Class UriComponent


public class UriComponent extends Object
Utility class for validating, encoding and decoding components of a URI.
Paul Sandoz, Marek Potociar
  • Method Details

    • validate

      public static void validate(String s, UriComponent.Type t)
      Validates the legal characters of a percent-encoded string that represents a URI component type.
      s - the encoded string.
      t - the URI component type identifying the legal characters.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the encoded string contains illegal characters.
    • validate

      public static void validate(String s, UriComponent.Type t, boolean template)
      Validates the legal characters of a percent-encoded string that represents a URI component type.
      s - the encoded string.
      t - the URI component type identifying the legal characters.
      template - true if the encoded string contains URI template variables
      IllegalArgumentException - if the encoded string contains illegal characters.
    • valid

      public static boolean valid(String s, UriComponent.Type t)
      Validates the legal characters of a percent-encoded string that represents a URI component type.
      s - the encoded string.
      t - the URI component type identifying the legal characters.
      true if the encoded string is valid, otherwise false.
    • valid

      public static boolean valid(String s, UriComponent.Type t, boolean template)
      Validates the legal characters of a percent-encoded string that represents a URI component type.
      s - the encoded string.
      t - the URI component type identifying the legal characters.
      template - true if the encoded string contains URI template variables
      true if the encoded string is valid, otherwise false.
    • contextualEncode

      public static String contextualEncode(String s, UriComponent.Type t)
      Contextually encodes the characters of string that are either non-ASCII characters or are ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded using the UTF-8 encoding. Percent-encoded characters will be recognized and not double encoded.
      s - the string to be encoded.
      t - the URI component type identifying the ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded.
      the encoded string.
    • contextualEncode

      public static String contextualEncode(String s, UriComponent.Type t, boolean template)
      Contextually encodes the characters of string that are either non-ASCII characters or are ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded using the UTF-8 encoding. Percent-encoded characters will be recognized and not double encoded.
      s - the string to be encoded.
      t - the URI component type identifying the ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded.
      template - true if the encoded string contains URI template variables
      the encoded string.
    • encode

      public static String encode(String s, UriComponent.Type t)
      Encodes the characters of string that are either non-ASCII characters or are ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded using the UTF-8 encoding.
      s - the string to be encoded.
      t - the URI component type identifying the ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded.
      the encoded string.
    • encode

      public static String encode(String s, UriComponent.Type t, boolean template)
      Encodes the characters of string that are either non-ASCII characters or are ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded using the UTF-8 encoding.
      s - the string to be encoded.
      t - the URI component type identifying the ASCII characters that must be percent-encoded.
      template - true if the encoded string contains URI template variables
      the encoded string.
    • encodeTemplateNames

      public static String encodeTemplateNames(String s)
      Encodes a string with template parameters names present, specifically the characters '{' and '}' will be percent-encoded.
      s - the string with zero or more template parameters names
      the string with encoded template parameters names.
    • decode

      public static String decode(String s, UriComponent.Type t)
      Decodes characters of a string that are percent-encoded octets using UTF-8 decoding (if needed).

      It is assumed that the string is valid according to an (unspecified) URI component type. If a sequence of contiguous percent-encoded octets is not a valid UTF-8 character then the octets are replaced with '�'.

      If the URI component is of type HOST then any "%" found between "[]" is left alone. It is an IPv6 literal with a scope_id.

      If the URI component is of type QUERY_PARAM then any "+" is decoded as as ' '.

      s - the string to be decoded.
      t - the URI component type, may be null.
      the decoded string.
      IllegalArgumentException - if a malformed percent-encoded octet is detected
    • decodeQuery

      public static MultivaluedMap<String,String> decodeQuery(URI u, boolean decode)
      Decode the query component of a URI.

      Query parameter names in the returned map are always decoded. Decoding of query parameter values can be controlled using the decode parameter flag.

      u - the URI.
      decode - true if the returned query parameter values of the query component should be in decoded form.
      the multivalued map of query parameters.
    • decodeQuery

      public static MultivaluedMap<String,String> decodeQuery(String q, boolean decode)
      Decode the query component of a URI.

      Query parameter names in the returned map are always decoded. Decoding of query parameter values can be controlled using the decode parameter flag.

      q - the query component in encoded form.
      decode - true if the returned query parameter values of the query component should be in decoded form.
      the multivalued map of query parameters.
    • decodeQuery

      public static MultivaluedMap<String,String> decodeQuery(String q, boolean decodeNames, boolean decodeValues)
      Decode the query component of a URI.

      Decoding of query parameter names and values can be controlled using the decodeNames and decodeValues parameter flags.

      q - the query component in encoded form.
      decodeNames - true if the returned query parameter names of the query component should be in decoded form.
      decodeValues - true if the returned query parameter values of the query component should be in decoded form.
      the multivalued map of query parameters.
    • decodePath

      public static List<PathSegment> decodePath(URI u, boolean decode)
      Decode the path component of a URI as path segments.
      u - the URI. If the path component is an absolute path component then the leading '/' is ignored and is not considered a delimiator of a path segment.
      decode - true if the path segments of the path component should be in decoded form.
      the list of path segments.
    • decodePath

      public static List<PathSegment> decodePath(String path, boolean decode)
      Decode the path component of a URI as path segments.

      Any '/' character in the path is considered to be a deliminator between two path segments. Thus if the path is '/' then the path segment list will contain two empty path segments. If the path is "//" then the path segment list will contain three empty path segments. If the path is "/a/" the path segment list will consist of the following path segments in order: "", "a" and "".

      path - the path component in encoded form.
      decode - true if the path segments of the path component should be in decoded form.
      the list of path segments.
    • decodePathSegment

      public static void decodePathSegment(List<PathSegment> segments, String segment, boolean decode)
      Decode the path segment and add it to the list of path segments.
      segments - mutable list of path segments.
      segment - path segment to be decoded.
      decode - true if the path segment should be in a decoded form.
    • decodeMatrix

      public static MultivaluedMap<String,String> decodeMatrix(String pathSegment, boolean decode)
      Decode the matrix component of a URI path segment.
      pathSegment - the path segment component in encoded form.
      decode - true if the matrix parameters of the path segment component should be in decoded form.
      the multivalued map of matrix parameters.
    • isHexCharacter

      public static boolean isHexCharacter(char c)
      Checks whether the character c is hexadecimal character.
      c - Any character
      The is c is a hexadecimal character (e.g. 0, 5, a, A, f, ...)
    • fullRelativeUri

      public static String fullRelativeUri(URI uri)
      Return the Request-Uri representation as defined by HTTP spec. For example:
      <Method> <Request-URI> HTTP/<Version> (e.g. GET /auth;foo=bar/hello?foo=bar HTTP/1.1)
      uri - uri to obtain Request-Uri from.
      Request-Uri representation or null if uri is not provided.