Interface WadlApplicationContext

public interface WadlApplicationContext
A context to obtain WADL-based information.
Paul Sandoz
  • Method Details

    • getApplication

      ApplicationDescription getApplication(UriInfo ui, boolean detailedWadl)
      Get a new instance of a ApplicationDescription corresponding to all the root resource classes, and configure the base URI.
      ui - the URI information from which the base URI is set on the WADL application.
      detailedWadl - flag indicating whether or not detailed WADL should be generated.
      the application description, the contents may be modified.
    • getApplication

      Application getApplication(UriInfo info, Resource resource, boolean detailedWadl)
      Get a new instance of Application for a particular resource.
      info - the URI information from which the base URI is set on the WADL application.
      resource - the resource to build the Application for
      detailedWadl - flag indicating whether or not detailed WADL should be generated.
      the application for this resource
    • getJAXBContext

      jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext getJAXBContext()
      Get the default JAXB context associated with the WadlGenerator for the Web application.
      the default JAXB context.
    • setWadlGenerationEnabled

      void setWadlGenerationEnabled(boolean wadlGenerationEnabled)
      Enable/disable WADL generation.
      wadlGenerationEnabled - if wadlGenerationEnabled is true and ServerProperties.WADL_FEATURE_DISABLE is false, WADL generation is enabled. In all other cases is disabled.
    • isWadlGenerationEnabled

      boolean isWadlGenerationEnabled()
      Get WADL generation status.
      true when WADL generation is enabled. Does not take ServerProperties.WADL_FEATURE_DISABLE