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Appendix A. Configuration Properties

A.1. Common (client/server) configuration properties

List of common configuration properties that can be found in CommonProperties class. All of these properties can be overridden by their server/client counterparts.

Table A.1. List of common configuration properties


Property which allows (if true) default System properties configuration provider. Default value is true.

CommonProperties.FEATURE_AUTO_DISCOVERY_DISABLE / CommonProperties.FEATURE_AUTO_DISCOVERY_DISABLE_CLIENT / CommonProperties.FEATURE_AUTO_DISCOVERY_DISABLE_SERVERjersey.config.disableAutoDiscovery/ jersey.config.client.disableAutoDiscovery/ jersey.config.server.disableAutoDiscovery

Disables feature auto discovery globally on client/server. Default value is false.

CommonProperties.JSON_BINDING_FEATURE_DISABLE / CommonProperties.JSON_BINDING_FEATURE_DISABLE_CLIENT / CommonProperties.JSON_BINDING_FEATURE_DISABLE_SERVERjersey.config.disableJsonBinding / jersey.config.client.disableJsonBinding / jersey.config.server.disableJsonBinding

Disables configuration of Json Binding (JSR-367) feature. Default value is false. Can also be set as a system property.

Since 2.45.

CommonProperties.JSON_BINDING_FEATURE_DISABLE_APPLICATION jersey.config.application.disableJsonBinding

Disables configuration of Json Binding (JSR-367) feature for subclasses whose package names are specified as a value. The value is comma-separated string defining prefixes of the application package names. Can also be set as a system property.

By default, Json Binding is automatically enabled.

Since 2.45.

CommonProperties.JSON_PROCESSING_FEATURE_DISABLE / CommonProperties.JSON_PROCESSING_FEATURE_DISABLE_CLIENT / CommonProperties.JSON_PROCESSING_FEATURE_DISABLE_SERVERjersey.config.disableJsonProcessing / jersey.config.client.disableJsonProcessing / jersey.config.server.disableJsonProcessing

Disables configuration of Json Processing (JSR-353) feature. Default value is false.

CommonProperties.METAINF_SERVICES_LOOKUP_DISABLE / CommonProperties.METAINF_SERVICES_LOOKUP_DISABLE_CLIENT / CommonProperties.METAINF_SERVICES_LOOKUP_DISABLE_SERVERjersey.config.disableMetainfServicesLookup / jersey.config.client.disableMetainfServicesLookup / jersey.config.server.disableMetainfServicesLookup

Disables META-INF/services lookup globally on client/server. Default value is false.

CommonProperties.MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE / CommonProperties.MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE_CLIENT / CommonProperties.MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE_SERVERjersey.config.disableMoxyJson / jersey.config.client.disableMoxyJson / jersey.config.server.disableMoxyJson

Disables configuration of MOXy Json feature. Default value is false.

CommonProperties.OUTBOUND_CONTENT_LENGTH_BUFFER / CommonProperties.OUTBOUND_CONTENT_LENGTH_BUFFER_CLIENT / CommonProperties.OUTBOUND_CONTENT_LENGTH_BUFFER_SERVERjersey.config.contentLength.buffer / jersey.config.client.contentLength.buffer / jersey.config.server.contentLength.buffer

An integer value that defines the buffer size used to buffer the outbound message entity in order to determine its size and set the value of HTTP Content-Length header. Default value is 8192.

CommonProperties.PROVIDER_DEFAULT_DISABLE jersey.config.disableDefaultProvider Disable some of the default providers from being loaded. The following providers extend application footprint by XML dependencies, which is too heavy for native image, or by AWT which may possibly be not available by JDK 11 desktop:
The following are the options to disable the provides: {@code DOMSOURCE, RENDEREDIMAGE, SAXSOURCE, SOURCE, STREAMSOURCE}, or to disable all: {@code ALL}. Multiple options can be disabled by adding multiple comma separated values. Default value is NULL @since 2.30
CommonProperties.JSON_JACKSON_ENABLED_MODULES / CommonProperties.JSON_JACKSON_ENABLED_MODULES_CLIENT / CommonProperties.JSON_JACKSON_ENABLED_MODULES_SERVER jersey.config.json.jackson.enabled.modules jersey.config.client.json.jackson.enabled.modules jersey.config.server.json.jackson.enabled.modules Comma separated list of jackson modules which shall be used for json-jackson provider. If set, only those modules will be used for JSON processing. Default value is NULL @since 2.36
CommonProperties.JSON_JACKSON_DISABLED_MODULES / CommonProperties.JSON_JACKSON_DISABLED_MODULES_CLIENT / CommonProperties.JSON_JACKSON_DISABLED_MODULES_SERVER jersey.config.json.jackson.disabled.modules jersey.config.client.json.jackson.disabled.modules jersey.config.server.json.jackson.disabled.modules Comma separated list of jackson modules which shall be excluded from json-jackson provider. If set, those modules will be excluded from JSON processing. Default value is NULL @since 2.36
CommonProperties.PARAM_CONVERTERS_THROW_IAE(Jersey 2.40 or later) jersey.config.paramconverters.throw.iae

Force the ParamConverter<T> to throw IllegalArgumentException as mandated in javadoc. Must be convertible to Boolean value.

