Class ClientProperties


public final class ClientProperties extends Object
Tyrus client configuration properties.
Petr Janouch
  • Field Details


      public static final String HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT
      Property usable in ClientManager.getProperties().

      Value must be int and represents handshake timeout in milliseconds. Default value is 30000 (30 seconds).

      See Also:

      public static final String RECONNECT_HANDLER
      Property usable in ClientManager.getProperties().

      Value must be ClientManager.ReconnectHandler instance.

      See Also:

      public static final String PROXY_URI
      User property to set proxy URI.

      Value is expected to be String and represent proxy URI. Protocol part is currently ignored but must be present (URI(String) is used for parsing).

           client.getProperties().put(ClientProperties.PROXY_URI, "");
      See Also:

      public static final String PROXY_HEADERS
      User property to set additional proxy headers.

      Value is expected to be Map<String, String> and represent raw http headers to be added to initial request which is sent to proxy. Key corresponds to header name, value is header value.

      Sample below demonstrates use of this feature to set preemptive basic proxy authentication:

           final HashMap<String, String> proxyHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
           proxyHeaders.put("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic " +
           client.getProperties().put(ClientProperties.PROXY_HEADERS, proxyHeaders);
      Please note that these headers will be used only when establishing proxy connection, for modifying WebSocket handshake headers, see ClientEndpointConfig.Configurator.beforeRequest(java.util.Map).
      See Also:

      public static final String SSL_ENGINE_CONFIGURATOR
      Property usable in ClientManager.getProperties() as a key for SSL configuration.

      Value is expected to be either org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLEngineConfigurator or SslEngineConfigurator when configuring Grizzly client or only SslEngineConfigurator when configuring JDK client.

      The advantage of using SslEngineConfigurator with Grizzly client is that SslEngineConfigurator allows configuration of host name verification (which is turned on by default)

      Example configuration for JDK client:

            SslContextConfigurator sslContextConfigurator = new SslContextConfigurator();
            SslEngineConfigurator sslEngineConfigurator = new SslEngineConfigurator(sslContextConfigurator, true,
                false, false);
            client.getProperties().put(ClientProperties.SSL_ENGINE_CONFIGURATOR, sslEngineConfigurator);
      See Also:

      public static final String INCOMING_BUFFER_SIZE
      See Also:

      public static final String SHARED_CONTAINER
      When set to true (boolean value), client runtime preserves used container and reuses it for outgoing connections.

      A single thread pool is reused by all clients with this property set to true. JDK client supports only shared container option, so setting this property has no effect.

      See Also:

      public static final String SHARED_CONTAINER_IDLE_TIMEOUT
      Container idle timeout in seconds (Integer value).

      When the timeout elapses, the shared thread pool will be destroyed.

      See Also:

      public static final String WORKER_THREAD_POOL_CONFIG
      User property to set worker thread pool configuration.

      An instance of ThreadPoolConfig is expected for both JDK and Grizzly client. Instance of org.glassfish.grizzly.threadpool.ThreadPoolConfig, can be used for Grizzly client.

      Sample below demonstrates how to use this property:

           client.getProperties().put(ClientProperties.WORKER_THREAD_POOL_CONFIG, ThreadPoolConfig.defaultConfig());
      See Also:

      public static final String AUTH_CONFIG
      Authentication configuration. If no AuthConfig is specified then default configuration will be used, containing both Basic and Digest provided authenticators.

      Value must be AuthConfig instance.

      Sample below demonstrates how to use this property:

           client.getProperties().put(ClientProperties.AUTH_CONFIG, AuthConfig.builder().enableProvidedBasicAuth()
      See Also:

      public static final String CREDENTIALS
      Authentication credentials.

      Value must be Credentials instance.

      Provided authenticators (both Basic and Digest) require this property set, otherwise AuthenticationException will be thrown during a handshake. User defined authenticators may look up credentials in another sources.

      Sample below demonstrates how to use this property:

           client.getProperties().put(ClientProperties.CREDENTIALS, new Credentials("websocket_user", "password");
      See Also:

      public static final String REDIRECT_ENABLED
      HTTP Redirect support.

      Value is expected to be boolean. Default value is false.

      When set to true and one of the following redirection HTTP response status code (3xx) is received during a handshake, client will attempt to connect to the URI contained in "Location" header from handshake response. Number of redirection is limited by property REDIRECT_THRESHOLD (integer value), while default value is 5.

      List of supported HTTP status codes:

      • 300 - Multiple Choices
      • 301 - Moved permanently
      • 302 - Found
      • 303 - See Other (since HTTP/1.1)
      • 307 - Temporary Redirect (since HTTP/1.1)
      • 308 - Permanent Redirect (Experimental RFC; RFC 7238)
      See Also:

      public static final String REDIRECT_THRESHOLD
      The maximal number of redirects during single handshake.

      Value is expected to be positive Integer. Default value is 5.

      HTTP redirection must be enabled by property REDIRECT_ENABLED, otherwise REDIRECT_THRESHOLD is not applied.

      See Also:

      public static final String RETRY_AFTER_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
      HTTP Service Unavailable - "Retry-After" reconnect support.

      Value is expected to be boolean. Default value is false.

      When set to true and HTTP response code 503 - Service Unavailable is received, client will attempt to reconnect after delay specified in "Retry-After" header from handshake response. According to RFC 2616 the value must be decimal integer (representing delay in seconds) or http-date.

      Tyrus client will try to reconnect after this delay if:

      • "Retry-After" header is present and is not empty
      • "Retry-After" header can be parsed
      • number of reconnection attempts does not exceed 5
      • delay is not longer then 300 seconds
      See Also:

      public static final String LOG_HTTP_UPGRADE
      User property to configure logging of HTTP upgrade messages.

      Value is expected to be boolean. Default value is false.

      When set to true upgrade request and response messages will be logged regardless of the logging level configuration. When the logging is configured to Level.FINE or lower, this setting will have no effect as at this level HTTP upgrade messages will be logged anyway.

      See Also:

      public static final String MASKING_KEY_GENERATOR
      Property name for registering a custom masking key generator. The expected value is an instance of MaskingKeyGenerator.

      As a security measure, all frames originating on websocket client have to be masked with random 4B value, which should be freshly generated for each frame. Moreover to fully comply with the security requirements of RFC 6455, a masking key of a frame must not be predictable from masking keys of previous frames and therefore Tyrus uses SecureRandom as a default masking key generator. While this is perfectly OK for most Tyrus client use cases, usage of SecureRandom might prove to be a performance issue, when the client is used for instance for highly parallel stress testing as SecureRandom uses a synchronized singleton as a random entropy provider in its internals.

      This property allows replacing the default SecureRandom with a more scalable provider of masking keys.

      See Also:

      public static final String SOCKET_BINDING
      Property name for defining local binding address for all socket created by the client. The expected value is an instance of InetAddress.

      Sample below demonstrates how to use this property:

           client.getProperties().put(ClientProperties.SOCKET_BINDING, InetAddress.getByName(""));
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ClientProperties

      public ClientProperties()