Class Parameter

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public class Parameter extends Parameter implements AnnotatedElement
Method parameter model.
Marek Potociar
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • create

      public static <PARAMETER extends Parameter> PARAMETER create(Class concreteClass, Class declaringClass, boolean encodeByDefault, Class<?> rawType, Type type, Annotation[] annotations)
      Create a parameter model.
      concreteClass - concrete resource method handler implementation class.
      declaringClass - declaring class of the method the parameter belongs to or field that this parameter represents.
      encodeByDefault - flag indicating whether the parameter should be encoded by default or not. Note that a presence of Encoded annotation in the list of the parameter annotations will override any value set in the flag to true.
      rawType - raw Java parameter type.
      type - generic Java parameter type.
      annotations - parameter annotations.
      new parameter model.
    • createList

      protected static <PARAMETER extends Parameter> List<PARAMETER> createList(Class concreteClass, Class declaringClass, boolean keepEncoded, Class[] parameterTypes, Type[] genericParameterTypes, Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations, Class<?> parameterClass)
    • create

      public static <PARAMETER extends Parameter> List<PARAMETER> create(Class concreteClass, Class declaringClass, Constructor<?> ctor, boolean keepEncoded)
      Create a list of parameter models for a given resource method handler injectable constructor.
      concreteClass - concrete resource method handler implementation class.
      declaringClass - class where the method has been declared.
      ctor - injectable constructor of the resource method handler.
      keepEncoded - set to true to disable automatic decoding of all the constructor parameters. (See Encoded.
      a list of constructor parameter models.
    • create

      public static <PARAMETER extends Parameter> List<PARAMETER> create(Class concreteClass, Class declaringClass, Method javaMethod, boolean keepEncoded)
      Create a list of parameter models for a given Java method handling a resource method, sub-resource method or a sub-resource locator.
      concreteClass - concrete resource method handler implementation class.
      declaringClass - the class declaring the handling Java method.
      javaMethod - Java method handling a resource method, sub-resource method or a sub-resource locator.
      keepEncoded - set to true to disable automatic decoding of all the method parameters. (See Encoded.
      a list of handling method parameter models.
    • overrideSource

      public static Parameter overrideSource(Parameter original, Parameter.Source source)
      Create new parameter model by overriding source of the original parameter model.
      original - original parameter model.
      source - new overriding parameter source.
      source-overridden copy of the original parameter.
    • isQualified

      public boolean isQualified()
      Check if the parameter is qualified.
      isQualified in class Parameter
      true if the parameter is qualified, false otherwise.