Internally the Exception is caught by Jersey and usually converted to null Therefore, the default value is set to false to speed up the conversion.

CommonProperties.THREAD_FACTORY(Jersey 3.1.7 or later) jersey.config.threads.factory

Defines the java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory to be used by internal default ExecutorServices.

The default is java.util.concurrent.Executors#defaultThreadFactory() on platform threads andThread.ofVirtual().factory() on virtual threads.

CommonProperties.USE_VIRTUAL_THREADS(Jersey 3.1.7 or later) jersey.config.threads.use.virtual

Defines whether the virtual threads should be used by Jersey on JDK 21+ when not using an exact number of threads by FixedThreadPool.

The default is false for this version of Jersey.

LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_LOGGER_NAME Logger name of the logging filter. See logging chapter for more information. The default value is org.glassfish.jersey.logging.LoggingFeature
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_LOGGER_LEVEL jersey.config.logging.logger.level Level of logging filter's logger at which the messages will be logged. See logging chapter for more information.
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_VERBOSITY jersey.config.logging.verbosity Verbosity of logging filter describes how verbose the logging filter will be. There are 3 possible values LoggingFeature.Verbosity.HEADERS_ONLY, LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_TEXT or LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_ANY. See logging chapter for more information.
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_MAX_ENTITY_SIZE jersey.config.logging.entity.maxSize The maximum number of bytes of the entity which will be logged. See logging chapter for more information.
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_SEPARATOR jersey.config.logging.entity.separator Custom logging delimiter for new lines separation. See logging chapter for more information.
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_REDACT_HEADERS jersey.config.logging.headers.redact The HTTP headers (semicolon separated) to be redacted when logging. See logging chapter for more information.

A.2. Server configuration properties

List of server configuration properties that can be found in ServerProperties class.

Table A.2. List of server configuration properties


Defines the application name. The name is an arbitrary user defined name which is used to distinguish between Jersey applications in the case that more applications are deployed on the same runtime (container). The name can be used for example for purposes of monitoring by JMX when name identifies to which application deployed MBeans belong to. The name should be unique in the runtime. The property does not have a default value.


Disables Bean Validation support. Default value is false.

ServerProperties .BV_DISABLE_VALIDATE_ON_EXECUTABLE_OVERRIDE_CHECKjersey.config.beanValidation .disable.validateOnExecutableCheck.server

Disables @ValidateOnExecution check. Default value is false.

ServerProperties.BV_SEND_ERROR_IN_RESPONSEjersey.config.beanValidation .enableOutputValidationErrorEntity.server

Enables sending validation error information to the client. Default value is false.

Jakarta RESTful WebServices provides @Consumes annotation to accept only HTTP requests with compatible HTTP Content-Type header. However, when the header is missing a wildcard media type is used to match the @Consumes annotation.

HTTP/1.1 RFC recommends that missing HTTP Content-Type header MAY default to application/octet-stream. This property makes Jersey consider the missing HTTP Content-Type header to be application/octet-stream rather than a wildcard media type. However, for a resource method without an entity argument, such as for HTTP GET, a wildcard media type is still considered to accept the HTTP request for the missing HTTP Content-Type header.

Set this property to false, if the empty request media type should not to match applied @Consumes annotation on a resource method with an entity argument. The default is true.


Disables feature auto discovery on server. Default value is false.


Defines configuration of HTTP method overriding. This property is used by HttpMethodOverrideFilter to determine where it should look for method override information (e.g. request header or query parameters).


Disables configuration of Json Processing (JSR-353) feature. Default value is false.


Disables configuration of Json Processing (JSR-353) feature. Default value is false.


Defines mapping of URI extensions to languages. The property is used by UriConnegFilter.


Defines mapping of URI extensions to media types. The property is used by UriConnegFilter.


Disables META-INF/services lookup on server. Default value is false.


Disables configuration of MOXy Json feature. Default value is false.

ServerProperties.MONITORING_ENABLED (Jersey 2.12 or later)jersey.config.server .monitoring.statistics.enabled

If true, then application monitoring will be enabled. This will enable the possibility of injecting ApplicationInfo into resource and providers. Default value is false.

