Interface Decoder

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static interface  Decoder.Binary<T>
      This interface defines how a custom object (of type T) is decoded from a web socket message in the form of a byte buffer.
      static interface  Decoder.BinaryStream<T>
      This interface defines how a custom object is decoded from a web socket message in the form of a binary stream.
      static interface  Decoder.Text<T>
      This interface defines how a custom object is decoded from a web socket message in the form of a string.
      static interface  Decoder.TextStream<T>
      This interface defines how a custom object of type T is decoded from a web socket message in the form of a character stream.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default void destroy()
      This method is called when the decoder is about to be removed from service in order that any resources the decoder used may be closed gracefully.
      default void init​(EndpointConfig config)
      This method is called with the endpoint configuration object of the endpoint this decoder is intended for when it is about to be brought into service.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        default void init​(EndpointConfig config)
        This method is called with the endpoint configuration object of the endpoint this decoder is intended for when it is about to be brought into service.
        config - the endpoint configuration object when being brought into service
      • destroy

        default void destroy()
        This method is called when the decoder is about to be removed from service in order that any resources the decoder used may be closed gracefully.