Release Notes - Jersey 2.0
Release date: 14-May-2013
- [JERSEY-759] - File upload is broken with IE 6 and IE 7: Backslashes in Content-Disposition filename
- [JERSEY-780] - Malformed URL returns a 500 instead of a 400
- [JERSEY-880] - parameter fails on a Websphere Application Server.
- [JERSEY-881] - Package name resource config does not work in OSGi environment
- [JERSEY-895] - UriBuilder.path(Class clazz, String method) and path templates with regex
- [JERSEY-908] - Provide patches for HK-28, HK-29
- [JERSEY-909] - Logging filter must not consume entity when logging.
- [JERSEY-920] - The ExceptionMapper is not handled in MessageBodyWriter
- [JERSEY-921] - NPE occurs when access to the resource path has resource or provider initialized failed.
- [JERSEY-922] - implement support for external container into test framework
- [JERSEY-924] - When "*" accesses an included resource path, the java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs
- [JERSEY-925] - Exception Mapper Not Used When Exception in EntityMessageWriter
- [JERSEY-941] - Requests to invalid URIs should result in 404 exception.
- [JERSEY-953] - 204 No Content response includes a Content-Type header
- [JERSEY-974] - RuntimeDelegate.HeaderDelegate<T>.toString(null) throws NullPointException
- [JERSEY-986] - @Encoded does not work with @FormParam
- [JERSEY-993] - @PathParam does not work for Fields and Bean Properties
- [JERSEY-994] - Jersey is case-sensitive for percent encoded URIs
- [JERSEY-995] - @DefaultValue does not work with @PathParam
- [JERSEY-999] - Jersey package scanning does not work whenjersey server endpoint deployed in a app launched via JNLP / java webstart
- [JERSEY-1017] - Specification of JAX-RS 1.1, MUST support javax.xml.transform.Source.
- [JERSEY-1041] - fix of localization in the module jersey-container-jdk-http
- [JERSEY-1045] - GAE does not support extend java.util.Logger
- [JERSEY-1047] - Missing dependency for injected field in grizzly2
- [JERSEY-1049] - Server-side HTTP error codes cause Jersey client hang when the response is accessed as a Java type.
- [JERSEY-1050] - Moving JAX-RS annotations to an interface does not work
- [JERSEY-1051] - Simple JSON sample does not work
- [JERSEY-1052] - JerseyTest.getBaseURI() should be renamed to getBaseUri()
- [JERSEY-1054] - Accept: text/*, @Produces text/* does not result in 406
- [JERSEY-1058] - If no MessageBodyReader is found on Server the generated response returns wrong status code (no exception is generated)
- [JERSEY-1066] - JAF is not used for all java types when returning entity from resource
- [JERSEY-1073] - JerseyServletContainerInitializer adds another servlet even if an existing servlet registered in web.xml already handles the application
- [JERSEY-1077] - No MessageBodyReader< javax.xml.transform.Source> exists
- [JERSEY-1078] - ReaderProvider does not write into an output stream
- [JERSEY-1083] - SourceProvider.SaxSourceReader and SourceProvider.DomSourceReader do not work in the client application.
- [JERSEY-1085] - Multipart/form-data POST having a quoted boundary parameter in the Content-Type header fails.
- [JERSEY-1088] - Content type header is not being set properly in async scenarions
- [JERSEY-1089] - Response type is not properly propagated in case of an asynchronously resumed method.
- [JERSEY-1090] - The request scope instances may interfere occasionally when resuming an async response on the same thread.
- [JERSEY-1098] - HEAD method should return same Content-Length value as GET (as well as other headers)
- [JERSEY-1110] - UriInfo not resolved when manually injecting a filter instance
- [JERSEY-1111] - WebApplicationException thrown from the filter isn't mapped to a response.
- [JERSEY-1112] - OSGi helloworld web app example modules have wrong parent pom set
- [JERSEY-1114] - UriBuilder is not concatenating paths properly
- [JERSEY-1116] - Two resource methods with @Produces "*/*" and "text/plain" makes the deployment fail
- [JERSEY-1117] - hk2 throws an exception when cannot inject entity
- [JERSEY-1119] - @Stateless does not work with @MatrixParam
- [JERSEY-1124] - ServiceFinder not returning services in META-INF/services
- [JERSEY-1143] - Including path parameters in the URI passed to method does not seem to work
- [JERSEY-1144] - Handling primitive types (return value from resource method)
- [JERSEY-1158] - Jersey 2 documentation project is not included in the release.