ServerProperties.MONITORING_STATISTICS_ENABLEDjersey.config.server .monitoring.enabled

If true, the calculation of monitoring statistics will be enabled. This will enable the possibility of injecting MonitoringStatistics into resource and providers and also the registered listeners implementing MonitoringStatisticsListener will be called when statistics are available for processing. Monitoring statistics extends basic monitoring feature. Therefore when enabled, the monitoring gets automatically enabled too (the same result as setting the property ServerProperties.MONITORING_ENABLED to true). Note that enabling statistics may have a negative performance impact and therefore should be enabled only when needed. Default value is false.

ServerProperties.MONITORING_STATISTICS_MBEANS_ENABLEDjersey.config.server .monitoring.statistics.mbeans.enabled

If true then Jersey will expose MBeans for the collected monitoring statistics. Exposed JMX MBeans are based on MonitoringStatistics data and therefore when enabled, the calculation of monitoring statistics gets automatically enabled too (the same result as setting the property ServerProperties.MONITORING_STATISTICS_ENABLED to true). Note that enabling MBeans for monitoring statistics may have a negative performance impact and therefore should be enabled only when needed. Default value is false.

ServerProperties.MONITORING_STATISTICS_REFRESH_INTERVAL (Jersey 2.10 or later)jersey.config.server .monitoring.statistics.refresh.interval

Interval (in ms}) indicating how often will be monitoring statistics refreshed (onStatistics method called). Default value is 500.

ServerProperties.OUTBOUND_CONTENT_LENGTH_BUFFER (Jersey 2.2 or later)jersey.config.contentLength.server.buffer

An integer value that defines the buffer size used to buffer the outbound message entity in order to determine its size and set the value of HTTP Content-Length header. Default value is 8192.


Defines one or more class names that implement application-specific resources and providers. If the property is set, the specified classes will be instantiated and registered as either application JAX-RS root resources or providers.


Defines class-path that contains application-specific resources and providers. If the property is set, the specified packages will be scanned for JAX-RS root resources and providers.


Defines one or more packages that contain application-specific resources and providers. If the property is set, the specified packages will be scanned for JAX-RS root resources and providers.

ServerProperties.PROVIDER_SCANNING_RECURSIVEjersey.config.server .provider.scanning.recursive

Sets the recursion strategy for package scanning. Default value is true.


Ignores multiple slashes between a port and a context path and will resolve it as URI with only one slash. Default value is false.

ServerProperties.RESOURCE_VALIDATION_DISABLEjersey.config.server .resource.validation.disable

Disables Resource validation. Default value is false.

ServerProperties.RESOURCE_VALIDATION_IGNORE_ERRORSjersey.config.server .resource.validation.ignoreErrors

Determines whether validation of application resource models should fail even in case of a fatal validation errors. Default value is false.


Disables WADL generation. Default value is false.


Defines the wadl generator configuration that provides a WadlGenerator.


Whenever response status is 4xx or 5xx it is possible to choose between sendError or setStatus on container specific Response implementation. E.g. on servlet container Jersey can call HttpServletResponse.setStatus(...) or HttpServletResponse.sendError(...). Calling sendError(...) method usually resets entity, response headers and provide error page for specified status code (e.g. servlet error-page configuration). However if you want to post-process response (e.g. by servlet filter) the only way to do it is calling setStatus(...) on container Response object. If property value is true the method Response.setStatus(...) is used over default Response.sendError(...). Type of the property value is boolean. The default value is false.


Enables/disables tracing support. Possible values are OFF (default), ON_DEMAND and ALL. See Section 24.2.1, “Configuration options” for more detail.


Sets the amount of detail provided by tracing. Possible values are SUMMARY, TRACE and VERBOSE. See Section 24.2.1, “Configuration options” to learn more about the levels.


If property value is true then the errors raised during response processing are tried to be handled using available response error mappers.


An integer value that defines the size of cache for sub-resource locator models. The cache is used to provide better performance for application that uses JAX-RS sub-resource locators.


An integer value that defines the maximum age (in seconds) for cached for sub-resource locator models. The age of an cache entry is defined as the time since the last access (read) to the entry in the cache. Entry aging is not enabled by default.


If true then Jersey will cache Jersey resources in addition to caching sub-resource locator classes and instances (which are cached by default). To make sure the caching is effective in this case you need to return same Jersey Resource instances for same input parameters from resource method. This means that generating new Jersey Resource instances for same input parameters would not have any performance effect and it would only fill-up the cache.


If true then Jersey will resolve relative URIs in the Location http header against the request URI according to RFC7231 (new HTTP Specification)


If true, Jersey will not resolve relative URIs in the Location http header.


If true or not set, message body writer will not use CompletionStage as a generic type. The CompletionStage value will be unwrapped and the message body writer will be invoked with the unwrapped type.

LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_LOGGER_NAME_SERVER Logger name of the logging filter. See logging chapter for more information. The default value is org.glassfish.jersey.logging.LoggingFeature
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_LOGGER_LEVEL_SERVER jersey.config.server.logging.logger.level Level of logging filter's logger at which the messages will be logged. See logging chapter for more information.
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_VERBOSITY_SERVER jersey.config.server.logging.verbosity Verbosity of logging filter describes how verbose the logging filter will be. There are 3 possible values LoggingFeature.Verbosity.HEADERS_ONLY, LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_TEXT or LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_ANY. See logging chapter for more information.
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_MAX_ENTITY_SIZE_SERVER jersey.config.server.logging.entity.maxSize The maximum number of bytes of the entity which will be logged. See logging chapter for more information.
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_SEPARATOR_SERVER jersey.config.server.logging.entity.separator Custom delimiter for new lines separation. See logging chapter for more information.
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_REDACT_HEADERS_SERVER jersey.config.server.logging.headers.redact The HTTP headers (semicolon separated) to be redacted when logging. See logging chapter for more information.

A.3. SeBootstrap and WebServer related configuration properties

List of SeBootstrap configuration properties that can be found in ServerProperties class.

Table A.3. List of SeBootstrap and WebServer configuration properties


Defines whether to allow privileged ports (0-1023) to be used to start the WebServer implementation to be chosen from the unused ports when the SeBootstrap.Configuration PORT is set to -1 or unset.

The default ports are 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS when WEBSERVER_ALLOW_PRIVILEGED_PORTS is true or 8080 for HTTP and 8443 for HTTPS when WEBSERVER_ALLOW_PRIVILEGED_PORTS is false.

If SeBootstrap.Configuration PORT is set to 0, the implementation scans for random port (0-65535) when WEBSERVER_ALLOW_PRIVILEGED_PORTS is true, or (1024-65535) when WEBSERVER_ALLOW_PRIVILEGED_PORTS is false.

The default this is false. Use true to allow a restricted port number.


Whether to automatically startup WebServer at bootstrap.

By default, servers are immediately listening to connections after bootstrap, so no explicit invocation of WebServer#start() is needed.


Defines the implementation of WebServer to bootstrap.

By default auto-selects the first server provider found.

A.4. Servlet configuration properties

List of servlet configuration properties that can be found in ServletProperties class.

Table A.4. List of servlet configuration properties


If set, indicates the URL pattern of the Jersey servlet filter context path.


If set to true and a 404 response with no entity body is returned from either the runtime or the application then the runtime forwards the request to the next filter in the filter chain. This enables another filter or the underlying servlet engine to process the request. Before the request is forwarded the response status is set to 200.


If set the regular expression is used to match an incoming servlet path URI to some web page content such as static resources or JSPs to be handled by the underlying servlet engine.

Application configuration initialization property whose value is a fully qualified class name of a class that implements JAX-RS Application.


Indicates that Jersey should scan the whole web app for application-specific resources and providers.


If true then query parameters will not be treated as form parameters (e.g. injectable using @FormParam) in case a Form request is processed by server.


Identifies the object that will be used as a parent ServiceLocator in the Jersey WebComponent.

A.5. Client configuration properties

List of client configuration properties that can be found in ClientProperties class.

Table A.5. List of client configuration properties


Asynchronous thread pool size. Default value is not set. Supported with GrizzlyConnectorProvider only..


Scheduler thread pool size. Default value is not set. Support is undefined.


Chunked encoding size. Default value is 4096.


Read timeout interval, in milliseconds. Default value is 0 (infinity).

ClientProperties.CONNECTOR_PROVIDER(Jersey 2.40 or later)jersey.config.client.connector.provider

Sets the ConnectorProvider class. Overrides the value from META-INF/services.

The value MUST be an instance of String.

The property is recognized by ClientBuilder.


The property defines a URI of a HTTP proxy the client connector should use.


Allows for HTTP Expect:100-Continue being handled by the HttpUrlConnector (default Jersey connector). Since 2.32


Property for threshold size for content length after which Expect:100-Continue header would be applied before the main request. Default threshold size (64kb) after which Expect:100-Continue header would be applied before the main request. Since 2.32


Disables feature auto discovery on client. Default value is false.


Declares that the client will automatically redirect to the URI declared in 3xx responses. Default value is true.


Disables configuration of Json Binding (JSR-367) feature. Default value is false.


Disables configuration of Json Processing (JSR-353) feature. Default value is false.


Disables META-INF/services lookup on client. Default value is false.


Disables configuration of MOXy Json feature. Default value is false.

ClientProperties.OUTBOUND_CONTENT_LENGTH_BUFFER (Jersey 2.2 or later)jersey.config.client.contentLength.buffer

An integer value that defines the buffer size used to buffer the outbound message entity in order to determine its size and set the value of HTTP Content-Length header. Default value is 8192.


