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Welcome to the official Eclipse Foundation starter for Jakarta EE. The starter is a Maven Archetype that generates sample code to get you going quickly with simple Jakarta EE microservices projects. The starter will include a web UI in a subsequent release.

Generate Jakarta EE Project

In order to run the Maven Archetype and generate a sample Jakarta EE project, please execute the following. Please ensure you have installed a Java SE 8+ implementation and Maven 3+ (we have tested with Java SE 8, Java SE 11 and Java SE 17).

Generate a Jakarta EE Project

By clicking on the text it will be copied to the clipboard

Example projects

If desired, you can easily use the Maven Archetype from a Maven capable IDE such as Eclipse.

If you use the defaults, this will generate the Jakarta EE project under a directory named jakartaee-cafe. You can then run the project by executing the following command from the jakartaee-cafe directory. Please ensure you have installed a Java SE 8+ implementation and Maven 3+ (we have tested with Java SE 8, Java SE 11 and Java SE 17).

mvn clean package payara-micro:start

Once Payara Micro starts, you can access the project at http://localhost:8080.

You can also run the project via Docker. To build the Docker image, execute the following commands from the jakartaee-cafe directory. Please ensure you have installed a Java SE 8+ implementation, Maven 3+ and Docker (we have tested with Java SE 8, Java SE 11 and Java SE 17).

mvn clean package
docker build -t jakartaee-cafe:v1 .

You can then run the Docker image by executing:

docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 jakartaee-cafe:v1

Once Payara starts, you can access the project at http://localhost:8080/jakartaee-cafe.

The generated starter code is simply a Maven project. You can easily load, explore and run the code in a Maven capable IDE such as Eclipse.

We hope you enjoy your Jakarta EE journey!

Learn more!

There are many excellent free resources to learn Jakarta EE! The following are some that you should begin exploring alongside the starter.

  • The Jakarta EE Tutorial is a comprehensive reference for developing applications with Jakarta EE.
  • The First Cup is part of the Tutorial and is a gentle hands-on introduction to Jakarta EE.
  • You can further explore the First Cup Examples to get a feel for how Jakarta EE applications look like.
  • The Jakarta EE Tutorial Examples is a very comprehensive resource showing you how to use many Jakarta EE APIs and features.
  • The Cargo Tracker project demonstrates first-hand how you can develop applications with Jakarta EE using widely adopted architectural best practices like Domain-Driven Design (DDD).

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