- [JERSEY-1166] - Exception mapping not working properly for bad Cookie values in CookieParam injection.
- [JERSEY-1167] - Using encoded slash (%2F) in path parameter fails
- [JERSEY-1178] - Add support for JAXB beans as @*Param annotated types
- [JERSEY-1180] - ResourceConfig.packages configuration information is lost when using ResourceConfig copy constructor from an ApplicationHandler.getConfiguration()
- [JERSEY-1187] - Incorrect lookup of MessageBodyWriters for responses with explicit content type
- [JERSEY-1188] - All EmptyRequestWithJaxbTest tests are failing
- [JERSEY-1191] - Calling methods from WebTarget does not throw IllegalStateException when client is closed
- [JERSEY-1192] - Client#invocation(Link, (Entity)null) does not throw NullPointerException
- [JERSEY-1194] - Client#target throws incorrect exceptions
- [JERSEY-1201] - Jersey does not enable asynchronous processing by default
- [JERSEY-1202] - AsyncInvoker is bloking
- [JERSEY-1203] - InvocationCallback throws mysterious IllegalArgumentException
- [JERSEY-1207] - Response is committed prematurely in case of 404 Not Found
- [JERSEY-1208] - AsyncClient.trace forces Future.get() always throw an exception
- [JERSEY-1220] - Collections of typed query params do not handle blank values, whereas a single typed query param does.
- [JERSEY-1223] - "500 Internal Server Error" for POST request with garbage instead of "Content-Type"
- [JERSEY-1224] - Constructor parameter injection does not work
- [JERSEY-1226] - AsynContext complete() is never called
- [JERSEY-1229] - Programmatic API should work with Inflector<ContainerRequestContext, Object>.
- [JERSEY-1255] - SSE client-side event source cannot be explicitly closed.
- [JERSEY-1257] - Invocation.Builder#headers(MultivaluedMap) is broken :)
- [JERSEY-1261] - ClientResponseContext methods mostly return blank values
- [JERSEY-1262] - Evaluate and possibly fix AcceptableMediaType.equals() vs. MediaType.equals() impl.
- [JERSEY-1264] - AsyncServletResourceITCase fails on Windows.
- [JERSEY-1266] - Default lifecycle for resource classes is RequestScoped (see JAX-RS spec.), not PerLookup as Singleton and PerLookup javadoc states.
- [JERSEY-1269] - Async examples and tests are failing intermittently.
- [JERSEY-1271] - interface-based resources no longer work
- [JERSEY-1272] - Configuration.getProviderClasses() is not immutable
- [JERSEY-1273] - Jersey service returns 200-OK when no messagebodywriter was found
- [JERSEY-1274] - Jersey says no messagebodywriter was found for media type null if application/* is used
- [JERSEY-1282] - SecurityContext injection does not work
- [JERSEY-1283] - HttpHeaders#getLength throws a NPE
- [JERSEY-1287] - Client.close is supposed to invoke IllegalStateException, instead NPE is thrown
- [JERSEY-1288] - SSE module is missing OSGi headers
- [JERSEY-1290] - Jersey bundle in GFv4 nucleus introduces EJB dependency.
- [JERSEY-1291] - Proxy client does not work with generic types correctly
- [JERSEY-1295] - Response#bufferEntity does not throw MessageProcessingException - if there was an error while buffering the entity input stream.
- [JERSEY-1296] - Response#close() doesn't call the stream.close()
- [JERSEY-1298] - Response#getMediaType returns null
- [JERSEY-1305] - Jersey does not flush and close the response entity stream
- [JERSEY-1306] - New entity stream set by interceptors is not propagated into outbound message context.
- [JERSEY-1308] - Client-side provider configuration isolation does not work.
- [JERSEY-1314] - Fix client side filter and interceptor configuration
- [JERSEY-1322] - UriBuilder#userInfo does not work well
- [JERSEY-1323] - UriBuilder#uri(String) works differently from #uri(URI)
- [JERSEY-1324] - UriBuilder#uri(String) does not throw IllegalArgumentException
- [JERSEY-1328] - Link.Builder#param does not count spaces as delimiter
- [JERSEY-1329] - WebTarget.getUriBuilder() does not work as expected.
