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Chapter 2. Modules and dependencies

2.1. Java SE Compatibility

3.1 branch:

  • This user guide refers only to version 3.1.x of Jersey, its compatibility is described below.

  • Since version 3.1.0 all Jersey components are compiled with Java SE 11 target. It means, that you will need at least Java SE 11 to be able to compile and run your application which uses the latest Jersey 3.1.x. Some modules, however, are fully compatible with JDK 17 and above (Jetty modules based on Jetty 12 [since 3.1.4], Helidon Connector, Spring 6).

  • Please see Chapter 30, Migration Guide for additional compatibility information.

Table 2.1. Jersey 3.1.x JDK compatibility

Jersey versionJDK min versionJDK max version

2.1.1. Virtual Threads and Thread Factories

With JDK 21 and above, Jersey (since 2.44) has the ability to use virtual threads instead of the CachedThreadPool in the internal ExecutorServices. Jersey also has the ability to specify the backing ThreadFactory for the default ExecutorServices (the default ExecutorServices can be overridden by the ExecutorServiceProvider SPI).

To enable virtual threads and/or specify the ThreadFactory, use CommonProperties.USE_VIRTUAL_THREADS and/or CommonProperties.THREAD_FACTORY properties, respectively. See also the Section A.1, “Common (client/server) configuration properties” in appendix for property details.

2.2. Introduction to Jersey dependencies

Jersey is built, assembled and installed using Apache Maven. Non-snapshot Jersey releases are deployed to the Central Maven Repository. Jersey is also being deployed to Sonatype Maven repositories, which contain also Jersey SNAPSHOT versions. In case you would want to test the latest development builds check out the Sonatype Snapshots Maven repository.

An application that uses Jersey and depends on Jersey modules is in turn required to also include a set of 3rd party modules that Jersey modules depend on. Jersey is designed as a pluggable component architecture and different applications can therefore require different sets of Jersey modules. This also means that a set of external Jersey dependencies required to be included in the application dependencies may vary in each application based on the Jersey modules that are being used by the application.

Developers using Maven or a Maven-aware build system in their projects are likely to find it easier to include and manage dependencies of their applications compared to developers using ant or other build systems that are not compatible with Maven. This document will explain to both maven and non-maven developers how to depend on Jersey modules in their application. Ant developers are likely to find the Ant Tasks for Maven very useful.

2.3. Common Jersey Use Cases

2.3.1. Servlet based application on Glassfish

If you are using Glassfish application server, you don't need to package anything with your application, everything is already included. You just need to declare (provided) dependency on JAX-RS API to be able to compile your application.


If you are using any Jersey specific feature, you will need to depend on Jersey directly.

<!-- if you are using Jersey client specific features without the server side -->

2.3.2. Servlet based server-side application

Following dependencies apply to application server (servlet containers) without any integrated JAX-RS implementation. Then application needs to include JAX-RS API and Jersey implementation in deployed application.

<!-- Required only when you are using JAX-RS Client -->

2.3.3. Client application on JDK

Applications running on plain JDK using only client part of JAX-RS specification need to depend only on client. There are various additional modules which can be added, like for example grizzly or apache or jetty connector (see dependencies snipped below). Jersey client runs by default with plain JDK (using HttpUrlConnection). See Chapter 5, Client API. for more details.


Currently available connectors:




2.3.4. Server-side application on supported containers

Apart for a standard JAX-RS Servlet-based deployment that works with any Servlet container that supports Servlet 5 and higher, Jersey provides support for programmatic deployment to the following containers: Grizzly 3 (HTTP and Servlet), JDK Http server, Simple Http server and Jetty Http server (requires JDK 11+). This chapter presents only required maven dependencies, more information can be found in Chapter 4, Application Deployment and Runtime Environments.







2.4. List of modules

The following chapters provide an overview of all Jersey modules and their dependencies with links to the respective binaries (follow a link on a module name to get complete set of downloadable dependencies).

Table 2.2. Jersey Core

Jersey Core
jersey-client Jersey core client implementation
jersey-common Jersey core common packages
jersey-server Jersey core server implementation

Table 2.3. Jersey Containers

Jersey Containers
jersey-container-grizzly2-http Grizzly 2 Http Container.
jersey-container-grizzly2-servlet Grizzly 2 Servlet Container.
jersey-container-jdk-http JDK Http Container
jersey-container-jetty-http Jetty Http Container (for JDK 17+)
jersey-container-jetty-servlet Jetty Servlet Container
jersey-container-netty-http Netty Http Container.
jersey-container-servlet Jersey core Servlet 3.x/5.x implementation
jersey-container-servlet-core Jersey core Servlet 2.x way implementation with Jakarta EE 9 adjustments
jersey-container-simple-http Simple Http Container
jersey-gf-ejb Jersey EJB for GlassFish integration

