Class | Description |
AbstractResourceFinderAdapter |
This class provides partial default implementation of
ResourceFinder . |
ContainerUtils |
Utility methods used by container implementations.
InternalServerProperties |
Jersey internal server-side configuration properties.
JerseyRequestTimeoutHandler |
ContainerResponseWriter.suspend(long, TimeUnit, ContainerResponseWriter.TimeoutHandler)
and ContainerResponseWriter.setSuspendTimeout(long, TimeUnit) handler that can be used in
ContainerResponseWriter implementations instead of the underlying infrastructure. |
JerseyResourceContext |
Jersey implementation of JAX-RS
resource context . |
JsonWithPaddingInterceptor |
WriterInterceptor implementation for JSONP format. |
LocalizationMessages |
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
MappableExceptionWrapperInterceptor |
Interceptor that wraps specific exceptions types thrown by wrapped interceptors and by message
body readers and writers into a mappable exception.
MappableExceptionWrapperInterceptor.Binder |
Binder registering the
Exception Wrapper Interceptor
(used on the client side). |
ProcessingProviders |
Injectable encapsulating class containing processing providers like filters, interceptors,
name bound providers, dynamic features.
RuntimeDelegateImpl |
Server-side implementation of JAX-RS
RuntimeDelegate . |
Enum | Description |
ServerTraceEvent |
Server side tracing events.
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