- [JERSEY-1333] - Accept/produces does not work as expected
- [JERSEY-1334] - javax.annotation.Nonnull annotation in a resource method leads to error on application startup
- [JERSEY-1335] - @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN + "," + MediaType.TEXT_XML) is not parsable any longer
- [JERSEY-1339] - Response.bufferEntity, readEntity(Class), readEntity(otherClass) return null instead of entity
- [JERSEY-1341] - Problem using JerseyClient to sent a empty string parameter
- [JERSEY-1347] - QualitySourceMediaType.equals/hashCode is asymmetric wrt. JAX-RS MediaType
- [JERSEY-1348] - Response.ResponseBuilder#entity does not pass annotations to messagebodywriter
- [JERSEY-1353] - Passing invocation callback to the Jersey client async API causes NPE.
- [JERSEY-1356] - Client#invocation(Link, Entity) checks for Consumes, but throws "Incompatible with link produces" message
- [JERSEY-1359] - HelloWorldTest#testMissingResourceNotFound does not work with Grizzly async client
- [JERSEY-1371] - Ordering of annotations yields "HTTP Status 415 - Unsupported Media Type"
- [JERSEY-1372] - NPE from org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer.destroy in embedded jax-rs test
- [JERSEY-1375] - ContainerResponseContext#getEntityType throws exception
- [JERSEY-1376] - AsyncInvoker#method and SyncInvoker#method should check whether the given HTTP method request can include an entity
- [JERSEY-1378] - Link.Builder#uri(String) does not throw exception either
- [JERSEY-1379] - IllegalStateException is not thrown in case the method is invoked from a (post-matching) resource filter on ContainerRequestContext
- [JERSEY-1383] - IterceptorContext.setAnnotations(null) does not throw NPE
- [JERSEY-1388] - Broken API documentation links on Jersey web site.
- [JERSEY-1389] - Encoding of parameters does not work correctly.
- [JERSEY-1398] - AsyncInvoker.delete(GenericType<Response> responseType) throws Exception
- [JERSEY-1402] - Relative URI are not working for WebTarget injection
- [JERSEY-1403] - AsyncInvoker makes Future<Response>.get() throw WebApplicationException
- [JERSEY-1406] - ClientResponseContext#getAllowedMethods returns method in lower case
- [JERSEY-1408] - ValidationException((Status) null) throw NPE instead of IllegalArgumentException
- [JERSEY-1409] - Extended WADL generation fail under OSGI
- [JERSEY-1412] - Invoceation.submit(Class) frozes when used with ClientRequestFilter
- [JERSEY-1413] - Non injection annotations on resource method parameter are handled as inject annotation.
- [JERSEY-1414] - Bugs in SSE OutboundEventWriter
- [JERSEY-1415] - WebTarget#matrixParam(name, null) removes too much
- [JERSEY-1417] - WebTarget#pathParams( empty map ) does not return the same target instance in case the input parameter map is empty.
- [JERSEY-1421] - ConcurrentModificationException in RuntimeModelBuilder
- [JERSEY-1422] - ContainerResponseContext#getHEaderString does not use HeaderDelegate
- [JERSEY-1429] - Unexpected 404
- [JERSEY-1442] - WebTarget#resolveTemplate(,,boolean) gets the same result whether the boolean is true or false
- [JERSEY-1444] - ContainerRequestContext.setRequestUri() does not change the uri to go to
- [JERSEY-1447] - ClientRequestContext#getEntityAnnotations() returns no annotations
- [JERSEY-1449] - Response#bufferEntity does not Throw IllegalStateException
- [JERSEY-1453] - ResponseBuilder#allow((Set)null) throws NPE
- [JERSEY-1454] - UriBuilder#build(Object...,false) does not leave '/' symbols uncoded
- [JERSEY-1455] - every request with entity contains headers "content-encoding" and "content-language" set to "" (blank string).
- [JERSEY-1457] - UriBuilder#uri(String) throws Schema specific part is opaque when uri does not have the schema
- [JERSEY-1458] - UriBuilder#resolveTemplate(Map) does not throw IAE.
- [JERSEY-1460] - Application.getClasses() can return invalid classes but implementation have to handle that gracefully.
- [JERSEY-1461] - Response does not contain ContentType from @Produces on a resource class
- [JERSEY-1463] - There is no Content-Type set in the Response when entity length is 0
- [JERSEY-1464] - CLONE -Accept: text/*, @Produces text/* does not result in 406
- [JERSEY-1468] - Jersey prints error stack trace instead of throwing the error from Response#readEntity()
- [JERSEY-1469] - ReaderInterceptor#aroundReadFrom & WriterInterceptor#aroundWriteTo are defined to throw WebApplicationException but throw it encapsulated in MessageProcessingException
- [JERSEY-1473] - SSE EventSource does not shut down the executor service and holds the thread until the next event arrives. We need to refactor it to be able to shut it down immediately upon calling close().
