Module jakarta.mail

Class InternetAddress

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class InternetAddress extends Address implements Cloneable
This class represents an Internet email address using the syntax of RFC822. Typical address syntax is of the form "user@host.domain" or "Personal Name <user@host.domain>".
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • address

      protected String address
      The email address.
    • personal

      protected String personal
      The personal name.
    • encodedPersonal

      protected String encodedPersonal
      The RFC 2047 encoded version of the personal name.

      This field and the personal field track each other, so if a subclass sets one of these fields directly, it should set the other to null, so that it is suitably recomputed.

  • Constructor Details

    • InternetAddress

      public InternetAddress()
      Default constructor.
    • InternetAddress

      public InternetAddress(String address) throws AddressException

      Parse the given string and create an InternetAddress. See the parse method for details of the parsing. The address is parsed using "strict" parsing. This constructor does not perform the additional syntax checks that the InternetAddress(String address, boolean strict) constructor does when strict is true. This constructor is equivalent to InternetAddress(address, false).

      address - the address in RFC822 format
      AddressException - if the parse failed
    • InternetAddress

      public InternetAddress(String address, boolean strict) throws AddressException
      Parse the given string and create an InternetAddress. If strict is false, the detailed syntax of the address isn't checked.
      address - the address in RFC822 format
      strict - enforce RFC822 syntax
      AddressException - if the parse failed
      JavaMail 1.3
    • InternetAddress

      public InternetAddress(String address, String personal) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
      Construct an InternetAddress given the address and personal name. The address is assumed to be a syntactically valid RFC822 address.
      address - the address in RFC822 format
      personal - the personal name
      UnsupportedEncodingException - if the personal name can't be encoded in the given charset
    • InternetAddress

      public InternetAddress(String address, String personal, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
      Construct an InternetAddress given the address and personal name. The address is assumed to be a syntactically valid RFC822 address.
      address - the address in RFC822 format
      personal - the personal name
      charset - the MIME charset for the name
      UnsupportedEncodingException - if the personal name can't be encoded in the given charset
  • Method Details

    • clone

      public Object clone()
      Return a copy of this InternetAddress object.
      clone in class Object
      JavaMail 1.2
    • getType

      public String getType()
      Return the type of this address. The type of an InternetAddress is "rfc822".
      Specified by:
      getType in class Address
      address type
      See Also:
    • setAddress

      public void setAddress(String address)
      Set the email address.
      address - email address
    • setPersonal

      public void setPersonal(String name, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
      Set the personal name. If the name contains non US-ASCII characters, then the name will be encoded using the specified charset as per RFC 2047. If the name contains only US-ASCII characters, no encoding is done and the name is used as is.
      name - personal name
      charset - MIME charset to be used to encode the name as per RFC 2047
      UnsupportedEncodingException - if the charset encoding fails.
      See Also:
    • setPersonal

      public void setPersonal(String name) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
      Set the personal name. If the name contains non US-ASCII characters, then the name will be encoded using the platform's default charset. If the name contains only US-ASCII characters, no encoding is done and the name is used as is.
      name - personal name
      UnsupportedEncodingException - if the charset encoding fails.
      See Also:
    • getAddress

      public String getAddress()
      Get the email address.
      email address
    • getPersonal

      public String getPersonal()
      Get the personal name. If the name is encoded as per RFC 2047, it is decoded and converted into Unicode. If the decoding or conversion fails, the raw data is returned as is.
      personal name
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Convert this address into a RFC 822 / RFC 2047 encoded address. The resulting string contains only US-ASCII characters, and hence is mail-safe.
      Specified by:
      toString in class Address
      possibly encoded address string
    • toUnicodeString

      public String toUnicodeString()
      Returns a properly formatted address (RFC 822 syntax) of Unicode characters.
      Unicode address string
      JavaMail 1.2
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object a)
      The equality operator.
      Specified by:
      equals in class Address
      a - Address object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Compute a hash code for the address.
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public static String toString(Address[] addresses)
      Convert the given array of InternetAddress objects into a comma separated sequence of address strings. The resulting string contains only US-ASCII characters, and hence is mail-safe.
      addresses - array of InternetAddress objects
      comma separated string of addresses
      ClassCastException - if any address object in the given array is not an InternetAddress object. Note that this is a RuntimeException.
    • toUnicodeString

      public static String toUnicodeString(Address[] addresses)
      Convert the given array of InternetAddress objects into a comma separated sequence of address strings. The resulting string contains Unicode characters.
      addresses - array of InternetAddress objects
      comma separated string of addresses
      ClassCastException - if any address object in the given array is not an InternetAddress object. Note that this is a RuntimeException.
      JavaMail 1.6
    • toString

      public static String toString(Address[] addresses, int used)
      Convert the given array of InternetAddress objects into a comma separated sequence of address strings. The resulting string contains only US-ASCII characters, and hence is mail-safe.

