Class Joiner.MapJoiner

Enclosing class:

public static final class Joiner.MapJoiner extends Object
An object that joins map entries in the same manner as Joiner joins iterables and arrays. Like Joiner, it is thread-safe and immutable.

In addition to operating on Map instances, MapJoiner can operate on Multimap entries in two distinct modes:

  • To output a separate entry for each key-value pair, pass multimap.entries() to a MapJoiner method that accepts entries as input, and receive output of the form key1=A&key1=B&key2=C.
  • To output a single entry for each key, pass multimap.asMap() to a MapJoiner method that accepts a map as input, and receive output of the form key1=[A, B]&key2=C.
2.0 (imported from Google Collections Library)
  • Method Details

    • appendTo

      public StringBuilder appendTo(StringBuilder builder, Map<?,?> map)
      Appends the string representation of each entry of map, using the previously configured separator and key-value separator, to builder. Identical to #appendTo(Appendable, Map), except that it does not throw IOException.
    • appendTo

      public <A extends Appendable> A appendTo(A appendable, Iterator<? extends Map.Entry<?,?>> parts) throws IOException
      Appends the string representation of each entry in entries, using the previously configured separator and key-value separator, to appendable.
    • appendTo

      public StringBuilder appendTo(StringBuilder builder, Iterable<? extends Map.Entry<?,?>> entries)
      Appends the string representation of each entry in entries, using the previously configured separator and key-value separator, to builder. Identical to #appendTo(Appendable, Iterable), except that it does not throw IOException.
    • appendTo

      public StringBuilder appendTo(StringBuilder builder, Iterator<? extends Map.Entry<?,?>> entries)
      Appends the string representation of each entry in entries, using the previously configured separator and key-value separator, to builder. Identical to #appendTo(Appendable, Iterable), except that it does not throw IOException.