- [JERSEY-1481] - Ordering of MBW still does not seem to work. When the MBW type parameter is provided in a super class, seems it is not extracted correctly. Jakub has the use-case (from glassfish) that is still broken.
- [JERSEY-1484] - Tests override member client
- [JERSEY-1485] - Tests don't use Generics
- [JERSEY-1486] - null as vargars is not cast to Object or Object[]
- [JERSEY-1487] - ClientConfig: local variable hides member
- [JERSEY-1488] - @Context and @PostConstruct makes the App not to be deployed
- [JERSEY-1494] - MessageBodyReader not found for media type=text/xml, type=class javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement, genericType=class javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement.
- [JERSEY-1501] - Content-Type: application/atom+xml makes response 415 when sending JAXBElement
- [JERSEY-1502] - Invocation.Builder#header("Content-Encoding",..) is omitted.
- [JERSEY-1504] - Update grizzly to 2.3-beta5
- [JERSEY-1505] - Jersey does not print stack trace to application server error log any longer
- [JERSEY-1506] - OutboundJaxrsResponse$ is not supported yet
- [JERSEY-1508] - Add support for injecting ResourceInfo into request post-matching & response container filters.
- [JERSEY-1509] - Clean up TODOs in OutboundJaxrsResponse
- [JERSEY-1510] - Link.toString() returns incorrect value - URI is missing
- [JERSEY-1511] - MessageBodyReader does not set default content-type
- [JERSEY-1513] - EJB Exception is not propagated to the container.
- [JERSEY-1515] - Exception Mapper is not used for custom WebApplicationException
- [JERSEY-1516] - An application class cannot extend Response class directly
- [JERSEY-1518] - Request matching does not work correctly for MediaType with qs on a resource method
- [JERSEY-1519] - NPE in Jersey wadl when generating resource
- [JERSEY-1520] - ReaderInterceptor not invoked
- [JERSEY-1523] - Problems with AsyncResponse and EJB @Asynchronous in Glassfish 4
- [JERSEY-1525] - Exception in a ContainerRequestFilter is not catched by exceptionMapper
- [JERSEY-1527] - When Response has no status, 204 is returned
- [JERSEY-1528] - Null Response results in status 500.
- [JERSEY-1529] - Jersey is unable to create Resource with more constructors
- [JERSEY-1530] - AsyncResponse loses annotations from the resource method
- [JERSEY-1531] - Unable to mix inbound and outbound response on server side
- [JERSEY-1532] - When injecting a field property and Exception is thrown, it gets wrapped to MultiException, which is RuntimeException, should be WebApplicationException
- [JERSEY-1535] - Jersey unconditionally wraps Javascript into a JSON-P callback
- [JERSEY-1536] - {Sync,Async}Invoker#{post, put, ...}(...,GenericType<Response>) throws an exception
- [JERSEY-1540] - Default JaxbElement provider does not throw WebApplicationException when no entity
- [JERSEY-1541] - java.util.Reader provider does not create zero-length data Reader when no entity
- [JERSEY-1542] - Response#hasEntity does not throw IllegalStateException
- [JERSEY-1544] - Jersey overrides user defined Date http header in response
- [JERSEY-1545] - @Context HttpHeaders is null in WriterInterceptor
- [JERSEY-1549] - Helloworld-webapp (and possibly all other) sample is broken
- [JERSEY-1550] - Invocation.invoke(GenericType<Response>) throws WebApplicationException
- [JERSEY-1551] - Providers registered via DynamicFeature for particular contracts are registered for all recognized contracts.
- [JERSEY-1552] - Inbound headers (response) are not modifiable on the client side in filter or interceptor.