URI of a HTTP proxy the client connector should use. Default value is not set. Currently supported with ApacheConnectorProvider, Apache5ConnectorProvider, GrizzlyConnectorProvider, HelidonConnectorProvider, NettyConnectorProvider, Jetty11ConnectorProvider, and JettyConnectorProvider only.

ClientProperties.PROXY_USERNAME (Jersey 2.5 or later)jersey.config.client.proxy.username

User name which will be used for HTTP proxy authentication. Default value is not set. Currently supported with ApacheConnectorProvider and JettyConnectorProvider only.

ClientProperties.PROXY_PASSWORD (Jersey 2.5 or later)jersey.config.client.proxy.password

Password which will be used for HTTP proxy authentication. Default value is not set. Currently supported with ApacheConnectorProvider and JettyConnectorProvider only.

ClientProperties.READ_TIMEOUT (Jersey 2.5 or later)jersey.config.client.readTimeout

Read timeout interval, in milliseconds. Default value is 0 (infinity).

ClientProperties.REQUEST_ENTITY_PROCESSING (Jersey 2.5 or later)jersey.config.client.request.entity.processing

Defines whether the request entity should be serialized using internal buffer to evaluate content length or chunk encoding should be used. Possible values are BUFFERED or CHUNKED. Default value is BUFFERED.

ClientProperties.SNI_HOST_NAME (Jersey 2.43 or later)jersey.config.client.sniHostName

Sets the host name to be used for calculating the during the HTTPS request. Takes precedence over the HTTP HOST header, if set.

By default, the SNIHostName is set when the HOST HTTP header differs from the HTTP request host. When the property value host name matches the HTTPS request host, the SNIHostName is not set, and the HTTP HOST header is not used for setting the SNIHostName. This allows for Domain Fronting.

ClientProperties.SUPPRESS_HTTP_COMPLIANCE_VALIDATION (Jersey 2.2 or later)jersey.config.client.suppressHttpComplianceValidation

If true, the strict validation of HTTP specification compliance for client-side requests will be suppressed. When compliance checks are suppressed, any violations will be merely logged as warnings, rather than causing exceptions being raised in Jersey runtime. Default value is false.


The java.util.function.Supplier to be used to set ssl context in the current HTTP request. Has precedence over the Client#getSslContext().

Currently supported by the default HttpUrlConnector and by NettyConnector only.


Indicates the value of Content-Encoding property the EncodingFilter should be adding. Default value is not set.


Most connectors support HOST header value to be used as an SNIHostName. However, the HOST header is restricted in JDK. HttpUrlConnector and JavaNetHttpConnector need an extra System Property set to allow HOST header. As an option to HOST header, this property allows the HOST name to be pre-set on a Client and does not need to be set on each request. Since 3.1.2

The value MUST be an instance of String

LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_LOGGER_NAME_CLIENT Logger name of the logging filter. See logging chapter for more information. The default value is org.glassfish.jersey.logging.LoggingFeature
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_LOGGER_LEVEL_CLIENT jersey.config.client.logging.logger.level Level of logging filter's logger at which the messages will be logged. See logging chapter for more information.
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_VERBOSITY_CLIENT jersey.config.client.logging.verbosity Verbosity of logging filter describes how verbose the logging filter will be. There are 3 possible values LoggingFeature.Verbosity.HEADERS_ONLY, LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_TEXT or LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_ANY. See logging chapter for more information.
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_MAX_ENTITY_SIZE_CLIENT jersey.config.client.logging.entity.maxSize The maximum number of bytes of the entity which will be logged. See logging chapter for more information.
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_SEPARATOR_CLIENT jersey.config.client.logging.entity.separator New line delimiter property (client side). See logging chapter for more information.
LoggingFeature.LOGGING_FEATURE_REDACT_HEADERS_CLIENT jersey.config.client.logging.headers.redact The HTTP headers (semicolon separated) to be redacted when logging. See logging chapter for more information.

A.6. Jersey configuration properties for message & entity processing

List of client configuration properties that can be found in MessageProperties class.

Table A.6. List of Apache HTTP client configuration properties


If set to true, DeflateEncoder deflate encoding interceptor will use non-standard version of the deflate content encoding, skipping the zlib wrapper. Unfortunately, deflate encoding implementations in some products use this non-compliant version, hence the switch.

The default value is false.

Value of the property indicates the buffer size to be used for I/O operations on byte and character streams. The property value is expected to be a positive integer otherwise it will be ignored.

The default value is value of MessageProperties.IO_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE.


If set to true then XML root element tag name for collections will be derived from jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement annotation value and won't be de-capitalized.

The default value is false.


The default value is not set and the JSON provider default maximum value is used.

