C4000 |
Message Packet acknowledge failed.
Cause The client runtime was not able to receive or process the expected
acknowledgment sent from the broker.
C4001 |
Message Write packet failed.
Cause The client runtime was not able to send information to the broker.
This might be caused by an underlying network I/O failure or by the JMS
connection being closed.
C4002 |
Message Read packet failed.
Cause The client runtime was not able to process inbound message
properly. This might be caused by an underlying network I/O failure.
C4003 |
Message Error occurred on connection creation [host, port].
Cause The client runtime was not able to establish a connection to the
broker with the specified host name and port number.
C4004 |
Message An error occurred on connection close.
Cause The client runtime encountered one or more errors when closing the
connection to the broker.
C4005 |
Message Get properties from packet failed.
Cause The client runtime was not able to retrieve a property object from
the Message Queue packet.
C4006 |
Message Set properties to packet failed.
Cause The client runtime was not able to set a property object in the
Message Queue packet.
C4007 |
Message Durable subscription {0} in use.
{0} is replaced with the subscribed destination name.
Cause The client runtime was not able to unsubscribe the durable
subscriber because it is currently in use by another consumer.
C4008 |
Message Message in read-only mode.
Cause An attempt was made to write to a JMS Message that is in read-only
C4009 |
Message Message in write-only mode.
Cause An attempt was made to read a JMS Message that is in write-only
C4010 |
Message Read message failed.
Cause The client runtime was not able to read the stream of bytes from a
BytesMessage type message.
C4011 |
Message Write message failed.
Cause The client runtime was not able to write the stream of bytes to a
BytesMessage type message.
C4012 |
Cause The client runtime encountered an error when processing the
reset() method for a BytesMessage or StreamMessage type message.
C4013 |
Message Unexpected end of stream when reading message.
Cause The client runtime reached end-of-stream when processing the
readXXX() method for a BytesMessage or StreamMessage type message.
C4014 |
Message Serialize message failed.
Cause The client runtime encountered an error when processing the
serialization of an object, such as
ObjectMessage.setObject(java.io.Serializable object) .
C4015 |
Message Deserialize message failed.
Cause The client runtime encountered an error when processing the
deserialization of an object, for example, when processing the method
ObjectMessage.getObject() .
C4016 |
Message Error occurred during message acknowledgment.
Cause The client runtime encountered an error during the process of
message acknowledgment in a session.
C4017 |
Message Invalid message format.
Cause The client runtime encountered an error when processing a JMS
Message; for example, during data type conversion.
C4018 |
Message Error occurred on request message redeliver.
Cause The client runtime encountered an error when processing
recover() or rollback() for the JMS session.
C4019 |
Message Destination not found: {0}.
{0} is replaced with the destination name specified in the API
Cause The client runtime was unable to process the API request due to an
invalid destination specified in the API, for example, the call
MessageProducer.send (null, message) raises JMSException with this
error code and message.
C4020 |
Message Temporary destination belongs to a closed connection or another
connection - {0}.
{0} is replaced with the temporary destination name specified in the
API parameter.
Cause An attempt was made to use a temporary destination that is not
valid for the message producer.
C4021 |
Message Consumer not found.
Cause The Message Queue session could not find the message consumer for
a message sent from the broker. The message consumer may have been
closed by the application or by the client runtime before the message
for the consumer was processed.
C4022 |
Message Selector invalid: {0}.
{0} is replaced with the selector string specified in the API
Cause The client runtime was unable to process the JMS API call because
the specified selector is invalid.
C4023 |
Message Client unacknowledged messages over system defined limit.
Cause The client runtime raises a JMSException with this error code
and message if unacknowledged messages exceed the system defined limit
C4024 |
Message The session is not transacted.
Cause An attempt was made to use a transacted session API in a
non-transacted session. For example, calling the methods commit() or
rollback in a AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE session.
C4025 |
Message Cannot call this method from a transacted session.
Cause An attempt was made to call the Session.recover() method from a
transacted session.
C4026 |
Message Client non-committed messages over system defined limit.
Cause The client runtime raises a JMSException with this error code
and message if non committed messages exceed the system-defined limit in
a transacted session.