- [JERSEY-1553] - ResponseBuilder#variants is not implemented yet
- [JERSEY-1554] - Globally bound filter is exectued for non-existing methods, hence obviously are execute *before* resource matching
- [JERSEY-1569] - Refactor resource model - extract sub resource method from Resources
- [JERSEY-1570] - Resoure.from(Object resource, List<ResourceModelIssue> issueList) does not create Resource based on instance (Object resource)
- [JERSEY-1572] - Jersey cannot have resource methods that have return type void
- [JERSEY-1577] - WebTarget throws IAE instead of NPE
- [JERSEY-1578] - WebTarget#resolve... does not return the same target when empty map argument
- [JERSEY-1579] - Regression: when no entity body is present in request, Jersey returns 415 instead of providing null as entity parameter value to the appropriate resource method
- [JERSEY-1580] - RuntimeDelegate#createEndpoint throws NPE instead of IllegalArgumentException
- [JERSEY-1595] - A case when autodiscovery of a root resource is not done
- [JERSEY-1598] - ProvidersOrderingTest failing after some change.
- [JERSEY-1600] - SSE failed on WLS for case when integrated with Nucleus
- [JERSEY-1602] - Configuration.register does not register Feature
- [JERSEY-1608] - Broken link in Javadoc
- [JERSEY-1610] - Response implementations missing toString()
- [JERSEY-1613] - Exceptions thrown from Exception mapper is not re thrown to underlaying container
- [JERSEY-1615] - standard JAXBElementProvider does not work for appropriate mediaType
- [JERSEY-1616] - Client#target(String) does not parse argument correctly
- [JERSEY-1621] - AsyncResponse#cancel() called multiple times is not the same as called only once
- [JERSEY-1630] - Jersey should not log warning when exception cannot be mapped to a response
- [JERSEY-1633] - Server-Sent Events not working in GlassFish 4 (b68)
- [JERSEY-1634] - Auto-scannning of WAR not working for default Application class
- [JERSEY-1636] - InternalServerError for an unspecified MIME type in request
- [JERSEY-1637] - Configurable#register(Class<?>, (Class<?>[]) null) throws NPE
- [JERSEY-1638] - Configuration.getContracts is null
- [JERSEY-1640] - Resource InputStream is not closed
- [JERSEY-1644] - JdkHttpHandlerContainerProvider not providing container
- [JERSEY-1647] - It seems that GZIP compression relies on the finalize() method of the Deflater
- [JERSEY-1650] - jersey-proxy-client contains no OSGi metadata
- [JERSEY-1655] - @BeanParam in singleton resource should be allowed on method as stated in JavaDoc.
- [JERSEY-1657] - ContainerRequestContext#{abortWith, setEntityStream, setSecurityContext} do not throw IllegalStateException
- [JERSEY-1659] - First unknown annotation on resource method parameter is selected instead of last.
- [JERSEY-1661] - AsyncResponse#register(Class<?>) throws IllegalArgumentException
- [JERSEY-1663] - UriBuilder doesn't enforce regex when built from path
- [JERSEY-1669] - Path params do not work correctly with ambiguous templates.
- [JERSEY-1671] - NullPointer using JAXRS 2.0 client apis over SSL
- [JERSEY-1674] - Validation error when deploying jersey-ejb example
- [JERSEY-1681] - Memory Leak in the basic Jersey webapp deploying on GFv312.
- [JERSEY-1692] - HEAD is returned from OPTIONS method even the resource does not support GET method
- [JERSEY-1694] - Not only globally bound interceptor in the ContainerResponse chain is invoked when exception is thrown
- [JERSEY-1695] - Annotating Application subclass with @NameBinding annotation has no effect
- [JERSEY-1696] - servlet-3-init-2 integration test is not invoked
- [JERSEY-1697] - extended wadl example fails
- [JERSEY-1698] - UriBuilder#uri(String) throws Schema specific part is opaque
- [JERSEY-1699] - Return type GenericEntity passes unexpected GenericType to MessageBodyWriter
- [JERSEY-1700] - Bean validation does not work out of the box (when jersey-bean-validation module is on the classpath)
- [JERSEY-1704] - Providers.getMessageBodyWriter() throws NPE when annotations argument is null
- [JERSEY-1706] - ApplicationHandler is initialized twice for jdk-http server and simple-http + adjust port for simple-http tests.
- [JERSEY-1707] - When entityReader throws IOException, it is not mappable
- [JERSEY-1709] - Autodiscovery of providers does not work
- [JERSEY-1712] - A MessageBodyReader is not instantiated, no error provided
- [JERSEY-1714] - Jersey web services are vulnerable to XXE (entity expansions vector)
- [JERSEY-1717] - Query parameters do not encode data which looks like percent-encoded characters
- [JERSEY-1719] - introduce proxiable request scoped Response proxy injectable on the server side
- [JERSEY-1730] - Jersey 1.x download links on jersey website try to download an html page.
