Class Stage.Continuation<DATA>

Type Parameters:
DATA - processed data type.
Enclosing interface:

public static final class Stage.Continuation<DATA> extends Object
Data processing stage continuation.

A continuation of a processing stage is a processing result represented by an (optional) stage that should be invoked next and the processed data result.

  • Method Details

    • of

      public static <DATA> Stage.Continuation<DATA> of(DATA result, Stage<DATA> next)
      Create a continuation from the processed data result and the stage to be invoked next.
      Type Parameters:
      DATA - processed data type.
      result - data processing result.
      next - stage to be invoked next.
      a continuation with the supplied stage to be invoked next in the processing chain and the supplied processing result.
    • of

      public static <DATA> Stage.Continuation<DATA> of(DATA result)
      Create a terminal continuation from the processed data result.
      Type Parameters:
      DATA - processed data type.
      result - data processing result.
      terminal continuation with no next stage in the processing chain and the supplied processing result.
    • result

      public DATA result()
      Get the data processing result.
      data processing result.
    • next

      public Stage<DATA> next()
      Get the stage to be invoked next or null if no next stage is present.
      the stage to be invoked next or null if not present.
    • hasNext

      public boolean hasNext()
      Check if there is a next stage present in the continuation.

      The absence of a next stage in the continuation indicates that the data processing reached a terminal stage and the result of the continuation represents the final result of the whole processing chain.

      true if there is a next stage present in the continuation, false otherwise.