Interface ServerContainer

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public interface ServerContainer extends WebSocketContainer
The ServerContainer is the specialized view of the WebSocketContainer available in server-side deployments. There is one ServerContainer instance per websocket application. The ServerContainer holds the methods to be able to register server endpoints.

For websocket enabled web containers, developers may obtain a reference to the ServerContainer instance by retrieving it as an attribute named jakarta.websocket.server.ServerContainer on the ServletContext. This way, the registration methods held on this interface may be called to register server endpoints from a ServletContextListener during the deployment of the WAR file containing the endpoint. Server endpoints may also be registered after the web application has started.

WebSocket implementations that run outside the web container may have other means by which to provide a ServerContainer instance to the developer at application deployment time.

Once the application deployment phase is complete, and the websocket application has begun accepting incoming connections, the registration methods may no longer be called.

  • Method Details

    • addEndpoint

      void addEndpoint(Class<?> endpointClass) throws DeploymentException
      Deploys the given annotated endpoint into this ServerContainer.
      endpointClass - the class of the annotated endpoint
      DeploymentException - if the annotated endpoint was badly formed.
      IllegalStateException - if the containing websocket application has already been deployed.
    • addEndpoint

      void addEndpoint(ServerEndpointConfig serverConfig) throws DeploymentException
      Deploys the given endpoint described by the provided configuration into this ServerContainer.
      serverConfig - the configuration instance representing the logical endpoint that will be registered.
      DeploymentException - if the endpoint was badly formed.
      IllegalStateException - if the containing websocket application has already been deployed.
    • upgradeHttpToWebSocket

      void upgradeHttpToWebSocket(Object httpServletRequest, Object httpServletResponse, ServerEndpointConfig sec, Map<String,String> pathParameters) throws IOException, DeploymentException
      Upgrade the HTTP connection represented by the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse to the WebSocket protocol and establish a WebSocket connection as per the provided ServerEndpointConfig.

      This method is primarily intended to be used by frameworks that implement the front-controller pattern. It does not deploy the provided endpoint.

      If the WebSocket implementation is not deployed as part of a Jakarta Servlet container, this method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.

      httpServletRequest - The HttpServletRequest to be processed as a WebSocket handshake as per section 4.0 of RFC 6455.
      httpServletResponse - The HttpServletResponse to be used when processing the httpServletRequest as a WebSocket handshake as per section 4.0 of RFC 6455.
      sec - The server endpoint configuration to use to configure the WebSocket endpoint
      pathParameters - Provides a mapping of path parameter names and values, if any, to be used for the WebSocket connection established by the call to this method. If no such mapping is defined, an empty Map must be passed.
      IllegalStateException - if the provided request does not meet the requirements of the WebSocket handshake
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the WebSocket implementation is not deployed as part of a Jakarta Servlet container
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs during the establishment of a WebSocket connection
      DeploymentException - if a configuration error prevents the establishment of a WebSocket connection
      WebSocket 2.1