- [JERSEY-1737] - improve logging of WADL
- [JERSEY-1738] - NPE with AsyncInvoker.get() when InvocationCallback implementation is itself generic
- [JERSEY-1742] - Bean Validation doesn't work when Inflector<DATA, RESULT> is used for handling requests
- [JERSEY-1743] - SSE Seems to be broken
- [JERSEY-1745] - Deployment of bookmark.war fails on GF4-b77
- [JERSEY-1746] - Jersey code (providers, runtime) does not throw proper WAE sublcasses as required by the spec.
- [JERSEY-1747] - @Inject seems not working correctly inside resources
- [JERSEY-1753] - Resuming an AsyncResponse with a WebApplicationException results in a NullPointerException
- [JERSEY-1764] - Proxiable injection does not seem to work in async cases.
- [JERSEY-1766] - Update ee7 glassfish-samples
- [JERSEY-1769] - Bookstore MVC sample does not work on glassfish
- [JERSEY-1770] - Extended WADL sample does not work on Glassfish (secure sax parsing problem)
- [JERSEY-1771] - @ApplicationPath does not work in JerseyTests with Grizzly container.
- [JERSEY-1772] - AsyncResponse#setTimeOut always return false, and timeout is not set
- [JERSEY-1774] - Adding static resources doesnt work
- [JERSEY-1775] - Extended WADL with WadlGeneratorResourceDocSupport fails when writing out the response.
- [JERSEY-1780] - Response#close throws IllegalStateException
- [JERSEY-1783] - BeanValidation does not support @ValidateExecutable correctly
- [JERSEY-1790] - Change in API causing failure in GlassFish after last integration
- [JERSEY-1792] - UnrecoverableKeyException "Password must not be null" for ClientBuilder.newClient
- [JERSEY-1794] - CDI integration not allows for injecting javax.inject.Provider
- [JERSEY-1795] - performance hotspot in org.glassfish.jersey.server.ApplicationHandler.initialize
- [JERSEY-1797] - The provider class, class com.sun.jersey.oauth.server.OAuthProviderInjectionProvider, could not be instantiated.
- [JERSEY-1800] - UriBuilder#uri("") throws NoSuchElementException
- [JERSEY-1801] - ResponseBuilder#links adds only the first link
- [JERSEY-1808] - Response#readEntity(Character.class) throws WebApplictaionException subclass when no entity on Client
- [JERSEY-1810] - WebApplicationException is not converted into Response when thrown from EJB
- [JERSEY-1811] - javax.interceptor.Interceptors do not work with JAX-RS managed beans
- [JERSEY-1812] - AsyncResponse#resume(Throwable) re-throws given exception.
- [JERSEY-1813] - Wrong handling method is used for EJB business interface methods in GF
- [JERSEY-1814] - cdi-webapp example is not part of the project.
- [JERSEY-1818] - WADL Generation is broken for the GlassFish RESTful Admin Interface
- [JERSEY-1828] - client post with entity creates SEVERE log and masks Connection refused information
- [JERSEY-1831] - NPE with new CR1
- [JERSEY-1836] - Wrong content of JAX-RS RI bundle.
- [JERSEY-1839] - Jersey 2.0-rc1 does not start on Google App Engine because of new Timer/Thread creation
- [JERSEY-1840] - Determining the MediaType of Response from available writers does not work correctly
- [JERSEY-1844] - bom pom should not inherit the parent pom
- [JERSEY-680] - Proxy based client generation
- [JERSEY-1152] - Create client Feature for HTTPS related settings (SSLContext, HostnameVerifier and potentially TrustManager and KeyManager.
- [JERSEY-1153] - Improve Grizzly client creation (Client c = new GrizzlyClient())
- [JERSEY-1156] - Refactor Jersey Client creation (remove (?) JerseyClientFactory)
- [JERSEY-1256] - ChunkedResponse.flushQueue() should not be synchronized as a whole method.
- [JERSEY-1452] - provide build identifier (server) and user agent (client)
- [JERSEY-1471] - Improve Container API (besides JERSEY-1173) - add missing start/stop methods, make it more generic
- [JERSEY-1472] - Refactor SSE client-side support to utilize ChunkedInput (similarly to the server side utilizing ChunkedOutput).
- [JERSEY-1483] - Setup hudson job to verify Jersey snapshot with the latest GF (to catch integration issues early)
- [JERSEY-1558] - Support HK2 Binder registration via JAX-RS Configuration/Configurable register methods.