If supported by Jackson provider, the default value can differ for each Jackson version. For instance, Jackson 2.14 does not support this setting and the default value is Integer#MAX_VALUE, Jackson 2.15.0 has the default value 5_000_000, Jackson 2.15.2 has the default value 20_000_000.

If set to true XML security features when parsing XML documents will be disabled.

The default value is false.


If set to true indicates that produced XML output should be formatted if possible.

A XML message entity written by a MessageBodyWriter<T> may be formatted for the purposes of human readability provided the respective MessageBodyWriter<T> supports XML output formatting. All JAXB-based message body writers support this property.

The default value is false.

A.7. The default HttpUrlConnector properties

List of properties defined in HttpUrlConnectorProvider class.

Table A.7. List of the default HttpUrlConnectorProvider properites


A value of true declares that the client will try to set unsupported HTTP method to via reflection as a workaround for a missing HTTP method.

NOTE: Enabling this property may cause security related warnings/errors and it may break when other JDK implementation is used. Use only when you know what you are doing.

The value MUST be an instance of Boolean. The default value is false.

Since JDK 16 the JDK internal classes are not opened for reflection and the workaround method does not work, unless --add-opens java.base/ for HTTP requests and additional --add-opens java.base/ for HTTPS ( options are set.


If true, the HttpUrlConnector (if used) will assume the content length from the value of request header (if present).

When this property is enabled and the request has a valid non-zero content length value specified in its request header, that this value will be used as an input to the method call invoked on the underlying This will also suppress the entity buffering in the HttpURLConnection, which is undesirable in certain scenarios, e.g. when streaming large entities.

Note that the content length value defined in the request header must exactly match the real size of the entity. If the header is explicitly specified in a request, this property will be ignored and the request entity will be still buffered by the underlying HttpURLConnection infrastructure.

This property also overrides the behaviour enabled by the ClientProperties.CHUNKED_ENCODING_SIZE property. Chunked encoding will only be used, if the size is not specified in the header of the request.

Note that this property only applies to client run-times that are configured to use the default HttpUrlConnector as the client connector. The property is ignored by other connectors.

The default value is false.

A.8. Apache HTTP client configuration properties

List of client configuration properties that can be found in ApacheClientProperties class.

Table A.8. List of Apache HTTP client configuration properties


Strategy that closes the Apache Connection. Accepts an instance of ApacheConnectionClosingStrategy.


Connection Manager which will be used to create org.apache.http.client.HttpClient.

The value MUST be an instance of org.apache.http.conn.HttpClientConnectionManager

If the property is absent a default Connection Manager will be used org.apache.http.impl.conn.BasicHttpClientConnectionManager. If you want to use this client in multi-threaded environment, be sure you override default value with org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager instance.


A value of true indicates that configured connection manager should be shared among multiple Jersey client runtime instances. It means that closing a particular client runtime instance does not shut down the underlying connection manager automatically. In such case, the connection manager life-cycle should be fully managed by the application code. To release all allocated resources, caller code should especially ensure org.apache.http.conn.HttpClientConnectionManager#shutdown() gets invoked eventually.

This property may only be set prior to constructing Apache connector using ApacheConnectorProvider

The value MUST be an instance of java.lang.Boolean.

The default value is false.


The credential provider that should be used to retrieve credentials from a user. Credentials needed for proxy authentication are stored here as well.

The value MUST be an instance of org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider.

If the property is absent a default provider will be used.


A value of false indicates the client should handle cookies automatically using HttpClient's default cookie policy. A value of true will cause the client to ignore all cookies.

The value MUST be an instance of java.lang.Boolean.

The default value is false.


Apache ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy for the org.apache.http.client.HttpClient.

The value MUST be an instance of org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy.

If the property is absent the default keepalive strategy of the Apache HTTP library will be used.


A value of true indicates that a client should send an authentication request even before the server gives a 401 response.

This property may only be set prior to constructing Apache connector using ApacheConnectorProvider.

The value MUST be an instance of java.lang.Boolean.

The default value is false.


Request configuration for the org.apache.http.client.HttpClient. Http parameters which will be used to create org.apache.http.client.HttpClient.

The value MUST be an instance of org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig.

If the property is absent the default request configuration will be used.


Apache HttpRequestRetryHandler which will be used to create org.apache.http.client.HttpClient.

The value MUST be an instance of org.apache.http.client.HttpRequestRetryHandler.

If the property is absent a default retry handler will be used (org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler).


Apache ConnectionReuseStrategy for the org.apache.http.client.HttpClient.

The value MUST be an instance of org.apache.http.ConnectionReuseStrategy.

If the property is absent the default reuse strategy of the Apache HTTP library will be used.


A value of false indicates the client will use default Apache Connector params. A value of true will cause the client to take into account the system properties https.protocols, https.cipherSuites, http.keepAlive, http.maxConnections.

The value MUST be an instance of Boolean

The default value is false.

