Package | Description |
org.glassfish.jersey.apache.connector |
Jersey client
connector based on the
Apache Http Client. |
org.glassfish.jersey.apache5.connector |
Jersey client
connector based on the
Apache Http Client. |
org.glassfish.jersey.client |
Jersey client-side classes.
org.glassfish.jersey.client.spi |
Jersey client SPI classes/interfaces.
org.glassfish.jersey.ext.cdi1x.internal |
Jersey internal package supporting Jersey CDI integration.
org.glassfish.jersey.internal |
Common Jersey internal API classes.
org.glassfish.jersey.internal.config | |
org.glassfish.jersey.jaxb | |
org.glassfish.jersey.jetty.connector |
Jersey client
connector based on the
Jetty Client. |
org.glassfish.jersey.message |
Common Jersey messaging classes.
org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal |
Common Jersey internal messaging classes.
org.glassfish.jersey.microprofile.config |
Support for microprofile external configurations in Jersey
Configuration properties for Jersey (client/server/common) could be passed from different sources
using this implementation
org.glassfish.jersey.oauth1.signature |
Jersey OAuth 1 Signature API and Implementation.
org.glassfish.jersey.process.internal |
Common Jersey internal processing classes.
org.glassfish.jersey.server.model |
Jersey server-side application & resource modeling classes.
org.glassfish.jersey.server.monitoring |
Jersey server-side monitoring JMX MBeans interfaces.
org.glassfish.jersey.server.spi |
Jersey server-side service provider contract (SPI) classes.
org.glassfish.jersey.server.spi.internal |
Jersey server-side internal service provider contract (SPI) classes.
org.glassfish.jersey.spi |
Common Jersey service provider contract (SPI) classes.
Class and Description |
Used to annotate SPI provider contracts recognized by Jersey (in addition to the JAX-RS providers).
Class and Description |
Used to annotate SPI provider contracts recognized by Jersey (in addition to the JAX-RS providers).
Class and Description |
Used to annotate SPI provider contracts recognized by Jersey (in addition to the JAX-RS providers).
Class and Description |
Used to annotate SPI provider contracts recognized by Jersey (in addition to the JAX-RS providers).
Class and Description |
Component provider interface to allow custom management of 3rd party
components life-cycle and dependency injection.
Class and Description |
An injectable interface providing look-up for
provider instances. |
Provides lookup of
ExceptionMapper instances that can be used
to map exceptions to responses. |
A provider that supports the conversion of an HTTP header, of type T, to and
from a
String . |
Class and Description |
Provider interface for external (SPI) providers to provide
their configuration properties implementations
Priority of providers can be adjusted by Priority annotation
or just alphabetically (if no Provider annotation is found)
Class and Description |
Used to annotate SPI provider contracts recognized by Jersey (in addition to the JAX-RS providers).
Class and Description |
Used to annotate SPI provider contracts recognized by Jersey (in addition to the JAX-RS providers).
Class and Description |
Standard contract for plugging in content encoding support.
Class and Description |
A provider that supports the conversion of an HTTP header, of type T, to and
from a
String . |
Class and Description |
Model of configuration for external properties.
Provider interface for external (SPI) providers to provide
their configuration properties implementations
Priority of providers can be adjusted by Priority annotation
or just alphabetically (if no Provider annotation is found)
Class and Description |
Used to annotate SPI provider contracts recognized by Jersey (in addition to the JAX-RS providers).
Class and Description |
An extension contract for providing pluggable executor service providers to be used by
Jersey client or server runtime whenever a specific executor service is needed to execute a Jersey runtime processing task.
An extension contract for providing pluggable scheduled executor service providers to be used by
Jersey client or server runtime whenever a specific scheduler is needed to schedule execution of a
Jersey runtime processing task.
Class and Description |
Used to annotate SPI provider contracts recognized by Jersey (in addition to the JAX-RS providers).
Class and Description |
Used to annotate SPI provider contracts recognized by Jersey (in addition to the JAX-RS providers).
Class and Description |
Component provider interface to allow custom management of 3rd party
components life-cycle and dependency injection.
Used to annotate SPI provider contracts recognized by Jersey (in addition to the JAX-RS providers).
Class and Description |
Used to annotate SPI provider contracts recognized by Jersey (in addition to the JAX-RS providers).
Class and Description |
Abstract thread pool executor provider.
Used to annotate SPI provider contracts recognized by Jersey (in addition to the JAX-RS providers).
An extension contract for providing pluggable executor service providers to be used by
Jersey client or server runtime whenever a specific executor service is needed to execute a Jersey runtime processing task.
Model of configuration for external properties.
An extension contract for providing pluggable scheduled executor service providers to be used by
Jersey client or server runtime whenever a specific scheduler is needed to schedule execution of a
Jersey runtime processing task.
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