Class ContextInjectionResolverImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
ContextInjectionResolver, InjectionResolver<Context>

public class ContextInjectionResolverImpl extends Object implements InjectionResolver<Context>, ContextInjectionResolver
Injection resolver for @Context injection annotation.
Petr Bouda
  • Method Details

    • resolve

      public Object resolve(Injectee injectee)
      Description copied from interface: InjectionResolver
      This method will return the object that should be injected into the given injection point. It is the responsibility of the implementation to ensure that the object returned can be safely injected into the injection point.

      This method should not do the injection themselves.

      Specified by:
      resolve in interface InjectionResolver<Context>
      injectee - The injection point this value is being injected into
      A possibly null value to be injected into the given injection point
    • isConstructorParameterIndicator

      public boolean isConstructorParameterIndicator()
      Description copied from interface: InjectionResolver
      This method should return true if the annotation that indicates that this is an injection point can appear in the parameter list of a constructor.
      Specified by:
      isConstructorParameterIndicator in interface InjectionResolver<Context>
      true if the injection annotation can appear in the parameter list of a constructor.
    • isMethodParameterIndicator

      public boolean isMethodParameterIndicator()
      Description copied from interface: InjectionResolver
      This method should return true if the annotation that indicates that this is an injection point can appear in the parameter list of a method.
      Specified by:
      isMethodParameterIndicator in interface InjectionResolver<Context>
      true if the injection annotation can appear in the parameter list of a method.
    • getAnnotation

      public Class<Context> getAnnotation()
      Description copied from interface: InjectionResolver
      This method returns the annotation for what the injection resolver is implemented.
      Specified by:
      getAnnotation in interface InjectionResolver<Context>
      handled annotation by injection resolver.