Uses of Package
Jersey server-side WADL support public classes and interfaces.
Jersey server-side WADL internal classes.
Jersey server-side WADL internal classes supporting
wadl generators
.Jersey server-side WADL internal classes supporting
generation of resource documentation with
wadl generators
ClassDescriptionThis class is designed to combine the Application instance with any other external metadata that might be required to describe the application.A simple holder class that stores a type and binary content to be used to return extra metadata with
ClassDescriptionThis class is designed to combine the Application instance with any other external metadata that might be required to describe the application.A simple holder class that stores a type and binary content to be used to return extra metadata with
ClassDescriptionThis class is designed to combine the Application instance with any other external metadata that might be required to describe the application.
ClassDescriptionThis class is designed to combine the Application instance with any other external metadata that might be required to describe the application.