Interface TimeReservoir<V>

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSlidingWindowTimeReservoir, UniformTimeReservoir

public interface TimeReservoir<V>
A statistically representative reservoir of a data stream in time.

Compared to Dropwizard Reservoir, this interface adds a possibility to work with data that is associated with a specific time. It may not be possible; however, to obtain a snapshot or size at some moment in past due to performance optimizations.

Stepan Vavra
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getSnapshot(long time, TimeUnit timeUnit)
    Returns a snapshot of the reservoir's values at given time or newer.
    interval(TimeUnit timeUnit)
    The time interval this reservoir stores data of.
    size(long time, TimeUnit timeUnit)
    Returns the number of values recorded at given time or newer.
    update(V value, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit)
    Adds a new recorded value to the reservoir bound to a given time.
  • Method Details

    • size

      int size(long time, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Returns the number of values recorded at given time or newer. It may not be supported to return a size in past due to performance optimizations.
      time - The time to get the size for
      timeUnit - Time unit of the provided time
      the number of values recorded for given time or newer
    • update

      void update(V value, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Adds a new recorded value to the reservoir bound to a given time.
      value - a new recorded value
      time - The time the recorded value occurred at
      timeUnit - Time unit of the provided time
    • getSnapshot

      UniformTimeSnapshot getSnapshot(long time, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Returns a snapshot of the reservoir's values at given time or newer. It may not be supported to return a snapshot in past due to performance optimizations.
      time - The time for which to get the snapshot
      timeUnit - Time unit of the provided time
      a snapshot of the reservoir's values for given time or newer
    • interval

      long interval(TimeUnit timeUnit)
      The time interval this reservoir stores data of.
      timeUnit - The time unit in which to get the interval
      The time interval of this time reservoir