A.9. Apache 5 HTTP client configuration properties

List of client configuration properties that can be found in Apache5ClientProperties class.

Table A.9. List of Apache 5 HTTP client configuration properties


Strategy that closes the Apache Connection. Accepts an instance of Apache5ConnectionClosingStrategy.


Connection Manager which will be used to create org.apache.hc.client5.http.classic.HttpClient.

The value MUST be an instance of

If the property is absent a default Connection Manager will be used If you want to use this client in multi-threaded environment, be sure you override default value with instance.


A value of true indicates that configured connection manager should be shared among multiple Jersey client runtime instances. It means that closing a particular client runtime instance does not shut down the underlying connection manager automatically. In such case, the connection manager life-cycle should be fully managed by the application code. To release all allocated resources, caller code should especially ensure gets invoked eventually.

This property may only be set prior to constructing Apache connector using Apache5ConnectorProvider

The value MUST be an instance of java.lang.Boolean.

The default value is false.


The credential provider that should be used to retrieve credentials from a user. Credentials needed for proxy authentication are stored here as well.

The value MUST be an instance of org.apache.hc.client5.http.auth.CredentialsProvider.

If the property is absent a default provider will be used.


A value of false indicates the client should handle cookies automatically using HttpClient's default cookie policy. A value of true will cause the client to ignore all cookies.

The value MUST be an instance of java.lang.Boolean.

The default value is false.


Apache ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy for the org.apache.hc.client5.http.classic.HttpClient.

The value MUST be an instance of org.apache.hc.client5.http.ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy.

If the property is absent the default keepalive strategy of the Apache HTTP library will be used.


A value of true indicates that a client should send an authentication request even before the server gives a 401 response.

This property may only be set prior to constructing Apache connector using Apache5ConnectorProvider.

The value MUST be an instance of java.lang.Boolean.

The default value is false.


Request configuration for the org.apache.hc.client5.http.classic.HttpClient. Http parameters which will be used to create org.apache.hc.client5.http.classic.HttpClient.

The value MUST be an instance of org.apache.hc.client5.http.config.RequestConfig.

If the property is absent the default request configuration will be used.


Apache HttpRequestRetryStrategy which will be used to create org.apache.hc.client5.http.classic.HttpClient.

The value MUST be an instance of org.apache.hc.client5.http.HttpRequestRetryStrategy.

If the property is absent a default retry handler will be used (org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.DefaultHttpRequestRetryStrategy).


Apache ConnectionReuseStrategy for the org.apache.hc.client5.http.classic.HttpClient.

The value MUST be an instance of org.apache.hc.core5.http.ConnectionReuseStrategy.

If the property is absent the default reuse strategy of the Apache HTTP library will be used.


A value of false indicates the client will use default Apache Connector params. A value of true will cause the client to take into account the system properties https.protocols, https.cipherSuites, http.keepAlive, http.maxConnections.

The value MUST be an instance of Boolean

The default value is false.

A.10. Helidon HTTP client configuration properties

List of client configuration properties that can be found in HelidonClientProperties class.

Table A.10. List of Helidon HTTP client configuration properties


A Helidon io.helidon.Config instance that is passed to io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder#config(Config) if available.

A.11. JDK HTTP client configuration properties

List of client configuration properties that can be found in JdkConnectorProperties class.

Table A.11. List of Jdk HTTP client configuration properties


Container idle timeout in milliseconds Integer value).

The default value is


To set the cookie policy of this cookie manager.

When the timeout elapses, the shared thread pool will be destroyed.

The default value is JdkConnectorProperties.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_CLOSE_WAIT.


An amount of time in milliseconds (Integer value) during which an idle connection will be kept open.

The default value is JdkConnectorProperties.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_IDLE_TIMEOUT.


A maximum number of open connections per each destination. A destination is determined by the following triple: host, port, protocol (HTTP/HTTPS).

The default value is JdkConnectorProperties.DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_DESTINATION.


A configurable property of HTTP parser. It defines the maximal acceptable size of HTTP response initial line, each header and chunk header.

The default value is JdkConnectorProperties.DEFAULT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE.


The maximal number of redirects during single request.

Value is expected to be positive Integer. The default value is JdkConnectorProperties.DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS.

HTTP redirection must be enabled by property ClientProperties.FOLLOW_REDIRECTS, otherwise JdkConnectorProperties.MAX_REDIRECTS is not applied.


Configuration of the connector thread pool.

An instance of org.glassfish.jersey.jdk.connector.internal.ThreadPoolConfig is expected.

A.12. Jetty HTTP client configuration properties

List of client configuration properties that can be found in JettyClientProperties class.

Table A.12. List of Jetty HTTP client configuration properties


A value of false indicates the client should handle cookies automatically using HttpClient's default cookie policy. A value of false will cause the client to ignore all cookies.