C4027 |
Message Invalid transaction ID: {0}.
{0} is replaced with the internal transaction ID.
Cause An attempt was made to commit or rollback a transacted session
with a transaction ID that is no longer valid.
C4028 |
Message Transaction ID {0} in use.
{0} is replaced with the internal transaction ID.
Cause The internal transaction ID is already in use by the system. An
application should not receive a JMSException with this error code
under normal operations.
C4029 |
Message Invalid session for ServerSession.
Cause An attempt was made to use an invalid JMS session for the
ServerSession object, for example, no message listener was set for the
C4030 |
Message Illegal maxMessages value for ServerSession: {0}.
{0} was replaced with maxMessages value used by the application.
Cause The configured maxMessages value for ServerSession is less
than 0.
C4031 |
Message MessageConsumer and ServerSession session conflict.
Cause An attempt was made to create a message consumer for a session
already used by a ServerSession object.
C4032 |
Message Can not use`receive()` when message listener was set.
Cause An attempt was made to do a synchronous receive with an
asynchronous message consumer.
C4033 |
Message Authentication type does not match: {0} and {1}.
{0} is replaced with the authentication type used by the client
runtime. {1} is replaced with the authentication type requested by the
Cause The authentication type requested by the broker does not match the
authentication type in use by the client runtime.
C4034 |
Message Illegal authentication state.
Cause The authentication handshake failed between the client runtime and
the broker.
C4035 |
Message Received AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST status code FORBIDDEN .
Cause The client runtime authentication to the broker failed.
C4036 |
Message A broker error occurred.
Cause A generic error code indicating that the client’s requested
operation to the broker failed.
C4037 |
Message Broker unavailable or broker timeout.
Cause The client runtime was unable to establish a connection to the
C4038 |
Message [4038] - cause: {0}
{0} is replaced with a root cause exception message.
Cause The client runtime caught an exception thrown from the JVM. The
client runtime throws JMSException with the "root cause exception" set
as the linked exception.
C4039 |
Message Cannot delete destination.
Cause The client runtime was unable to delete the specified temporary
destination. See TemporaryTopic.delete() and TemporaryQueue.delete()
API Javadoc for constraints on deleting a temporary destination.
C4040 |
Message Invalid ObjectProperty type.
Cause An attempt was made to set a non-primitive Java object as a JMS
message property. Please see Message.setObjectProperty() API Javadoc
for valid object property types.
C4041 |
Message Reserved word used as property name - {0}.
{0} is replaced with the property name.
Cause An attempt was made to use a reserved word, defined in the JMS
Message API Javadoc, as the message property name, for example, NULL ,
C4042 |
Message Illegal first character of property name - {0}
{0} is replaced with the illegal character.
Cause An attempt was made to use a property name with an illegal first
character. See JMS Message API Javadoc for valid property names.
C4043 |
Message Illegal character used in property name - {0}
{0} is replaced with the illegal character used.
Cause An attempt was made to use a property name containing an illegal
character. See JMS Message API Javadoc for valid property names.
C4044 |
Cause The queue browser was unable to return the next available message
to the application within the system’s predefined timeout period.
C4045 |
Message No more elements.
Cause In QueueBrowser , the enumeration object has reached the end of
element but nextElement() is called by the application.
C4046 |
Cause An attempt was made to use QueueBrowser methods on a closed
QueueBrowser object.
C4047 |
Message Operation interrupted.
Cause ServerSession was interrupted. The client runtime throws
RuntimeException with the above exception message when it is
interrupted in the ServerSession .
C4048 |
Message ServerSession is in progress.
Cause Multiple threads attempted to operate on a server session
C4049 |
Message Can not call Connection.close(), stop(), etc from message
Cause An attempt was made to call Connection.close() , ...stop() , etc
from a message listener.
C4050 |
Message Invalid destination name - {0} .
{0} is replaced with the invalid destination name used
Cause An attempt was made to use an invalid destination name, for
example, NULL .
C4051 |
Message Invalid delivery parameter. {0} : {1}
{0} is replaced with delivery parameter name, such as
"DeliveryMode".{1} is replaced with delivery parameter value used by
the application.
