      public List<MediaType> getMessageBodyWriterMediaTypesByType(Class<?> type)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get the list of media types supported for a Java type.
      Specified by:
      getMessageBodyWriterMediaTypesByType in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      type - the class of object that is to be written.
      the list of supported media types, the list is ordered as follows: a/b &lt a/* &lt *\\/*
    • getMessageBodyReaderMediaTypesByType

      public List<MediaType> getMessageBodyReaderMediaTypesByType(Class<?> type)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get the list of media types supported for a Java type.
      Specified by:
      getMessageBodyReaderMediaTypesByType in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      type - the class of object that is to be read.
      the list of supported media types, the list is ordered as follows: a/b &lt a/* &lt *\\/*
    • getMessageBodyReadersForType

      public List<MessageBodyReader> getMessageBodyReadersForType(Class<?> type)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get a list of MessageBodyReaders that are suitable for the given type. The list is sorted based on the class hierarchy (most specific readers are first).
      Specified by:
      getMessageBodyReadersForType in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      type - the class of object readers are requested for.
      the list of supported MessageBodyReaders for given class.
    • getReaderModelsForType

      public List<ReaderModel> getReaderModelsForType(Class<?> type)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get a list of MessageBodyReader models that are suitable for the given type. The list is sorted based on the class hierarchy (most specific readers are first).
      Specified by:
      getReaderModelsForType in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      type - the class of object readers are requested for.
      the list of supported MessageBodyReader models for given class.
    • getMessageBodyWriterMediaType

      public MediaType getMessageBodyWriterMediaType(Class<?> c, Type t, Annotation[] as, List<MediaType> acceptableMediaTypes)
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Get the most acceptable media type supported for a Java type given a set of acceptable media types.
      Specified by:
      getMessageBodyWriterMediaType in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      c - the class of object that is to be written.
      t - the type of object to be written. E.g. if the message body is to be produced from a field, this will be the declared type of the field as returned by Field.getGenericType.
      as - an array of the annotations on the declaration of the artifact that will be written. E.g. if the message body is to be produced from a field, this will be the annotations on that field returned by Field.getDeclaredAnnotations.
      acceptableMediaTypes - the list of acceptable media types, sorted according to the quality with the media type of highest quality occurring first first.
      the best media types
    • readFrom

      public Object readFrom(Class<?> rawType, Type type, Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType, MultivaluedMap<String,String> httpHeaders, PropertiesDelegate propertiesDelegate, InputStream entityStream, Iterable<ReaderInterceptor> readerInterceptors, boolean translateNce) throws WebApplicationException, IOException
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Reads a type from the entityStream using interceptors. If the parameter intercept is true then reader interceptors are executed before calling the message body reader. The appropriate message body reader is chosen after the interceptor execution based on parameter passed to this method and modified by the interceptors.
      Specified by:
      readFrom in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      rawType - raw Java entity type.
      type - generic Java entity type.
      annotations - an array of the annotations on the declaration of the artifact that will be initialized with the produced instance. E.g. if the message body is to be converted into a method parameter, this will be the annotations on that parameter returned by Method.getParameterAnnotations.
      mediaType - the media type of the HTTP entity.
      httpHeaders - the mutable HTTP headers associated with HTTP entity.
      propertiesDelegate - request-scoped properties delegate.
      entityStream - the InputStream of the HTTP entity. The stream is not closed after reading the entity.
      readerInterceptors - Reader interceptor that are to be used to intercept the reading of an entity. The interceptors will be executed in the same order as given in this parameter.
      translateNce - if true, the NoContentException thrown by a selected message body reader will be translated into a BadRequestException as required by JAX-RS specification on the server side.
      the entity that was read from the entityStream.
      WebApplicationException - Thrown when message body reader fails.
      IOException - Thrown when reading from the entityStream fails.
    • writeTo

      public OutputStream writeTo(Object t, Class<?> rawType, Type type, Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType, MultivaluedMap<String,Object> httpHeaders, PropertiesDelegate propertiesDelegate, OutputStream entityStream, Iterable<WriterInterceptor> writerInterceptors) throws IOException, WebApplicationException
      Description copied from interface: MessageBodyWorkers
      Writers a type to the entityStream using interceptors. If the parameter intercept is true then writer interceptors are executed before calling the message body writer. The appropriate message body writer is chosen after the interceptor execution based on parameter passed to this method and modified by the interceptors.
      Specified by:
      writeTo in interface MessageBodyWorkers
      t - Entity to be written to the entityStream
      rawType - raw Java entity type.
      type - generic Java entity type.
      annotations - an array of the annotations on the resource method that returns the object.
      mediaType - the media type of the HTTP entity.
      httpHeaders - the mutable HTTP headers associated with HTTP entity.
      propertiesDelegate - request-scoped properties delegate.
      entityStream - the OutputStream for the HTTP entity.
      writerInterceptors - Writer interceptor that are to be used to intercept the writing of an entity. The interceptors will be executed in the same order as given in this parameter.
      Outer output stream that should be closed by the caller.
      IOException - Thrown when reading from the entityStream fails.
      WebApplicationException - Thrown when message body reader fails.
    • isWriteable

      public static boolean isWriteable(MessageBodyWriter<?> provider, Class<?> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType)
      Safely invokes isWriteable method on the supplied provider. Any exceptions will be logged at finer level.
      provider - message body writer on which the isWriteable should be invoked.
      type - the class of instance that is to be written.
      genericType - the type of instance to be written, obtained either by reflection of a resource method return type or via inspection of the returned instance. GenericEntity provides a way to specify this information at runtime.
      annotations - an array of the annotations attached to the message entity instance.
      mediaType - the media type of the HTTP entity.
      true if the type is supported, otherwise false.
    • isReadable

      public static boolean isReadable(MessageBodyReader<?> provider, Class<?> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType)
      Safely invokes isReadable method on the supplied provider. Any exceptions will be logged at finer level.
      provider - message body reader on which the isReadable should be invoked. Safely invokes isReadable method on the underlying provider.
      type - the class of instance to be produced.
      genericType - the type of instance to be produced. E.g. if the message body is to be converted into a method parameter, this will be the formal type of the method parameter as returned by Method.getGenericParameterTypes.
      annotations - an array of the annotations on the declaration of the artifact that will be initialized with the produced instance. E.g. if the message body is to be converted into a method parameter, this will be the annotations on that parameter returned by Method.getParameterAnnotations.
      mediaType - the media type of the HTTP entity, if one is not specified in the request then application/octet-stream is used.
      true if the type is supported, otherwise false.