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Developing RESTful Web services that seamlessly support exposing your data in a variety of representation media types and abstract away the low-level details of the client-server communication is not an easy task without a good toolkit. In order to simplify development of RESTful Web services and their clients in Java, a standard and portable JAX-RS API has been designed.

Jersey RESTful Web Services 2.x framework is open source, production quality, framework for developing RESTful Web Services in Java that provides support for JAX-RS APIs and serves as a JAX-RS (JSR 311 & JSR 339 & JSR 370) Reference Implementation.

Jersey RESTful Web Services 3.x framework is open source, production quality, framework for developing RESTful Web Services in Java that provides support for Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.0.

Jersey framework is more than the JAX-RS Reference Implementation. Jersey provides it’s own API that extend the JAX-RS toolkit with additional features and utilities to further simplify RESTful service and client development. Jersey also exposes numerous extension SPIs so that developers may extend Jersey to best suit their needs.

Goals of Jersey project can be summarized in the following points:

  • Track the JAX-RS API and provide regular releases of production quality Reference Implementations that ships with GlassFish;
  • Provide APIs to extend Jersey & Build a community of users and developers; and finally
  • Make it easy to build RESTful Web services utilising Java and the Java Virtual Machine.

  • The latest stable release of Jersey is 2.43.
  • The latest published release of Jakarta EE 9 Jersey is 3.0.14.
  • The latest published release of Jakarta EE 10 Jersey is 3.1.7.

Get Started

Learn how to use Jersey in your projects.


Jersey 3.1.x

Jersey 3.0.x

Jersey 2.x

Jersey 1.x


Jersey is distributed mainly via Maven and it offers some extra modules. Check the How to Download page or see our list of dependencies for details.

Related Projects

List of projects related to Jersey.


Learn how you can contribute to the project by:
  • Reporting issues
  • Submitting patches
  • Reviewing code

Developer Blogs

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- Jersey project page
- TCK Results
- JSR-370 page on JCP site
- Stack Overflow

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