Interface Injectee

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Injectee
An Injectee represents the point of injection. It can be used by injection resolvers to discover all of the information available about the entity being injected into.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the parent class for this injectee.
    This method returns foreign descriptor of the current injectee that means that the DI provider is able to store its specific descriptor and that use it in the descriptor processing.
    If this Injectee is in a constructor this will return the constructor being injected into.
    Class<? extends Annotation>
    This method returns scope in which the parent class is registered.
    If this Injectee is a constructor or method parameter, this will return the index of the parameter.
    This is the set of required qualifiers for this injectee.
    This is the required type of the injectee.
    This method returns true if the injectee value is provided using Supplier.
    This method returns true if this injection point is annotated with VOptional.
    This method returns true if the injectee value is provided using Provider.
  • Method Details

    • getRequiredType

      Type getRequiredType()
      This is the required type of the injectee. The object that is injected into this point must be type-safe with regards to this type.
      The type that this injectee is expecting. Any object injected into this injection point must be type-safe with regards to this type.
    • getRequiredQualifiers

      Set<Annotation> getRequiredQualifiers()
      This is the set of required qualifiers for this injectee. All of these qualifiers must be present on the implementation class of the object that is injected into this injectee. Note that the fields of the annotation must also match.
      Will not return null, but may return an empty set. The set of all qualifiers that must match.
    • getPosition

      int getPosition()
      If this Injectee is a constructor or method parameter, this will return the index of the parameter. If this Injectee is a field, this will return -1.
      the position of the parameter, or -1 if this is a field.
    • getInjecteeClass

      Class<?> getInjecteeClass()
      Returns the parent class for this injectee. This is the class of the object that will be injected into. This field may return null if this is from a service lookup.
      The class of the object that will be injected into.
    • getParent

      AnnotatedElement getParent()
      If this Injectee is in a constructor this will return the constructor being injected into. If this Injectee is in a method this will return the method being injected into. If this injectee represents a field, this will return the field being injected into. This injectee may be neither in which case this will return null.
      The parent of the injectee, which may be null.
    • isOptional

      boolean isOptional()
      This method returns true if this injection point is annotated with VOptional. In this case if there is no definition for the injection point in the system it is allowable for the system to merely return null.
      true if the injection point is annotated with VOptional, false otherwise.
    • getInjecteeDescriptor

      ForeignDescriptor getInjecteeDescriptor()
      This method returns foreign descriptor of the current injectee that means that the DI provider is able to store its specific descriptor and that use it in the descriptor processing.
      DI specific foreign descriptor.
    • getParentClassScope

      Class<? extends Annotation> getParentClassScope()
      This method returns scope in which the parent class is registered.
      scope annotation.
    • isFactory

      boolean isFactory()
      This method returns true if the injectee value is provided using Supplier.
      true if the injectee is a factory.
    • isProvider

      boolean isProvider()
      This method returns true if the injectee value is provided using Provider.
      true if the injectee is a provider.