Interface Connection

public interface Connection
A logical websocket connection. Tyrus creates this connection after successful upgrade and gets data from ReadHandler and writes data to Writer.
  • Method Details

    • getReadHandler

      ReadHandler getReadHandler()
      Returns a read handler. A transport can pass websocket data to tyrus using the handler.
      tryus read handler that handles websocket data.
    • getWriter

      Writer getWriter()
      Returns the same writer that is passed for creating connection in WebSocketEngine.UpgradeInfo.createConnection(Writer, CloseListener) The transport writer that actually writes websocket data to underlying connection.
      transport writer that actually writes websocket data to underlying connection.
    • getCloseListener

      Connection.CloseListener getCloseListener()
      Returns the same close listener that is passed for creating connection in WebSocketEngine.UpgradeInfo.createConnection(Writer, CloseListener).

      This transport close listener receives connection close notifications from Tyrus.

      close listener provided when the connection is created.
    • close

      void close(CloseReason reason)
      Notifies tyrus that underlying transport is closing the connection.
      reason - for closing the actual connection.