Class ComponentBag


public class ComponentBag extends Object
An internal Jersey container for custom component classes and instances.

The component bag can automatically compute a contract provider model for the registered component type and stores it with the component registration.

The rules for managing components inside a component bag are derived from the rules of JAX-RS Configurable API. In short:

  • The iteration order of registered components mirrors the registration order of these components.
  • There can be only one registration for any given component type.
  • Existing registrations cannot be overridden (any attempt to override an existing registration will be rejected).

Marek Potociar
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • excludeMetaProviders

      public static Predicate<ContractProvider> excludeMetaProviders(InjectionManager injectionManager)
      A method creates the Predicate which is able to filter all Jersey meta-providers along with the components which is able to register the current used InjectionManager.
      injectionManager - current injection manager.
      Predicate excluding Jersey meta-providers and the specific ones for a current InjectionManager.
    • newInstance

      public static ComponentBag newInstance(Predicate<ContractProvider> registrationStrategy)
      Create new empty component bag.
      registrationStrategy - function driving the decision (based on the introspected contract provider model) whether or not should the component class registration continue towards a successful completion.
      a new empty component bag.
    • getFromBinders

      public static <T> List<T> getFromBinders(InjectionManager injectionManager, ComponentBag componentBag, Function<Object,T> cast, Predicate<Binding> filter)
      If T object is registered in ComponentBag using the Binder, T is not visible using the methods for getting classes and instances getClasses(Predicate) and getInstances(Predicate).

      Method selects all bindings and picks up the instances or creates the instances from ClassBinding (injection does not work at this moment).

      injectionManager - injection manager to create an object from T class.
      componentBag - component bag which provides registered binders.
      all instances/classes registered using binders.
    • register

      public boolean register(Class<?> componentClass, Inflector<ContractProvider.Builder,ContractProvider> modelEnhancer)
      Register a component class using a given registration strategy.
      componentClass - class to be introspected as a contract provider and registered, based on the registration strategy decision.
      modelEnhancer - custom contract provider model enhancer.
      true if the component registration was successful.
    • register

      public boolean register(Class<?> componentClass, int priority, Inflector<ContractProvider.Builder,ContractProvider> modelEnhancer)
      Register a component class as a contract provider with an explicitly specified binding priority.
      componentClass - class to be introspected as a contract provider and registered.
      priority - explicitly specified binding priority for the provider contracts implemented by the component.
      modelEnhancer - custom contract provider model enhancer.
      true if the component registration was successful.
    • register

      public boolean register(Class<?> componentClass, Set<Class<?>> contracts, Inflector<ContractProvider.Builder,ContractProvider> modelEnhancer)
      Register a component class as a contract provider for the specified contracts.
      componentClass - class to be introspected as a contract provider and registered.
      contracts - contracts to bind the component class to.
      modelEnhancer - custom contract provider model enhancer.
      true if the component registration was successful.
    • register

      public boolean register(Class<?> componentClass, Map<Class<?>,Integer> contracts, Inflector<ContractProvider.Builder,ContractProvider> modelEnhancer)
      Register a component class as a contract provider for the specified contracts.
      componentClass - class to be introspected as a contract provider and registered.
      contracts - contracts with their priorities to bind the component class to.
      modelEnhancer - custom contract provider model enhancer.
      true if the component registration was successful.
    • register

      public boolean register(Object component, Inflector<ContractProvider.Builder,ContractProvider> modelEnhancer)
      Register a component using a given registration strategy.
      component - instance to be introspected as a contract provider and registered, based on the registration strategy decision.
      modelEnhancer - custom contract provider model enhancer.
      true if the component registration was successful.
    • register

      public boolean register(Object component, int priority, Inflector<ContractProvider.Builder,ContractProvider> modelEnhancer)
      Register a component as a contract provider with an explicitly specified binding priority.
      component - instance to be introspected as a contract provider and registered, based on the registration strategy decision.
      priority - explicitly specified binding priority for the provider contracts implemented by the component.
      modelEnhancer - custom contract provider model enhancer.
      true if the component registration was successful.
    • register

      public boolean register(Object component, Set<Class<?>> contracts, Inflector<ContractProvider.Builder,ContractProvider> modelEnhancer)
      Register a component as a contract provider for the specified contracts.
      component - instance to be introspected as a contract provider and registered, based on the registration strategy decision.
      contracts - contracts to bind the component to.
      modelEnhancer - custom contract provider model enhancer.
      true if the component registration was successful.
    • register

      public boolean register(Object component, Map<Class<?>,Integer> contracts, Inflector<ContractProvider.Builder,ContractProvider> modelEnhancer)
      Register a component as a contract provider for the specified contracts.
      component - instance to be introspected as a contract provider and registered, based on the registration strategy decision.
      contracts - contracts with their priorities to bind the component to.
      modelEnhancer - custom contract provider model enhancer.
      true if the component registration was successful.
    • modelFor

      public static ContractProvider modelFor(Class<?> componentClass)
      Create a contract provider model by introspecting a component class.
      componentClass - component class to create contract provider model for.
      contract provider model for the class.
    • getClasses

      public Set<Class<?>> getClasses()
      Get all registered component classes, including features and binders meta-providers.
      all registered component classes.
    • getInstances

      public Set<Object> getInstances()
      Get all registered component instances, including features and binders meta-providers.
      all registered component instances.
    • getClasses

      public Set<Class<?>> getClasses(Predicate<ContractProvider> filter)
      Get a subset of all registered component classes using the filter predicate to determine for each component class based on it's contract provider class model whether it should be kept or filtered out.
      filter - function that decides whether a particular class should be returned or not.
      filtered subset of registered component classes.
    • getInstances

      public Set<Object> getInstances(Predicate<ContractProvider> filter)
      Get a subset of all registered component instances using the filter predicate to determine for each component instance based on it's contract provider class model whether it should be kept or filtered out.
      filter - function that decides whether a particular class should be returned or not.
      filtered subset of registered component instances.
    • getRegistrations

      public Set<Class<?>> getRegistrations()
      Get an unmodifiable view of all component classes, for which a registration exists (either class or instance based) in the component bag.
      set of classes of all component classes and instances registered in this component bag.
    • getModel

      public ContractProvider getModel(Class<?> componentClass)
      Get a model for a given component class, or null if no such component is registered in the component bag.
      componentClass - class of the registered component to retrieve the contract provider model for.
      model for a given component class, or null if no such component is registered.
    • copy

      public ComponentBag copy()
      Get a copy of this component bag.
      component bag copy.
    • immutableCopy

      public ComponentBag immutableCopy()
      Get immutable copy of a component bag.
      immutable view of a component bag.
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Removes all the component registrations and resets the component bag instance to a state as if it was create anew.