Module com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj
Package com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap
package com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap
ClassDescriptionImplementation of attachments.Different implementations for SOAP Envelope must all implement this interface.EnvelopeFactory creates SOAP Envelope objects using different underlying implementations.JAF data handler for Fast Infoset contentDataContentHandler for image/gif.JAF data handler for Jpeg contentA factory for creating SOAP messages.The message implementation for SOAP messages with attachments.SAAJ wrapper for
SOAPPartImpl is the first attachment.StaxBridge builds Envelope using a XMLStreamReaderToXMLStreamWriterStaxBridge builds Envelope from LazyEnvelopeSourceStaxBridge builds Envelope using a XMLStreamReaderToXMLStreamWriterJAF data content handler for text/plain --> StringJAF data handler for XML content