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Eclipse Implementation of JAXB Release DocumentationLinks: Table of Contents | Single HTML | Single PDF

Eclipse Implementation of JAXB Release Documentation

Table of Contents

1. Documentation
2. Software Licenses
3. Sample Apps
3.1. Using the Runtime Binding Framework
Release Notes
1. Java™ SE Requirements
2. Identifying the JAR Files
3. Identifying the JPMS module names
4. Locating the Normative Binding Schema
5. Changelog
5.1. Changes between 4.0.2 and 4.0.3
5.2. Changes between 4.0.1 and 4.0.2
5.3. Changes between 4.0.0 and 4.0.1
5.4. Changes in 4.0.0 - initial release for Jakarta EE 10
5.5. Changes between 3.0.1 and 3.0.2
5.6. Changes between 3.0.0 and 3.0.1
5.7. Changes in 3.0.0 - initial release for Jakarta EE 9
5.8. Changes in 2.3.2 - initial release for Jakarta EE 8
Eclipse Implementation of JAXB Users Guide
1. Compiling XML Schema
1.1. Dealing with errors
1.2. Fixing broken references in schema
1.3. Mapping of <xs:any />
1.4. Mapping of <xs:element /> to JAXBElement
1.5. How modularization of schema interacts with XJC
1.6. Adding behaviors
1.7. Avoid strong databinding
1.8. Working with generated code in memory
2. Customization of Schema Compilation
2.1. Customizing Java packages
2.2. Using SCD for customizations
2.3. Using different datatypes
3. Annotating Your Classes
3.1. Mapping your favorite class
3.2. Mapping interfaces
3.3. Evolving annotated classes
3.4. XML layout and in-memory data layout
3.5. Mapping cyclic references to XML
4. Unmarshalling
4.1. @XmlRootElement and unmarshalling
4.2. Unmarshalling is not working! Help!
4.3. Element default values and unmarshalling
4.4. Dealing with large documents
5. Marshalling
5.1. Changing prefixes
5.2. Element default values and marshalling
5.3. Different ways of marshalling
5.4. Interaction between marshalling and DOM
6. Schema Generation
6.1. Invoking schemagen programatically
6.2. Generating Schema that you want
7. Deployment
7.1. Using Eclipse Implementation of JAXB with Maven
7.2. Using Eclipse Implementation of JAXB on JPMS
8. Other Miscellaneous Topics
8.1. Performance and thread-safety
8.2. Compiling DTD
8.3. Designing a client/server protocol in XML
1. XJC
1.1. xjc Overview
1.2. Launching xjc
1.3. xjc Syntax
1.4. Compiler Restrictions
1.5. Generated Resource Files
2. XJC Ant Task
2.1. xjc Task Overview
2.2. xjc Task Attributes
2.3. Generated Resource Files
2.4. Up-to-date Check
2.5. Schema Language Support
2.6. xjc Examples
3. SchemaGen
3.1. schemagen Overview
3.2. Launching schemagen
3.3. schemagen Syntax
3.4. Generated Resource Files
4. SchemaGen Ant Task
4.1. schemagen Task Overview
4.2. schemagen Task Attributes
4.3. schemagen Examples
5. 3rd Party Tools
5.1. Maven Plugins
5.2. XJC Plugins
5.3. RDBMS Persistence
Eclipse Implementation of JAXB Extensions
1. Overview
2. Runtime Properties
2.1. Marshaller Properties
3. XJC Customizations
3.1. Customizations
4. DTD
4.1. DTD
5. Develop Plugins
5.1. What Can A Plugin Do?
Frequently Asked Questions
Related Articles
1. Introductory
2. Blogs
3. Interesting articles

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