- [JERSEY-1584] - Add server-side support for response length computation based on payload buffering.
- [JERSEY-1601] - Avoid using String type to store password when using HTTPBasicAuthFilter
- [JERSEY-1649] - Refactor resource model to make resource based on path pattern instead of path.
- [JERSEY-1654] - @BeanParam support for GET requests.
- [JERSEY-1673] - Support for Simple 5.x container in Jersey 2.0
- [JERSEY-1705] - Use Apache as a client transport
- [JERSEY-1788] - Provide test utility module to be shared acros various Jersey tests
- [JERSEY-1803] - ExceptionMapper#isMappable(Throwable exception) jersey extension
- [JERSEY-1832] - Make UriInfo immutable
- [JERSEY-1898] - Add section on the new MVC templating support to the user guide.
New Feature
- [JERSEY-517] - Replace Jersey's dependency injection (DI) code with an @Inject-based framework
- [JERSEY-768] - Explore automatic URI configuration of a WebResource instance based on the provided annotated Resource class
- [JERSEY-806] - Programmatically create a simple resource mapped to a static URI. The resource should be able to handle GET requests and return a text/plain response.
- [JERSEY-807] - Use JAX-RS client API to create a simple client that sends a synchronous get request to a given URI and prints out a text/plain response.
- [JERSEY-808] - Use the jersey test framework to test stories on in-memory container
- [JERSEY-809] - Create a resource handling GET, POST, PUT, DELETE HTTP methods in separate Java methods.
- [JERSEY-810] - Create a resource using JAX-RS annotations mapped to a static URI. The resource method should be able to handle GET, POST, PUT, DELETE HTTP methods and return a response.
- [JERSEY-811] - Access query parameters, path parameters, UriInfo and HttpHeaders in a resource registered using the programmatic API
- [JERSEY-812] - Apply LoggingFilter on the server side to output the requests coming in and responses going out.
- [JERSEY-813] - Apply LoggingFilter on the client side.
- [JERSEY-828] - Design client side (and possibly common) configuration. (example: setting custom transport in client)Child/Parent HK2 services could be used (when fixed in HK2)
- [JERSEY-850] - Create a resource handling a made-up HTTP method via programmatic API as well as annotations
- [JERSEY-852] - Have two methods on the same resource handling the HTTP POST, differing just in @Produces/Consumes value.
- [JERSEY-853] - Produce/consume XML from POJOs. (both client and server)
- [JERSEY-854] - Produce/consume JSON from POJOs. (both client and server)
- [JERSEY-855] - Use the http server bundled in JDK as the container.
- [JERSEY-856] - Use any servlet 2.x impl as a container
- [JERSEY-857] - Deploy without web.xml to a servlet 3.x container.
- [JERSEY-858] - Add a custom MessageBodyReader/Writter. (both client and server)
- [JERSEY-859] - Get exceptions properly mapped to error status codes - particularly the WebApplicationException.
- [JERSEY-864] - Browse Jersey2 API documentation online.
- [JERSEY-865] - Browse Jersey2 release notes online.
- [JERSEY-866] - Use test framework to test stories using Grizzly and in-memory container
- [JERSEY-867] - Create a resource mapped to an URI template containing a parameter with regex.
- [JERSEY-910] - Access query parameters, path parameters, UriInfo and HttpHeaders in a POJO-based (i.e. annotated) resource using the instance & method injection API
- [JERSEY-918] - Mapped exceptions thrown in request filters must be processed by response pipeline
- [JERSEY-928] - Add support for using MOXy for handling JSON requests/responses
- [JERSEY-935] - Create a resource mapped to an URI template containing a parameter with regex.
- [JERSEY-940] - I want to be able to easily register providers to the client by a single line of code (adding the whole module).
- [JERSEY-957] - Support for matrix, cookie and header parameters (programmatic and via @*Param annotations).
- [JERSEY-958] - Support sub-resource locators.
- [JERSEY-959] - Support for SecurityContext retrieval and updates.
- [JERSEY-960] - Make it possible for a client to register for events from the server, and for the server to send events to the client (e.g. via web socket).
- [JERSEY-961] - Comply with JAX-RS 1.1.
- [JERSEY-963] - Asynchronous processing on the server.
- [JERSEY-977] - Release Jersey 2.0 milestones to the website
- [JERSEY-992] - Support singleton resources (via annotation + programmatically)
- [JERSEY-1019] - Implement resource filter that enforces RolesAllowed, PermitAll and DenyAll annotations on resources and resource methods.
