Class UniformTimeReservoir

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UniformTimeReservoir extends Object implements TimeReservoir<Long>
A random sampling reservoir of a stream of longs. Uses Vitter's Algorithm R to produce a statistically representative sample.
Stepan Vavra, Dropwizard Team
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UniformTimeReservoir

      public UniformTimeReservoir(long startTime, TimeUnit startTimeUnit)
      Creates a new UniformTimeReservoir instance of 1024 elements, which offers a 99.9% confidence level with a 5% margin of error assuming a normal distribution.
      startTime - The start time
      startTimeUnit - The start time unit
    • UniformTimeReservoir

      public UniformTimeReservoir(int size, long startTime, TimeUnit startTimeUnit)
      Creates a new UniformTimeReservoir instance.
      size - the number of samples to keep in the sampling reservoir
      startTime - The start time
      startTimeUnit - The start time unit
  • Method Details

    • size

      public int size(long time, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Description copied from interface: TimeReservoir
      Returns the number of values recorded at given time or newer. It may not be supported to return a size in past due to performance optimizations.
      Specified by:
      size in interface TimeReservoir<Long>
      time - The time to get the size for
      timeUnit - Time unit of the provided time
      the number of values recorded for given time or newer
    • update

      public void update(Long value, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Description copied from interface: TimeReservoir
      Adds a new recorded value to the reservoir bound to a given time.
      Specified by:
      update in interface TimeReservoir<Long>
      value - a new recorded value
      time - The time the recorded value occurred at
      timeUnit - Time unit of the provided time
    • getSnapshot

      public UniformTimeSnapshot getSnapshot(long time, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Description copied from interface: TimeReservoir
      Returns a snapshot of the reservoir's values at given time or newer. It may not be supported to return a snapshot in past due to performance optimizations.
      Specified by:
      getSnapshot in interface TimeReservoir<Long>
      time - The time for which to get the snapshot
      timeUnit - Time unit of the provided time
      a snapshot of the reservoir's values for given time or newer
    • interval

      public long interval(TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Description copied from interface: TimeReservoir
      The time interval this reservoir stores data of.
      Specified by:
      interval in interface TimeReservoir<Long>
      timeUnit - The time unit in which to get the interval
      The time interval of this time reservoir