All Classes and Interfaces

A single attachment to a SOAPMessage object.
Implementation of attachments.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use Base64 instead
This class implements a BASE64 Decoder.
This class implements a BASE64 Encoder.
This class implements a 'B' Encoder as defined by RFC2047 for encoding MIME headers.
The MimeMultipart class is an implementation of the abstract Multipart class that uses MIME conventions for the multipart data.
All elements of the SOAP-ENV:BODY.
The implementation of SOAP-ENV:BODY or the SOAPBody abstraction.
This class represents a MIME ContentDisposition value.
This class represents a MIME ContentType value.
A container for DetailEntry objects.
The content for a Detail object, giving details for a SOAPFault object.
This class is a proxy for a Transformer object with optimizations for certain cases.
Different implementations for SOAP Envelope must all implement this interface.
EnvelopeFactory creates SOAP Envelope objects using different underlying implementations.
Our implementation of the SOAP envelope.
JAF data handler for Fast Infoset content
ArrayList with a final marker to help JIT.
DataContentHandler for image/gif.
The Header class stores a name/value pair to represent headers.
This class tokenizes RFC822 and MIME headers into the basic symbols specified by RFC822 and MIME.
The Token class represents tokens returned by the HeaderTokenizer.
Implementation of the SOAPConnectionFactory
InternetHeaders is a utility class that manages RFC822 style headers.
A class to represent a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
MalformedURIExceptions are thrown in the process of building a URI or setting fields on a URI when an operation would result in an invalid URI specification.
JAF data handler for Jpeg content
LazyEnvelopeSource provides the source to create lazy Envelope
"Hybrid" reader which
This class is to support reading CRLF terminated lines that contain only US-ASCII characters from an input stream.
This interface defines a number of constants pertaining to Logging domains.
A factory for creating SOAPMessage objects.
A factory for creating SOAP messages.
The message implementation for SOAP messages with attachments.
The base class for all exceptions thrown by the Messaging classes
This class represents a MIME body part.
An object that stores a MIME header name and its value.
A container for MimeHeader objects, which represent the MIME headers present in a MIME part of a message.
The MimeMultipart class is an implementation that uses MIME conventions for the multipart data.
A utility class that implements a DataSource out of a MimeBodyPart.
This is a utility class that provides various MIME related functionality.
MultipartDataSource is a DataSource that contains body parts.
A representation of an XML name.
NamedNodeMap wrapper, finding SOAP elements automatically when possible.
A representation of a node (element) in an XML document.
Node list wrapper, finding SOAP elements automatically when possible.
This class is to support writing out Strings as a sequence of bytes terminated by a CRLF sequence.
This class holds MIME parameters (attribute-value pairs).
The exception thrown due to an error in parsing RFC822 or MIME headers
Pool of SAXParser objects
This class implements a Q Decoder as defined in RFC 2047 for decoding MIME headers.
This class implements a Q Encoder as defined by RFC 2047 for encoding MIME headers.
This class implements a QP Decoder.
This class implements a Quoted Printable Encoder.
Users of this class see a SAX2 XMLReader (via XMLFilterImpl).
The access point for the implementation classes of the factories defined in the SAAJ API.
Acts as a holder for the results of a JAXP transformation or a JAXB marshalling, in the form of a SAAJ tree.
SaajStaxWriter builds a SAAJ SOAPMessage by using XMLStreamWriter interface.
Holds details of element that needs to be deferred in order to manage namespace assignments correctly.
SaajStaxWriterEx converts XMLStreamWriterEx calls to build an orasaaj SOAPMessage with BinaryTextImpl.
An InputStream that is backed by data that can be shared by multiple readers may implement this interface.
An object that represents the contents of the SOAP body element in a SOAP message.
A SOAPBodyElement object represents the contents in a SOAPBody object.
A point-to-point connection that a client can use for sending messages directly to a remote party (represented by a URL, for instance).
A factory for creating SOAPConnection objects.
The definition of constants pertaining to the SOAP protocol.
SAAJ wrapper for DocumentFragment
An object representing an element of a SOAP message that is allowed but not specifically prescribed by a SOAP specification.
The container for the SOAPHeader and SOAPBody portions of a SOAPPart object.
An exception that signals that a SOAP exception has occurred.
An exception that signals that a SOAP exception has occurred.
SOAPFactory is a factory for creating various objects that exist in the SOAP XML tree.
An element in the SOAPBody object that contains error and/or status information.
A representation of the contents in a SOAPFault object.
A representation of the SOAP header element.
An object representing the contents in the SOAP header part of the SOAP envelope.
The root class for all SOAP messages.
The container for the SOAP-specific portion of a SOAPMessage object.
SOAPPartImpl is the first attachment.
StaxBridge builds Envelope using a XMLStreamReaderToXMLStreamWriter
StaxBridge builds Envelope from LazyEnvelopeSource
StaxBridge builds Envelope using a XMLStreamReaderToXMLStreamWriter
JAF data content handler for text/plain --> String
A representation of a node whose value is text.
This class implements a UUDecoder.
This class implements a UUEncoder.
JAF data handler for XML content