The value MUST be an instance of Boolean. If the property is absent the default value is false.


A value of false indicates the client disable a hostname verification during SSL Handshake. A client will ignore CN value defined in a certificate that is stored in a truststore.

The value MUST be an instance of Boolean. If the property is absent the default value is true.


The credential provider that should be used to retrieve credentials from a user.

If an org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Authentication mechanism is found, it is then used for the given request, returning an org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Authentication.Result, which is then stored in the org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.AuthenticationStore so that subsequent requests can be preemptively authenticated.

The value MUST be an instance of org.eclipse.jetty.client.util.BasicAuthentication. If the property is absent a default provider will be used.


Overrides the default Jetty synchronous listener response max buffer size. In practise, this allows you to read larger responses. Size in bytes.

If the property is absent, the value is such as specified by Jetty (currently 2MiB).


Total timeout interval for request/response conversation, in milliseconds. Opposed to ClientProperties.READ_TIMEOUT.

The value MUST be an instance convertible to Integer. The value of zero 0 is equivalent to an interval of infinity.

The default value is 0 (infinity).

A.13. Netty HTTP client configuration properties

List of client configuration properties that can be found in NettyClientProperties class.

Table A.13. List of Netty HTTP client configuration properties


Filter the HTTP headers for requests (CONNECT) towards the proxy except for PROXY-prefixed and HOST headers when true.

The default value is true and the headers are filtered out.


This property determines the number of seconds the idle connections are kept in the pool before pruned. The default is 60. Specify 0 to disable.


This property determines the maximum number of idle connections that will be simultaneously kept alive, per destination. The default is 5.

This property is a Jersey alternative to System property http.maxConnections. The Jersey property takes precedence over the system property.


This property determines the maximum number of idle connections that will be simultaneously kept alive in total, rather than per destination. The default is 60. Specify 0 to disable.


This property determines the maximal number of redirects during single request. Value is expected to be positive number. Default value is 5. HTTP redirection must be enabled by property org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientProperties.FOLLOW_REDIRECTS otherwise NettyClientProperties.MAX_REDIRECTS is not applied.


Sets the HTTP POST method to be preserved on HTTP status 301 (MOVED PERMANENTLY) or status 302 (FOUND) when true or redirected as GET when false.

The default value is true and the HTTP POST request is not redirected as GET.


This timeout is used for waiting for 100-Continue response when 100-Continue is sent by the client. Default timeout value is 500 ms after which Expect:100-Continue feature is ignored. Since 2.41


Parameter which allows extending of the header size for the Netty connector Default header size is 8192b. Since 2.44


Parameter which allows extending of the chunk size for the Netty connector Default chunk size is 8192b. Since 2.44


Parameter which allows extending of the initial line length for the Netty connector Default initial line length is 4096b. Since 2.44

A.14. Java Net HTTP client configuration properties

List of client configuration properties that can be found in JavaNetHttpClientProperties class.

Table A.14. List of Java Net HTTP client configuration properties


Configuration of the that should be used by the If this option is not set, will return an empty java.util.Optional and therefore no cookie handler will be used.

A provided value to this option has to be of type


Configuration of SSL parameters used by the If this option is not set, then the will use <it>implementation specific</it> default values.

A provided value to this option has to be of type


An instance of the Authenticator class which represents an object that knows how to obtain authentication for a network connection should be used.

If an instance is found, it is then used for the given request.

The value MUST be an instance of If the property is absent, no authentication is used.


A value of false indicates the client should handle cookies automatically using HttpClient's default cookie policy. A value of true will cause the client to ignore all cookies.

The value MUST be an instance of java.lang.Boolean.

The default value is false.


HTTP version - if null or instance of HttpClient.Version.HTTP_1_1 the version will be set to HTTP_1_1. If version is HttpClient.Version.HTTP_2 the client will attempt to perform each request using HTTP_2 protocol but if not supported by server, the protocol will be still HTTP_1_1

The value MUST be an instance of

The default value is null.

A.15. Multipart configuration properties

List of multipart configuration properties that can be found in MultiPartProperties class.

Table A.15.  List of multipart configuration properties settable in the MultiPartProperties.MULTI_PART_CONFIG_RESOURCE configuration file.


Name of the resource property for the threshold size (in bytes) above which a body part entity will be buffered to disk instead of being held in memory.

The default value is MessageProperties.IO_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE


Limit the maximum number of parts the multipart entity can have. If the limit is over, the error response status 413 - REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE is returned.

By default, the number is unlimited.

Name of a properties resource that (if found in the classpath for this application) will be used to configure the settings returned by our getter methods.


Name of the resource property for the directory to store temporary files containing body parts of multipart message that extends allowed memory threshold.

The default value is not set (will be taken from system property).