Class ResourceMethodMXBeanImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ResourceMethodMXBeanImpl extends Object implements ResourceMethodMXBean
MXBean implementing the ResourceMethodMXBean MXBean interface.
Miroslav Fuksa
  • Constructor Details

    • ResourceMethodMXBeanImpl

      public ResourceMethodMXBeanImpl(ResourceMethodStatistics methodStatistics, boolean uriResource, MBeanExposer mBeanExposer, String parentName, String methodUniqueId)
      Create a new MXBean and expose it into mbean server using mBeanExposer.
      methodStatistics - Statistics to be exposed by the MXBean.
      uriResource - true if the enclosing resource is identified by URI (and not by java class name for example).
      mBeanExposer - MBean exposer.
      parentName - Name of the parent bean.
      methodUniqueId - method unique identifier in the enclosing resource
  • Method Details

    • updateResourceMethodStatistics

      public void updateResourceMethodStatistics(ResourceMethodStatistics resourceMethodStatisticsImpl)
      Update the statistics that are exposed by this MXBean.
      resourceMethodStatisticsImpl - New statistics.
    • getPath

      public String getPath()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceMethodMXBean
      Get the sub resource method path of the method. This field is non-null only for sub resource methods and contains path relative to resource in which the method is defined.
      Specified by:
      getPath in interface ResourceMethodMXBean
      Sub resource method path or null if the method is not a sub resource method.
    • getHttpMethod

      public String getHttpMethod()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceMethodMXBean
      Get the HTTP method of the method.
      Specified by:
      getHttpMethod in interface ResourceMethodMXBean
      HTTP method (e.g. GET, POST, ...)
    • getDeclaringClassName

      public String getDeclaringClassName()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceMethodMXBean
      Get the full class name of the class that declares the handling method.
      Specified by:
      getDeclaringClassName in interface ResourceMethodMXBean
      Full class name.
    • getConsumesMediaType

      public String getConsumesMediaType()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceMethodMXBean
      Get the string with media types consumed by this method, enclosed in double quotas and separated by a comma (e.g. "text/plain","text/html").
      Specified by:
      getConsumesMediaType in interface ResourceMethodMXBean
      Consumed media types.
    • getProducesMediaType

      public String getProducesMediaType()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceMethodMXBean
      Get the string with media types produced by this method, enclosed in double quotas and separated by a comma (e.g. "text/plain","text/html").
      Specified by:
      getProducesMediaType in interface ResourceMethodMXBean
      Produced media types.
    • getMethodName

      public String getMethodName()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceMethodMXBean
      Get the name of the Java method.
      Specified by:
      getMethodName in interface ResourceMethodMXBean
      Name of method.