Class ClusterContext


public abstract class ClusterContext extends Object
Cluster related context.

There is exactly one instance per cluster node and all communication is realized using this instance.

Pavel Bucek
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ClusterContext

      public ClusterContext()
  • Method Details

    • sendText

      public abstract Future<Void> sendText(String sessionId, String text)
      Send text message.
      sessionId - remote session id.
      text - text to be sent.
      future representing the send event. Future.get() returns when there is an acknowledge from the other node that the message has been successfully sent. If there is any exception, it will be wrapped into ExecutionException and thrown.
    • sendText

      public abstract Future<Void> sendText(String sessionId, String text, boolean isLast)
      Send partial text message.
      sessionId - remote session id.
      text - text to be sent.
      isLast - true when the partial message being sent is the last part of the message.
      future representing the send event. Future.get() returns when there is an acknowledge from the other node that the message has been successfully sent. If there is any exception, it will be wrapped into ExecutionException and thrown.
    • sendBinary

      public abstract Future<Void> sendBinary(String sessionId, byte[] data)
      Send binary message.
      sessionId - remote session id.
      data - data to be sent.
      future representing the send event. Future.get() returns when there is an acknowledge from the other node that the message has been successfully sent. If there is any exception, it will be wrapped into ExecutionException and thrown.
    • sendBinary

      public abstract Future<Void> sendBinary(String sessionId, byte[] data, boolean isLast)
      Send partial binary message.
      sessionId - remote session id.
      data - data to be sent.
      isLast - true when the partial message being sent is the last part of the message.
      future representing the send event. Future.get() returns when there is an acknowledge from the other node that the message has been successfully sent. If there is any exception, it will be wrapped into ExecutionException and thrown.
    • sendPing

      public abstract Future<Void> sendPing(String sessionId, byte[] data)
      Send ping message.
      sessionId - remote session id.
      data - data to be sent as ping message payload.
      future representing the send event. Future.get() returns when there is an acknowledge from the other node that the message has been successfully sent. If there is any exception, it will be wrapped into ExecutionException and thrown.
    • sendPong

      public abstract Future<Void> sendPong(String sessionId, byte[] data)
      Send pong message.
      sessionId - remote session id.
      data - data to be sent as pong message payload.
      future representing the send event. Future.get() returns when there is an acknowledge from the other node that the message has been successfully sent. If there is any exception, it will be wrapped into ExecutionException and thrown.
    • sendText

      public abstract void sendText(String sessionId, String text, SendHandler sendHandler)
      Send text message with SendHandler.
      sessionId - remote session id.
      text - text to be sent.
      sendHandler - sendhandler instance on which SendHandler.onResult(jakarta.websocket.SendResult) will be invoked.
      See Also:
    • sendBinary

      public abstract void sendBinary(String sessionId, byte[] data, SendHandler sendHandler)
      Send binary message with SendHandler.
      sessionId - remote session id.
      data - data to be sent.
      sendHandler - sendhandler instance on which SendHandler.onResult(jakarta.websocket.SendResult) will be invoked.
      See Also:
    • broadcastText

      public abstract void broadcastText(String endpointPath, String text)
      Broadcast text message.
      endpointPath - endpoint path identifying sessions alignment to the endpoint.
      text - message to be broadcasted.
    • broadcastBinary

      public abstract void broadcastBinary(String endpointPath, byte[] data)
      Broadcast binary message.
      endpointPath - endpoint path identifying sessions alignment to the endpoint.
      data - data to be broadcasted.
    • isSessionOpen

      public abstract boolean isSessionOpen(String sessionId, String endpointPath)
      Get information about session state.
      sessionId - remote session id.
      endpointPath - endpoint path identifying sessions alignment to the endpoint.
      true when session is opened, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • close

      public abstract Future<Void> close(String sessionId)
      Close remote session.
      sessionId - remote session id.
      future representing the event. Future.get() returns when there is an acknowledge from the other node that the command was successfully executed. If there is any exception, it will be wrapped into ExecutionException and thrown.
    • close

      public abstract Future<Void> close(String sessionId, CloseReason closeReason)
      Close remote session with custom CloseReason.
      sessionId - remote session id.
      closeReason - custom close reason.
      future representing the event. Future.get() returns when there is an acknowledge from the other node that the command was successfully executed. If there is any exception, it will be wrapped into ExecutionException and thrown.
    • getRemoteSessionIds

      public abstract Set<String> getRemoteSessionIds(String endpointPath)
      Get set containing session ids of all remote sessions registered to given endpoint path.
      endpointPath - endpoint path identifying endpoint within the cluster.
      set of sessions ids.
    • createSessionId

      public abstract String createSessionId()
      Create session id. It has to be unique among all cluster nodes.
      session id.
    • createConnectionId

      public abstract String createConnectionId()
      Create connection id. It has to be unique among all cluster nodes.
      connection id.
    • registerSession

      public abstract void registerSession(String sessionId, String endpointPath, SessionEventListener listener)
      Register local session.

      Session id will be broadcasted to other nodes which will call getDistributedSessionProperties(String) and process its values. The map must be ready before this method is invoked.

      sessionId - session id to be registered.
      endpointPath - endpoint path identifying sessions alignment to the endpoint.
      listener - session event listener. When remote node sends a message to this session, it will be invoked.
      See Also:
    • registerSessionListener

      public abstract void registerSessionListener(String endpointPath, SessionListener listener)
      Register session listener.

      Gets notification about session creation .SessionListener#onSessionOpened(String) and destruction .SessionListener#onSessionClosed(String).

      endpointPath - endpoint path identifying sessions alignment to the endpoint.
      listener - listener instance.
      See Also:
    • registerBroadcastListener

      public abstract void registerBroadcastListener(String endpointPath, BroadcastListener listener)
      Register broadcast listener.

      Gets notification about broadcasted messages. Used as an optimized variant of standard websocket broadcast pattern. In this case, only one message is sent to all cluster nodes (instead n when n represent number of clients connected to remote nodes).

      endpointPath - endpoint path identifying sessions alignment to the endpoint.
      listener - listener instance.
      See Also:
    • getDistributedSessionProperties

      public abstract Map<RemoteSession.DistributedMapKey,Object> getDistributedSessionProperties(String sessionId)
      Get the map containing session properties to be shared among nodes.

      Changes must be propagated to remote instances.

      sessionId - remote session id.
      distributed map containing session properties.
    • getDistributedUserProperties

      public abstract Map<String,Object> getDistributedUserProperties(String connectionId)
      Get the map containing session user properties to be shared among nodes.

      Changes must be propagated to remote instances.

      connectionId - connection id. Connection id may be shared among subsequent TCP connection - represents logical connection.
      distributed map containing session properties.
    • destroyDistributedUserProperties

      public abstract void destroyDistributedUserProperties(String connectionId)
      Destroy map which holds distributed user properties.

      This method should be invoked only when session is properly closed.

      connectionId - connection id. Connection id may be shared among subsequent TCP connection - represents logical connection.
    • removeSession

      public abstract void removeSession(String sessionId, String endpointPath)
      Remove session from this Cluster context.
      sessionId - session id.
      endpointPath - endpoint path identifying sessions alignment to the endpoint.
    • shutdown

      public abstract void shutdown()
      Shutdown this ClusterContext.

      This will stop whole clustered node, any operation related to this cluster context will fail after this method is invoked.