Table 2.4. Jersey Connectors

Jersey Connectors
jersey-apache5-connector Jersey Client Transport via Apache 5
jersey-apache-connector Jersey Client Transport via Apache
jersey-grizzly-connector Jersey Client Transport via Grizzly
jersey-helidon-connector Jersey Client Transport via Helidon
jersey-jdk-connector Jersey Client Transport via JDK connector
jersey-jetty-connector Jersey Client Transport via Jetty (for JDK 17+)
jersey-jetty11-connector Jersey Client Transport via Jetty 11.x
jersey-netty-connector Jersey Client Transport via Netty

Table 2.5. Jersey Media

Jersey Media
jersey-media-jaxb JAX-RS features based upon JAX-B.
jersey-media-json-binding Jersey JSON-B support module.
jersey-media-json-jackson Jersey JSON Jackson (2.x) entity providers support module.
jersey-media-json-jettison Jersey JSON Jettison entity providers support module.
jersey-media-json-processing Jersey Jakarta JSON Processing entity providers support proxy module.
jersey-media-kryo Jersey/JAX-RS Message Body Writer and Reader using Kryo serialization framework
jersey-media-moxy Jersey JSON entity providers support module based on EclipseLink MOXy.
jersey-media-multipart Jersey Multipart entity providers support module.
jersey-media-sse Jersey Server Sent Events entity providers support module.

Table 2.6. Jersey Extensions

Jersey Extensions
jersey-bean-validation Jersey extension module providing support for Bean Validation (JSR-349) API.
jersey-cdi1x Jersey CDI 1.1 integration
jersey-cdi1x-ban-custom-hk2-binding Jersey CDI integration - this module disables custom HK2 bindings
jersey-cdi1x-servlet Jersey CDI 1.x Servlet Support
jersey-cdi1x-transaction Jersey CDI 1.x Transactional Support
jersey-cdi1x-validation Jersey CDI 1.x Bean Validation Support
jersey-declarative-linking Jersey support for declarative hyperlinking.
jersey-entity-filtering Jersey extension module providing support for Entity Data Filtering.
jersey-metainf-services Jersey extension module enabling automatic registration of JAX-RS providers (MBW/MBR/EM) via META-INF/services mechanism.
jersey-micrometer Jersey extension module providing support for Micrometer.
jersey-mp-config Jersey extension module providing support for MicroProfile Configuration.
jersey-mp-rest-client Jersey extension module providing support for MicroProfile REST Client.
jersey-mvc Jersey extension module providing support for MVC.
jersey-mvc-bean-validation Jersey extension module providing support for Bean Validation in MVC.
jersey-mvc-freemarker Jersey extension module providing support for Freemarker templates.
jersey-mvc-jsp Jersey extension module providing support for JSP templates.
jersey-mvc-mustache Jersey extension module providing support for Mustache templates.
jersey-mvc-thymeleaf Jersey extension module providing support for Thymeleaf templates.
jersey-proxy-client Jersey extension module providing support for (proxy-based) high-level client API.
jersey-rx-client-guava Jersey Reactive Client - Guava (ListenableFuture) provider.
jersey-rx-client-rxjava Jersey Reactive Client - RxJava (Observable) provider.
jersey-rx-client-rxjava2 Jersey Reactive Client - RxJava2 (Flowable) provider.
jersey-wadl-doclet A doclet that generates a resourcedoc xml file: this file contains the javadoc documentation of resource classes, so that this can be used for extending generated wadl with useful documentation.
jersey-weld2-se WELD 2.x SE support

Table 2.7. Jersey Test Framework

Jersey Test Framework
container-runner-maven-plugin The container runner maven plugin provides means to start and stop a container (currently Tomcat 10 and Glassfish 6 are supported). To deploy an application to this container or to repetitively redeploy and test an application in the container.
custom-enforcer-rules Jersey test framework Maven projects
jersey-test-framework-core Jersey Test Framework Core
jersey-test-framework-provider-bundle Jersey Test Framework Providers Bundle
jersey-test-framework-provider-external Jersey Test Framework - External container
jersey-test-framework-provider-grizzly2 Jersey Test Framework - Grizzly2 container
jersey-test-framework-provider-inmemory Jersey Test Framework - InMemory container
jersey-test-framework-provider-jdk-http Jersey Test Framework - JDK HTTP container
jersey-test-framework-provider-jetty Jersey Test Framework - Jetty HTTP container
jersey-test-framework-provider-netty Jersey Test Framework - Netty container
jersey-test-framework-provider-simple Jersey Test Framework - Simple HTTP container
jersey-test-framework-util Jersey Test Framework Utils
memleak-test-common Jersey test framework umbrella project