      The 'used' parameter specifies the number of character positions already taken up in the field into which the resulting address sequence string is to be inserted. It is used to determine the line-break positions in the resulting address sequence string.

      addresses - array of InternetAddress objects
      used - number of character positions already used, in the field into which the address string is to be inserted.
      comma separated string of addresses
      ClassCastException - if any address object in the given array is not an InternetAddress object. Note that this is a RuntimeException.
    • toUnicodeString

      public static String toUnicodeString(Address[] addresses, int used)
      Convert the given array of InternetAddress objects into a comma separated sequence of address strings. The resulting string contains Unicode characters.

      The 'used' parameter specifies the number of character positions already taken up in the field into which the resulting address sequence string is to be inserted. It is used to determine the line-break positions in the resulting address sequence string.

      addresses - array of InternetAddress objects
      used - number of character positions already used, in the field into which the address string is to be inserted.
      comma separated string of addresses
      ClassCastException - if any address object in the given array is not an InternetAddress object. Note that this is a RuntimeException.
      JavaMail 1.6
    • getLocalAddress

      public static InternetAddress getLocalAddress(Session session)
      Return an InternetAddress object representing the current user. The entire email address may be specified in the "mail.from" property. If not set, the "mail.user" and "" properties are tried. If those are not set, the "" property and InetAddress.getLocalHost method are tried. Security exceptions that may occur while accessing this information are ignored. If it is not possible to determine an email address, null is returned.
      session - Session object used for property lookup
      current user's email address
    • parse

      public static InternetAddress[] parse(String addresslist) throws AddressException
      Parse the given comma separated sequence of addresses into InternetAddress objects. Addresses must follow RFC822 syntax.
      addresslist - comma separated address strings
      array of InternetAddress objects
      AddressException - if the parse failed
    • parse

      public static InternetAddress[] parse(String addresslist, boolean strict) throws AddressException
      Parse the given sequence of addresses into InternetAddress objects. If strict is false, simple email addresses separated by spaces are also allowed. If strict is true, many (but not all) of the RFC822 syntax rules are enforced. In particular, even if strict is true, addresses composed of simple names (with no "@domain" part) are allowed. Such "illegal" addresses are not uncommon in real messages.

      Non-strict parsing is typically used when parsing a list of mail addresses entered by a human. Strict parsing is typically used when parsing address headers in mail messages.

      addresslist - comma separated address strings
      strict - enforce RFC822 syntax
      array of InternetAddress objects
      AddressException - if the parse failed
    • parseHeader

      public static InternetAddress[] parseHeader(String addresslist, boolean strict) throws AddressException
      Parse the given sequence of addresses into InternetAddress objects. If strict is false, the full syntax rules for individual addresses are not enforced. If strict is true, many (but not all) of the RFC822 syntax rules are enforced.

      To better support the range of "invalid" addresses seen in real messages, this method enforces fewer syntax rules than the parse method when the strict flag is false and enforces more rules when the strict flag is true. If the strict flag is false and the parse is successful in separating out an email address or addresses, the syntax of the addresses themselves is not checked.

      addresslist - comma separated address strings
      strict - enforce RFC822 syntax
      array of InternetAddress objects
      AddressException - if the parse failed
      JavaMail 1.3
    • validate

      public void validate() throws AddressException
      Validate that this address conforms to the syntax rules of RFC 822. The current implementation checks many, but not all, syntax rules. Note that even though the syntax of the address may be correct, there's no guarantee that a mailbox of that name exists.
      AddressException - if the address isn't valid.
      JavaMail 1.3
    • isGroup

      public boolean isGroup()
      Indicates whether this address is an RFC 822 group address. Note that a group address is different than the mailing list addresses supported by most mail servers. Group addresses are rarely used; see RFC 822 for details.
      true if this address represents a group
      JavaMail 1.3
    • getGroup

      public InternetAddress[] getGroup(boolean strict) throws AddressException
      Return the members of a group address. A group may have zero, one, or more members. If this address is not a group, null is returned. The strict parameter controls whether the group list is parsed using strict RFC 822 rules or not. The parsing is done using the parseHeader method.
      strict - use strict RFC 822 rules?
      array of InternetAddress objects, or null
      AddressException - if the group list can't be parsed
      JavaMail 1.3