Interface DistributedSession

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable, Session
All Known Implementing Classes:
RemoteSession, TyrusSession

public interface DistributedSession extends Session
Extended Session which adds distributed properties.
Pavel Bucek
  • Method Details

    • getDistributedProperties

      Map<String,Object> getDistributedProperties()
      Get distributed properties.

      Values put into this map must be Serializable or serializable by other, implementation-dependent alternative.

      Content of this map is synchronized among all cluster nodes, so putting an entry on any of the nodes will be visible on all other nodes which have reference to current session (in form of TyrusSession or RemoteSession).

      Please note that when not running in the distributed environment, this map behaves similarly to Session.getUserProperties(), so no serialization or deserialization is performed when values are read from or stored to the returned map.

      map of distributed properties.
      See Also: