Chapter 2. Tyrus Modules and Dependencies

Tyrus is built, assembled and installed using Maven. Tyrus is deployed to maven repository at the following location: Jars, jar sources, jar javadoc and samples are all available on the maven repository.

All Tyrus components are built using Java SE 7 compiler. It means, you will also need at least Java SE 7 to be able to compile and run your application. Developers using maven are likely to find it easier to include and manage dependencies of their applications than developers using ant or other build technologies. The following table provides an overview of all Tyrus modules and their dependencies with links to the respective binaries.

Table 2.1. Tyrus core modules

tyrus-server tyrus-core, tyrus-spi, tyrus-websocket-coreBasic server functionality
tyrus-core tyrus-spi, tyrus-websocket-coreCore Tyrus functionality
tyrus-client tyrus-core, tyrus-spi, tyrus-websocket-coreBasic client functionality
tyrus-documentation [nothing]Project documentation
tyrus-websocket-core [nothing]The WebSocket protocol
tyrus-samples tyrus-server, tyrus-client, tyrus-container-grizzly, tyrus-core, tyrus-spi, tyrus-websocket-core Samples of using Java API for WebSocket and Tyrus
tyrus-spi [nothing]SPI

Table 2.2. Tyrus containers

tyrus-container-glassfish-cdi tyrus-spiCDI support
tyrus-container-glassfish-ejb tyrus-spiEJB support
tyrus-container-grizzly tyrus-core, tyrus-spi, tyrus-websocket-coreGrizzly integration for Tyrus client and standalone server usage
tyrus-container-servlet tyrus-server, tyrus-core, tyrus-spi, tyrus-websocket-coreServlet support for integration into web containers