jakarta.websocket |
This package contains all the Jakarta WebSocket APIs common to both the client and server side.
jakarta.websocket.server |
This package contains all the Jakarta WebSocket APIs used only by server side applications.
org.glassfish.tyrus.client |
Common Client.
org.glassfish.tyrus.client.auth |
org.glassfish.tyrus.client.exception |
Common Client Exceptions
org.glassfish.tyrus.container.grizzly.client |
Grizzly Client container.
org.glassfish.tyrus.container.grizzly.server |
Grizzly Server container.
org.glassfish.tyrus.core |
Core classes.
org.glassfish.tyrus.core.cluster |
Cluster relates classes and interfaces.
org.glassfish.tyrus.core.coder |
Encoder and decoder adapters and built-in implementations.
org.glassfish.tyrus.core.collection |
org.glassfish.tyrus.core.extension |
WebSocket Extension support.
org.glassfish.tyrus.core.frame |
WebSocket frame representations.
org.glassfish.tyrus.core.l10n |
Common internal localization utility classes.
org.glassfish.tyrus.core.monitoring |
Monitoring interfaces.
org.glassfish.tyrus.core.uri |
URI matching.
org.glassfish.tyrus.core.uri.internal |
Common classes that provide support for URI templates,
encoding/decoding of URI components and multivalued collections.
org.glassfish.tyrus.core.wsadl.model |
org.glassfish.tyrus.gf.cdi |
Tyrus CDI integration with Glassfish (and possibly other compatible containers).
org.glassfish.tyrus.gf.ejb |
Tyrus EJB integration with Glassfish (and possibly other compatible containers).
org.glassfish.tyrus.server |
Server implementation.
org.glassfish.tyrus.servlet |
Servlet 3.1 integration.
org.glassfish.tyrus.spi |
Tyrus SPI.