Class RequestEventImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RequestEventImpl extends Object implements RequestEvent
Request event implementation. Instances are immutable.
Miroslav Fuksa
  • Method Details

    • getContainerRequest

      public ContainerRequest getContainerRequest()
      Description copied from interface: RequestEvent
      Get the container request. The container request is available for all event types. Returned request must not be modified by the request event listener.
      Specified by:
      getContainerRequest in interface RequestEvent
      The non-null container request.
    • getContainerResponse

      public ContainerResponse getContainerResponse()
      Description copied from interface: RequestEvent
      Get the container response. The response is available only for certain event types. The returned response might vary also on the event type. The getter returns always the latest response being processed. So, for example for event RequestEvent.Type.EXCEPTION_MAPPING_FINISHED event type the method returns mapped response and not the original response created from execution of the resource method.
      Specified by:
      getContainerResponse in interface RequestEvent
      Latest response being processed or null if no response has been produced yet.
    • getException

      public Throwable getException()
      Description copied from interface: RequestEvent
      Get the latest exception, if any, thrown by the request and response processing. When this method returns not null value, the method RequestEvent.getExceptionCause() returns the origin of the exception.
      Specified by:
      getException in interface RequestEvent
      Exception thrown or null if no exception has been thrown.
    • getType

      public RequestEvent.Type getType()
      Description copied from interface: RequestEvent
      Returns the type of this event.
      Specified by:
      getType in interface RequestEvent
      Request event type.
    • getUriInfo

      public ExtendedUriInfo getUriInfo()
      Description copied from interface: RequestEvent
      Get the extended uri info associated with this request. This method returns null for RequestEvent.Type.START event. The returned ExtendedUriInfo can be used to retrieve information relevant to many event types (especially event types describing the matching process).
      Specified by:
      getUriInfo in interface RequestEvent
      Extended uri info or null if it is not available yet.
    • getExceptionMapper

      public ExceptionMapper<?> getExceptionMapper()
      Description copied from interface: RequestEvent
      Get the ExceptionMapper that was found and used during the exception mapping phase.
      Specified by:
      getExceptionMapper in interface RequestEvent
      Exception mapper or null if no exception mapper was found or even needed.
    • getContainerRequestFilters

      public Iterable<ContainerRequestFilter> getContainerRequestFilters()
      Description copied from interface: RequestEvent
      Get container request filters used during the request filtering phase.
      Specified by:
      getContainerRequestFilters in interface RequestEvent
      Container request filters or null if no filters were used yet.
    • getContainerResponseFilters

      public Iterable<ContainerResponseFilter> getContainerResponseFilters()
      Description copied from interface: RequestEvent
      Get container response filters used during the response filtering phase.
      Specified by:
      getContainerResponseFilters in interface RequestEvent
      Container response filter or null if no filters were used yet.
    • isSuccess

      public boolean isSuccess()
      Description copied from interface: RequestEvent
      Return true if the request and response has been successfully processed. Response is successfully processed when the response code is smaller than 400 and response was successfully written. If the exception occurred but was mapped into a response with successful response code and written, this method returns true.
      Specified by:
      isSuccess in interface RequestEvent
      True if the response was successfully processed.
    • isResponseSuccessfullyMapped

      public boolean isResponseSuccessfullyMapped()
      Description copied from interface: RequestEvent
      Returns true if the response was successfully mapped from an exception by exception mappers. When exception mapping phase failed or when no exception was thrown at all the, the method returns false. This method is convenient when handling the RequestEvent.Type.EXCEPTION_MAPPING_FINISHED event type.
      Specified by:
      isResponseSuccessfullyMapped in interface RequestEvent
      True if the exception occurred and it was successfully mapped into a response.
    • getExceptionCause

      public RequestEvent.ExceptionCause getExceptionCause()
      Description copied from interface: RequestEvent
      Get the exception cause. This method is relevant only in cases when RequestEvent.getException() returns non-null value (for example when handling RequestEvent.Type.ON_EXCEPTION) event type.
      Specified by:
      getExceptionCause in interface RequestEvent
      Exception cause of the latest exception or null if no exception has occurred.
    • isResponseWritten

      public boolean isResponseWritten()
      Description copied from interface: RequestEvent
      Returns true if the response has been successfully written. true is returned even for cases when the written response contains error response code.
      Specified by:
      isResponseWritten in interface RequestEvent
      true if the response was successfully written;false when the response has not been written yet or when writing of response failed.