Interface ContainerLifecycleListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractContainerLifecycleListener, ApplicationHandler, MBeanExposer, MonitoringContainerListener

@Contract @ConstrainedTo(SERVER) public interface ContainerLifecycleListener
Classes implementing this contract receive container life-cycle notification events.
Marek Potociar
  • Method Details

    • onStartup

      void onStartup(Container container)
      Invoked at the container start-up. This method is invoked even when application is reloaded and new instance of application has started.
      container - container that has been started.
    • onReload

      void onReload(Container container)
      Invoked when the container has been reloaded.
      container - container that has been reloaded.
    • onShutdown

      void onShutdown(Container container)
      Invoke at the container shut-down. This method is invoked even before the application is being stopped as a part of reload.
      container - container that has been shut down.