See: Description
Interface | Description |
CompletableReader<T> |
MessageBodyReader may implement this interface to signal that
reading from the underlying input stream can be fully completed. |
OutboundMessageContext.StreamProvider |
The callback interface which is used to get the terminal output stream into which the entity should be
written and to inform the implementation about the entity size.
Qualified |
Quality factor for acceptable header types represented as a "parts per thousand" (i.e. per mille) value.
TracingLogger.Event |
Type of event.
Class | Description |
AbstractFormProvider<T> |
Abstract base class for form entity types marshalling & un-marshalling support.
AbstractMessageReaderWriterProvider<T> |
Abstract entity provider (reader and writer) base class.
AcceptableLanguageTag |
An acceptable language tag.
AcceptableMediaType |
An acceptable media type.
AcceptableToken |
An acceptable token.
ByteArrayProvider |
Default Jersey byte array entity provider (reader and writer).
CacheControlProvider |
Cache-Control header delegate provider . |
CommittingOutputStream |
A committing output stream with optional serialized entity buffering functionality
which allows measuring of the entity size.
CookieProvider |
Cookie header delegate provider . |
CookiesParser |
Cookies parser.
DataSourceProvider |
Provider for marshalling/un-marshalling of
entity type to/from a DataSource instance. |
DataSourceProvider.ByteArrayDataSource |
Modified from javax.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource
A DataSource backed by a byte array.
DateProvider |
Date header delegate provider . |
EntityInputStream |
Entity input stream customized for entity message processing:
EntityInputStream.isEmpty() method. |
EntityTagProvider |
ETag header delegate provider . |
FileProvider |
Provider for marshalling/un-marshalling of
entity type to/from a File instance. |
FormMultivaluedMapProvider |
Provider for marshalling/un-marshalling of
entity type to/from multi-valued map instance. |
FormProvider |
Provider for marshalling/un-marshalling of
entity type to/from JAX-RS Form instance. |
HeaderUtils |
Utility class supporting the processing of message headers.
HttpDateFormat |
Helper class for HTTP specified date formats.
HttpHeaderReader |
An abstract pull-based reader of HTTP headers.
InboundMessageContext |
Base inbound message context implementation.
InputStreamProvider | |
JerseyLink |
Jersey implementation of
JAX-RS Link contract. |
JerseyLink.Builder |
Jersey implementation of
JAX-RS Link.Builder contract. |
LanguageTag |
A language tag.
LinkProvider |
Provider for Link Headers.
LocaleProvider |
Locale header delegate provider . |
MatchingEntityTag |
A matching entity tag.
MediaTypeProvider |
Header delegate provider for MediaType.
MediaTypes |
Common media types and functionality.
MessageBodyFactory |
A factory for managing
MessageBodyReader , MessageBodyWriter instances. |
MessageBodyFactory.MessageBodyWorkersConfigurator |
Configurator which initializes and register
MessageBodyWorkers instance into InjectionManager and
BootstrapBag . |
MessageHeaderMethods |
Common header methods for outbound and inbound messages.
MessagingBinders |
Binding definitions for the default set of message related providers (readers,
writers, header delegates).
MessagingBinders.HeaderDelegateProviders |
Header delegate provider injection binder.
MessagingBinders.MessageBodyProviders |
Message body providers injection binder.
NewCookieProvider |
Set-Cookie header delegate provider . |
NullOutputStream |
"dev/null" output stream - an output stream implementation that discards all the
data written to it. |
OutboundJaxrsResponse |
An outbound JAX-RS response message.
OutboundJaxrsResponse.Builder |
Outbound JAX-RS
Response.ResponseBuilder implementation. |
OutboundMessageContext |
Base outbound message context implementation.
ParameterizedHeader |
A general parameterized header.
Quality |
Quality parameter constants.
QualitySourceMediaType |
A quality source media type.
ReaderInterceptorExecutor |
Represents reader interceptor chain executor for both client and server side.
ReaderProvider | |
ReaderWriter |
A utility class for reading and writing using byte and character streams.
RenderedImageProvider | |
SourceProvider |
Collection of
XML source providers. |
SourceProvider.DomSourceReader |
Provider for marshalling/un-marshalling
DOMSource instances. |
SourceProvider.SaxSourceReader |
Provider for un-marshalling
SAXSource instances. |
SourceProvider.SourceWriter |
Provider for marshaling
Source instances. |
SourceProvider.StreamSourceReader |
Provider for un-marshalling
StreamSource instances. |
Statuses |
Factory for producing custom JAX-RS
response status type
instances. |
StreamingOutputProvider |
Message body writer that supports
streaming output marshalling. |
StringBuilderUtils |
string builder utilities for building HTTP header
values. |
StringHeaderProvider |
String header delegate provider . |
Token |
A token.
TracingAwarePropertiesDelegate |
Delegating properties delegate backed by another
PropertiesDelegate with implemented "cache" or direct reference to
tracing support related classes (e.g. |
TracingLogger |
Low level Tracing support API.
UriProvider | |
Utils |
Utility class.
VariantListBuilder |
An implementation of
VariantListBuilder . |
VariantSelector |
Utility for selecting variant that best matches request from a list of variants.
WriterInterceptorExecutor |
Represents writer interceptor chain executor for both client and server side.
Enum | Description |
HeaderValueException.Context |
Context that contains header problems causing this exception (e.g. for
the corresponding value is HeaderValueException.Context.INBOUND ). |
HttpHeaderReader.Event |
TODO javadoc.
MsgTraceEvent |
Common tracing events.
TracingLogger.Level |
Level of tracing message.
Exception | Description |
HeaderValueException |
Processing exception indicating that an attempt to
read a value of a header failed. |
MessageBodyProcessingException |
Jersey exception signaling that error occurred during reading or writing message body (entity).
MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException |
Jersey processing exception signaling that no appropriate MessageBodyReader or MessageBodyWriter was found.
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