Cause An attempt was made to use invalid JMS delivery parameters in the
API, for example, values other than DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT or
DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT were used to specify the delivery mode.
C4052 |
Message Client ID is already in use - {0}
{0} is replaced with the client ID that is already in use.
Cause An attempt was made to set a client ID to a value that is already
in use by the system.
C4053 |
Message Invalid client ID - {0}
{0} is replaced with the client ID used by the application.
Cause An attempt was made to use an invalid client ID, for example,
null or empty client ID.
C4054 |
Message Can not set client ID, invalid state.
Cause An attempt was made to set a connection’s client ID at the wrong
time or when it has been administratively configured.
C4055 |
Message Resource in conflict. Concurrent operations on a session.
Cause An attempt was made to concurrently operate on a session with
multiple threads.
C4056 |
Message Received goodbye message from broker.
Cause A Message Queue client received a GOOD_BYE message from broker.
C4057 |
Message No username or password.
Cause An attempt was made to use a null object as a user name or
password for authentication.
C4058 |
Message Cannot acknowledge message for closed consumer.
Cause An attempt was made to acknowledge message(s) for a closed
C4059 |
Message Cannot perform operation, session is closed.
Cause An attempt was made to call a method on a closed session.
C4060 |
Message Login failed: {0}
{0} message is replaced with user name.
Cause Login with the specified user name failed.
C4061 |
Message Connection recovery failed, cannot recover connection.
Cause The client runtime was unable to recover the connection due to
internal error.
C4062 |
Message Cannot perform operation, connection is closed.
Cause An attempt was made to call a method on a closed connection.
C4063 |
Message Cannot perform operation, consumer is closed.
Cause An attempt was made to call a method on a closed message consumer.
C4064 |
Message Cannot perform operation, producer is closed.
Cause An attempt was made to call a method on a closed message producer.
C4065 |
Message Incompatible broker version encountered. Client version
{0}.Broker version {1}
{0} is replaced with client version number. {1} is replaced with
broker version number.
Cause An attempt was made to connect to a broker that is not compatible
with the client version.
C4066 |
Message Invalid or empty Durable Subscription Name was used: {0}
{0} is replaced with the durable subscription name used by the
Cause An attempt was made to use a null or empty string to specify the
name of a durable subscription.
C4067 |
Message Invalid session acknowledgment mode: {0}
{0} is replaced with the acknowledge mode used by the application.
Cause An attempt was made to use a non-transacted session mode that is
not defined in the JMS Session API.
C4068 |
Message Invalid Destination Classname: {0}.
{0} is replaced with the name of the class name.
Cause An attempt was made to create a message producer or message
consumer with an invalid destination class type. The valid class type
must be either Queue or Topic .
C4069 |
Message Cannot commit or rollback on an XASession.
Cause The application tried to make a session.commit() or a
session.rollback() call in an application server component whose
transactions are being managed by the Transaction Manager using the
XAResource. These calls are not allowed in this context.
C4070 |
Message Error when converting foreign message.
Cause The client runtime encountered an error when processing a
non-Message Queue JMS message.
C4071 |
Message Invalid method in this domain: {0}
{0} is replaced with the method name used.
Cause An attempt was made to use a method that does not belong to the
current messaging domain. For example calling
TopicSession.createQueue() will raise a JMSException with this error
code and message.
C4072 |
Message Illegal property name - "" or null.
Cause An attempt was made to use a null or empty string to specify a
property name.
C4073 |
Message A JMS destination limit was reached. Too many
Subscribers/Receivers for {0} : {1}
{0} is replaced with "Queue" or "Topic" {1} is replaced with the
destination name.
Cause The client runtime was unable to create a message consumer for the
specified domain and destination due to a broker resource constraint.
C4074 |
Message Transaction rolled back due to provider connection failover.
Cause An attempt was made to call Session.commit() after connection
failover occurred. The transaction is rolled back automatically.
C4075 |
Message Cannot acknowledge messages due to provider connection failover.
Subsequent acknowledge calls will also fail until the application calls
session.recover() .
Cause As stated in the message.