Table 2.8. Jersey Test Framework Providers

Jersey Test Framework Providers
jersey-test-framework-provider-bundle Jersey Test Framework Providers Bundle
jersey-test-framework-provider-external Jersey Test Framework - External container
jersey-test-framework-provider-grizzly2 Jersey Test Framework - Grizzly2 container
jersey-test-framework-provider-inmemory Jersey Test Framework - InMemory container
jersey-test-framework-provider-jdk-http Jersey Test Framework - JDK HTTP container
jersey-test-framework-provider-jetty Jersey Test Framework - Jetty HTTP container (for JDK 11+)
jersey-test-framework-provider-netty Jersey Test Framework - Netty container
jersey-test-framework-provider-simple Jersey Test Framework - Simple HTTP container

Table 2.9. Jersey Glassfish Bundles

Jersey Glassfish Bundles
jersey-gf-ejb Jersey EJB for GlassFish integration

Table 2.10. Security

oauth1-client Module that adds an OAuth 1 support to Jersey client.
oauth1-server Module that adds an OAuth 1 support to Jersey server
oauth1-signature OAuth1 signature module
oauth2-client Module that adds an OAuth 2 support to Jersey client

Table 2.11. Jersey Examples

Jersey Examples
assemblies Jersey examples shared assembly types.
bookstore-webapp Jersey MVC Bookstore example.
cdi-webapp Jersey CDI example.
clipboard Jersey clipboard example.
clipboard-programmatic Jersey programmatic resource API clipboard example.
declarative-linking Declarative Hyperlinking - Jersey Sample
entity-filtering Jersey Entity Data Filtering Example.
entity-filtering-security Jersey Entity Data Filtering Security Example.
entity-filtering-selectable Jersey Entity Data Filtering Selectable Example.
exception-mapping Jersey example showing exception mappers in action.
freemarker-webapp Jersey Freemarker example.
groovy Groovy Jersey
helloworld Jersey annotated resource class "Hello world" example.
helloworld-benchmark Jersey "Hello World" benchmark example.
helloworld-cdi2-se Jersey "Hello world" example with CDI 2 SE.
helloworld-netty Jersey "Hello world" example on Netty container.
helloworld-programmatic Jersey programmatic resource API "Hello world" example.
helloworld-pure-jax-rs Example using only the standard JAX-RS API's and the lightweight HTTP server bundled in JDK.
helloworld-webapp Jersey annotated resource class "Hello world" example.
helloworld-weld Jersey annotated resource class "Hello world" example with Weld support.
http-patch Jersey example for implementing generic PATCH support via JAX-RS reader interceptor. Taken from Gerard Davison's blog entry:
http-trace Jersey HTTP TRACE support example.
https-clientserver-grizzly Jersey HTTPS Client/Server example on Grizzly.
https-server-glassfish Jersey HTTPS server on GlassFish example.
java8-webapp Java 8 Types WebApp Example.
jaxb Jersey JAXB example.
jaxrs-types-injection Jersey JAX-RS types injection example.
jersey-ejb Jersey Web Application (Servlet) examples parent POM.
json-binding-webapp Jersey JSON Binding example.
json-jackson Jersey JSON with Jackson example.
json-jettison Jersey JSON with Jettison JAXB example.
json-moxy Jersey JSON with MOXy example.
json-processing-webapp Jersey Jakarta JSON Processing example.
json-with-padding Jersey JSON with Padding example.
managed-beans-webapp Jersey Managed Beans Web Application Example.
managed-client Jersey managed client example.
managed-client-simple-webapp Jersey Web Application (Servlet) examples parent POM.
managed-client-webapp Jersey managed client web application example.
multipart-webapp Jersey Multipart example.
open-tracing Jersey OpenTracing example
rx-client-webapp Jersey Reactive Client WebApp Example.
server-async Jersey JAX-RS asynchronous server-side example.
server-async-managed Jersey JAX-RS asynchronous server-side example with custom Jersey executor providers.
server-async-standalone Standalone Jersey JAX-RS asynchronous server-side processing example.
server-async-standalone-client Standalone Jersey JAX-RS asynchronous server-side processing example client.
server-async-standalone-webapp Standalone Jersey JAX-RS asynchronous server-side processing example web application.
server-sent-events-jaxrs Jersey JAX-RS 2.1/3.0 Server-Sent Events example.
server-sent-events-jersey Jersey Server-Sent Events example.
servlet3-webapp Jersey Servlet 3 example with missing servlet-class in the web.xml file
simple-console Jersey Simple Console example
sse-item-store-jaxrs-webapp Jersey JAX-RS 2.1/3.0 SSE API-based item store example.
sse-item-store-jersey-webapp Jersey SSE API-based item store example.
sse-twitter-aggregator Jersey SSE Twitter Message Aggregator Example.
system-properties-example Jersey system properties example.
webapp-example-parent Jersey Web Application (Servlet) examples parent POM.
xml-moxy Jersey XML MOXy example.