Interface | Description |
ChunkParser |
Chunk data parser.
ClientExecutor |
Executor for client async processing and background task scheduling.
ClientLifecycleListener |
Jersey client lifecycle listener contract.
HttpUrlConnectorProvider.ConnectionFactory |
A factory for
HttpURLConnection instances. |
Initializable<T extends Initializable<T>> |
Initializable Jersey client-side component.
Class | Description |
AbstractRxInvoker<T> |
Default implementation of
reactive invoker . |
ChunkedInput<T> |
Response entity type used for receiving messages in "typed" chunks.
ClientAsyncExecutorLiteral |
ClientAsyncExecutor annotation literal. |
ClientBackgroundSchedulerLiteral |
ClientBackgroundScheduler annotation literal. |
ClientBootstrapBag |
A holder that is used only during Jersey bootstrap to keep the instances of the given types and then use them during the
ClientConfig |
Jersey externalized implementation of client-side JAX-RS
configurable contract. |
ClientProperties |
Jersey client implementation configuration properties.
ClientRequest |
Jersey client request context.
ClientResponse |
Jersey client response context.
CustomProvidersFeature |
Feature to provide the single-line registration of custom providers.
HttpUrlConnectorProvider |
Default Jersey client
connector provider
that provides connector instances which delegate HTTP requests to HttpURLConnection
for processing. |
InjectionManagerClientProvider |
Extension of
InjectionManagerProvider which contains helper static methods
that extract InjectionManager from client specific JAX-RS components. |
JerseyClient |
Jersey implementation of
JAX-RS Client
contract. |
JerseyClientBuilder |
Jersey provider of
JAX-RS client builder . |
JerseyCompletionStageRxInvoker |
Implementation of Reactive Invoker for
CompletionStage . |
JerseyInvocation |
Jersey implementation of
JAX-RS client-side
request invocation contract. |
JerseyInvocation.Builder |
client invocation builder . |
JerseyWebTarget |
Jersey implementation of
JAX-RS client target
contract. |
RequestProcessingInitializationStage |
Function that can be put to an acceptor chain to properly initialize
the client-side request-scoped processing injection for the current
request and response exchange.
Enum | Description |
RequestEntityProcessing |
Defines values for the
ClientProperties.REQUEST_ENTITY_PROCESSING property. |
Annotation Type | Description |
ClientAsyncExecutor |
Injection qualifier that can be used to inject an
instance used by Jersey client runtime to execute asynchronous
client requests. |
ClientBackgroundScheduler |
Injection qualifier that can be used to inject an
instance used by Jersey client runtime to schedule background tasks. |
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