C4076 |
Message Client does not have permission to create producer on
destination: {0} {0} is replaced with the destination name that caused
the exception.
Cause The application client does not have permission to create a
message producer with the specified destination.
C4077 |
Message Client is not authorized to create destination : {0}
{0} is replaced with the destination name that caused the exception.
Cause The application client does not have permission to create the
specified destination.
C4078 |
Message Client is unauthorized to send to destination: {0}
{0} is replaced with the destination name that caused the exception.
Cause The application client does not have permission to produce
messages to the specified destination.
C4079 |
Message Client does not have permission to register a consumer on the
destination: {0}
{0} is replaced with the destination name that caused the exception.
Cause The application client does not have permission to create a
message consumer with the specified destination name.
C4080 |
Message Client does not have permission to delete consumer: {0}
{0} is replaced with the consumer ID for the consumer to be deleted.
Cause The application does not have permission to remove the specified
consumer from the broker.
C4081 |
Message Client does not have permission to unsubscribe: {0}
{0} was replaced with the name of the subscriber to unsubscribe.
Cause The client application does not have permission to unsubscribe the
specified durable subscriber.
C4082 |
Message Client is not authorized to access destination: {0}
{0} is replaced with the destination name that caused the exception.
Cause The application client is not authorized to access the specified
C4083 |
Message Client does not have permission to browse destination: {0}
{0} is replaced with the destination name that caused the exception.
Cause The application client does not have permission to browse the
specified destination.
C4084 |
Message User authentication failed: {0}
{0} is replaced with the user name.
Cause User authentication failed.
C4085 |
Message Delete consumer failed. Consumer was not found: {0}
{0} is replaced with name of the consumer that could not be found.
Cause The attempt to close a message consumer failed because the broker
was unable to find the specified consumer.
C4086 |
Message Unsubscribe failed. Subscriber was not found: {0}
{0} is replaced with name of the durable subscriber.
Cause An attempt was made to unsubscribe a durable subscriber with a
name that does not exist in the system.
C4087 |
Message Set Client ID operation failed. Invalid Client ID: {0}
{0} is replaced with the ClientID that caused the exception.
Cause Client is unable to set Client ID on the broker and receives a
BAD_REQUEST status from broker.
C4088 |
Message A JMS destination limit was reached. Too many producers for {0}
: {1}
{0} is replaced with Queue or Topic {1} is replaced with the
destination name for which the limit was reached.
Cause The client runtime was not able to create a message producer for
the specified domain and destination due to limited broker resources.
C4089 |
Message Caught JVM Error: {0}
{0} is replaced with root cause error message.
Cause The client runtime caught an error thrown from the JVM; for
example, OutOfMemory error.
C4090 |
Message Invalid port number. Broker is not available or may be
{0} is replaced with "[host, port]" information.
Cause The client runtime received an invalid port number (0) from the
broker. Broker service for the request was not available or was paused.
C4091 |
Message Cannot call Session.recover() from a NO_ACKNOWLEDGE session.
Cause The application attempts to call Session.recover( ) from a
C4092 |
Message Broker does not support Session.NO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode, broker
version: {0}
{0} is replaced with the version number of the broker to which the
Message Queue application is connected.
Cause The application attempts to create a NO_ACKNOWLEDGE session to a
broker with version # less than 3.6.
C4093 |
Message Received wrong packet type. Expected: {0}, but received: {1}
{0} is replaced with the packet type that the Message Queue client
runtime expected to receive from the broker. {1} is replaced with the
packet type that the Message Queue client runtime actually received from
the broker.
Cause The Message Queue client runtime received an unexpected Message
Queue packet from broker.
C4094 |
Message The destination this message was sent to could not be found:
{0} is replaced with the destination name that caused the exception.
Cause: A destination to which a message was sent could not be found.
C4095 |
Message: Message exceeds the single message size limit for the broker or
destination: {0}
{0} is replaced with the destination name that caused the exception.
Cause: A message exceeds the single message size limit for the broker or
C4096 |
Message: Destination is full and is rejecting new messages: {0}
{0} is replaced with the destination name that caused the exception.
Cause: A destination is full and is rejecting new messages.