- [JERSEY-1021] - I want to be able to see application WADL at <jersey_root>/application.wadl but also want to be able to disable wadl if needed.
- [JERSEY-1022] - Integrate with GlassFish trunk
- [JERSEY-1024] - Integration with CDI
- [JERSEY-1025] - Integration with EJB
- [JERSEY-1029] - Support Bean Validation
- [JERSEY-1037] - Support for @FormParam
- [JERSEY-1044] - Support for programmatic application builder API in servlet-based applications.
- [JERSEY-1087] - Provide equivalent of ResourceContext from Jersey 1.x so that I am able to create managed instances of sub-resources, and match URI's to resources and UriInfo.
- [JERSEY-1095] - Support the reload of a web application
- [JERSEY-1096] - Provide equivalent of injectable providers from jersey 1.x.
- [JERSEY-1138] - Add support for injectable Errors (like in Jersey 1.x)
- [JERSEY-1139] - Support for extensions in the resource model.
- [JERSEY-1145] - Switch to the new JAX-RS filter API
- [JERSEY-1146] - Break down the JSON support into several modules/jars (JAXB/Jackson/Jettison)
- [JERSEY-1147] - Make ChunkedResponse/SSE support really non-blocking
- [JERSEY-1155] - Add support for using MOXy for handling XML requests/responses
- [JERSEY-1159] - Activation of features based on the presence of certain properties in the ResourceConfig property bag.
- [JERSEY-1164] - Support for proxy-based injection of request-scoped data.
- [JERSEY-1212] - Need a way to configure the client without depending on JerseyClientFactory
- [JERSEY-1214] - Support FILTER_STATIC_CONTENT_REGEX and FILTER_CONTEXT_PATH properties for Jersey servlet filter
- [JERSEY-1215] - Support FILTER_FORWARD_ON_404 for Jersey servlet filter
- [JERSEY-1216] - Support FOLLOW_REDIRECTS, READ_TIMEOUT and CONNECT_TIMEOUT properties on the client side
- [JERSEY-1233] - Migrate to the new HK2 API
- [JERSEY-1236] - Improve hudson infrastructure
- [JERSEY-1240] - Managed client support
- [JERSEY-1251] - Interface based resources and clients
- [JERSEY-1263] - @ErrorParam (or similar) parameter annotation for type conversion issues
- [JERSEY-1285] - Support for name-bound and dynamically bound interceptors
- [JERSEY-1289] - Migrate PostReplaceFilter from Jersey 1.x
- [JERSEY-1300] - Add support for content encodings
- [JERSEY-1310] - Migrate MVC support from Jersey 1.x
- [JERSEY-1342] - Introduce proxyable request scope
- [JERSEY-1380] - Add Support for @ManagedAsync.
- [JERSEY-1390] - Add support for MVC pattern - port support for MVC to Jersey 2.0 (including all the tests).
- [JERSEY-1391] - Add WADL support
- [JERSEY-1425] - Implement support for annotation.
- [JERSEY-1427] - Implement support for automatic User-Agent header inclusion in Jersey client.
- [JERSEY-1474] - Convert existing binders to features. Remove the binder classes from the public API (they should be hidden in the features).
- [JERSEY-1477] - Support for async callbacks
- [JERSEY-1479] - Refactor WADL support to provide the core framework for traversing the model and generating artifacts. Make WADL just one of the plugins for that framework - to enable generating json-home, javascript clients and similar stuff in the future.
- [JERSEY-1482] - Add a property that will allow me to switch off strict validation checking and gracefully ignore invalid resource classes.
- [JERSEY-1499] - Eager initialization of client config
- [JERSEY-1546] - Extended WADL support
- [JERSEY-1576] - Support for @ManagedBean when running in GlassFish
- [JERSEY-1617] - Support outbound entity buffering to compute Content-Length value.
- [JERSEY-1620] - Allow Features to register new HK2 Binders.
- [JERSEY-1648] - Support returning Resource model from sub resource locators
- [JERSEY-1679] - Support new Java EE 7 JSON-P API as a separate module (parto of RI).
- [JERSEY-1718] - Introduce proxiable request scoped injectables also on the client side
- [JERSEY-1720] - Provide a Bom POM, to facilitate consumption of jersey artifacts
- [JERSEY-1760] - Support outbound entity buffering to compute Content-length (ctnd.)
- [JERSEY-1847] - Introduce a configurable option to turn off resource validation