Interface | Description |
Cache<K,V> |
A semi-persistent mapping from keys to values.
ListenableFuture<V> |
Future that accepts completion listeners. |
ListMultimap<K,V> |
Multimap that can hold duplicate key-value pairs and that maintains
the insertion ordering of values for a given key. |
LoadingCache<K,V> |
A semi-persistent mapping from keys to values.
Multimap<K,V> |
A collection that maps keys to values, similar to
Map , but in which
each key may be associated with multiple values. |
PeekingIterator<E> |
An iterator that supports a one-element lookahead while iterating.
SetMultimap<K,V> |
Multimap that cannot hold duplicate key-value pairs. |
SortedSetMultimap<K,V> |
SetMultimap whose set of values for a given key are kept sorted;
that is, they comprise a SortedSet . |
Table<R,C,V> |
A collection that associates an ordered pair of keys, called a row key and a
column key, with a single value.
Table.Cell<R,C,V> |
Row key / column key / value triplet corresponding to a mapping in a table.
Class | Description |
AbstractFuture<V> |
An abstract implementation of the
ListenableFuture interface. |
AbstractIterator<T> |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of the
interface, to make this interface easier to implement for certain types of
data sources. |
CacheBuilder<K,V> |
A builder of
LoadingCache and Cache instances having any combination of the
following features:
automatic loading of entries into the cache
least-recently-used eviction when a maximum size is exceeded
time-based expiration of entries, measured since last access or last write
keys automatically wrapped in weak references
values automatically wrapped in weak or
soft references
notification of evicted (or otherwise removed) entries
accumulation of cache access statistics
These features are all optional; caches can be created using all or none of them. |
CacheLoader<K,V> |
Computes or retrieves values, based on a key, for use in populating a
LoadingCache . |
Equivalence<T> |
A strategy for determining whether two instances are considered equivalent.
ForwardingCollection<E> |
A collection which forwards all its method calls to another collection.
ForwardingMapEntry<K,V> |
A map entry which forwards all its method calls to another map entry.
ForwardingSet<E> |
A set which forwards all its method calls to another set.
ForwardingSortedSet<E> |
A sorted set which forwards all its method calls to another sorted set.
Futures |
Static utility methods pertaining to the
Future interface. |
HashBasedTable<R,C,V> |
Implementation of
Table using hash tables. |
HashMultimap<K,V> |
Implementation of
Multimap using hash tables. |
InetAddresses |
Static utility methods pertaining to
InetAddress instances. |
Iterators |
This class contains static utility methods that operate on or return objects
of type
Iterator . |
Joiner | |
Joiner.MapJoiner |
An object that joins map entries in the same manner as
Joiner joins iterables and
arrays. |
Lists |
Static utility methods pertaining to
List instances. |
MapMaker |
A builder of
ConcurrentMap instances having any combination of the following features:
keys or values automatically wrapped in weak or soft references
notification of evicted (or otherwise removed) entries
on-demand computation of values for keys not already present
Usage example:
ConcurrentMap<Request, Stopwatch> timers = new MapMaker()
These features are all optional; new MapMaker().makeMap() returns a valid concurrent
map that behaves similarly to a ConcurrentHashMap . |
Maps | |
MoreExecutors | |
MoreObjects |
Helper functions that operate on any
Object , and are not already provided in
Objects . |
MoreObjects.ToStringHelper |
Support class for
MoreObjects.toStringHelper(java.lang.Object) . |
Multimaps |
Provides static methods acting on or generating a
Multimap . |
Ordering<T> |
A comparator, with additional methods to support common operations.
Preconditions |
Static convenience methods that help a method or constructor check whether it was invoked
correctly (whether its preconditions have been met).
Predicates |
Static utility methods pertaining to
Predicate instances. |
Primitives |
Contains static utility methods pertaining to primitive types and their
corresponding wrapper types.
Sets |
Static utility methods pertaining to
Set instances. |
SettableFuture<V> |
ListenableFuture whose result may be set by a SettableFuture.set(Object)
or SettableFuture.setException(Throwable) call. |
Stopwatch |
An object that measures elapsed time in nanoseconds.
Tables |
Provides static methods that involve a
Table . |
ThreadFactoryBuilder |
A ThreadFactory builder, providing any combination of these features:
whether threads should be marked as daemon
a naming format
a thread priority
an uncaught exception
a backing thread factory
If no backing thread factory is provided, a default backing thread factory is
used as if by calling
setThreadFactory( Executors.defaultThreadFactory() ) . |
Ticker |
A time source; returns a time value representing the number of nanoseconds elapsed since some
fixed but arbitrary point in time.
TreeMultimap<K,V> |
Implementation of
Multimap whose keys and values are ordered by
their natural ordering or by supplied comparators. |
UnmodifiableIterator<E> |
An iterator that does not support
UnmodifiableIterator.remove() . |
UnmodifiableListIterator<E> |
A list iterator that does not support
UnmodifiableIterator.remove() , UnmodifiableListIterator.add(E) , or
UnmodifiableListIterator.set(E) . |
Enum | Description |
RemovalCause |
The reason why a cached entry was removed.
Exception | Description |
CacheLoader.InvalidCacheLoadException |
Thrown to indicate that an invalid response was returned from a call to
CacheLoader . |
UncheckedExecutionException |
Unchecked variant of
ExecutionException . |
Error | Description |
ExecutionError |
Error variant of ExecutionException . |
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