Release Notes - Jersey 2.5
Release date: 18-Dec-2013
- [JERSEY-642] - HTTP Digest Authentication auth-int is Broken in Client
- [JERSEY-728] - Multipart unmarshalling should throw exceptions instead of returning null when it fails
- [JERSEY-733] - Encoded annotation is not working for form parameter.
- [JERSEY-1660] - CookiesParser.parseNewCookie should parse attributes case-insensitively
- [JERSEY-1727] - @Uri dos not work with uri templates properly.
- [JERSEY-1878] - Resuming AsyncResponse before asynchronous method ends ignores @JsonView annotation
- [JERSEY-1882] - LanguageTag doesn't allow numeric subtags
- [JERSEY-1887] - NPE with intermediate ExceptionMapper interface
- [JERSEY-1923] - ResourceDoclet broken on Windows
- [JERSEY-1977] - Make TimeStatistics for all intervals consistent.
- [JERSEY-1978] - "Charset" property in the request "Content-Type" header is not properly handled by @FormParam
- [JERSEY-1996] - jersey-proxy-client not properly serializing QueryParam List<T>
- [JERSEY-2006] - LoggingFilter does not respect order of headers
- [JERSEY-2021] - LoggingFilter not working under unix jvms
- [JERSEY-2022] - Jersey 2 classpath scanning locks up resources on Windows
- [JERSEY-2028] - GZIPContentEncodingFilter leaks input stream for invalid GZIP response
- [JERSEY-2031] - jersey 2.1 explicit viewable resolvingClass missed when do a jsp tag
- [JERSEY-2041] - JAX-RS: polymorphic PUT requests do not work with JSON
- [JERSEY-2050] - HTTPBasicAuthFilter doesn't check for challenge/response as per HTTPDigestAuthFilter
- [JERSEY-2053] - JMX Monitor Feature Bugs in ApplicationMXBeanImpl
- [JERSEY-2054] - The RuntimeExecutorsBinder create a non-daemon ThreadFactory
- [JERSEY-2068] - WADL generator doesn't correctly handle class-level URI templates
- [JERSEY-2075] - Boundary never generated multipart/formdata
- [JERSEY-2079] - Creating a client from runtime configuration of already configured client cause double feature registration
- [JERSEY-2081] - Server-side content preference not honored
- [JERSEY-2083] - Provider instances on the client are not injected.
- [JERSEY-2096] - ContainerResponseFilter and ContainerRequestFilter never get executed
- [JERSEY-2115] - MethodSelectingRouter selects incorrect @Produces annotated resource method for Accept "text/html,*/*;q=0.8" when Jersey MVC @Template is used
- [JERSEY-2117] - Jersey Client memory leak
- [JERSEY-2124] - HeaderValueException: Unable to parse "Accept-Language" header value es-419
- [JERSEY-2128] - apache-connector always uses chunked encoding
- [JERSEY-2134] - Guice AOP does not work with field injection
- [JERSEY-2136] - Jersey 2 doesn't work with Google Application Engine
- [JERSEY-2137] - Unable to throw WAE from a @Transactional JAX-RS resource.
- [JERSEY-2152] - Jersey logs ValidationException at warning level even when it's mapped
- [JERSEY-2154] - Glassfish 4 doesn't map exceptions wrapped in EjbException if no resource class is an EJB
- [JERSEY-2155] - Some Jersey packages are missing
- [JERSEY-2164] - Multi value http headers are not correctly read by the server
- [JERSEY-2173] - Port number configuration for test running does not work for OSGi tests
- [JERSEY-2175] - Package scanning component registry not working
- [JERSEY-2176] - Problems with calling close() and flush() methods on underlying output stream.
- [JERSEY-2184] - Ability to inject ServletContext into Application constructor
- [JERSEY-2190] - Chapter 'Modules and dependencies' is not up to date
- [JERSEY-2197] - JarFileScanner only enumerates the first class it encounters then silently fails
- [JERSEY-2202] - Chapter 3.4 : wrong annotation full class name for Per-Lookup scope
- [JERSEY-2204] - Chapter : missing parenthesis and square braquet
- [JERSEY-2205] - Jersey client: The ClientAsyncExecutorsFactory hosts thread pools that are not shut down when the hosting client is shut down.
- [JERSEY-2212] - AsyncResponse.resume(Throwable) doesn't set correct status code
- [JERSEY-2214] - does not return a new inputStream
- [JERSEY-2215] - Hang with ChunkedOutput
- [JERSEY-2220] - Unable to upload attachments
- [JERSEY-2221] - [WLS] SOA monitoring issue
- [JERSEY-2223] - jetty-connector's TimeoutTest.testUnknownHost sometimes fails "No route to host"
- [JERSEY-2232] - It is not possible to inject ResourceInfo into response container filter.
- [JERSEY-2237] - [WLS] Issues with deploying Jersey 2 samples on WLS
- [JERSEY-2245] - @ValidateOnExecution should be considered only for resource method
- [JERSEY-2246] - Jersey MBean statistics are not deregistered when application is destroyed
- [JERSEY-2249] - Jar files are not scanned for JAX-RS Resources
- [JERSEY-2252] - Fix sse-item-store-webapp tests on WLS
- [JERSEY-2253] - Jersey 2 app deployment fails using JDeveloper
- [JERSEY-2254] - SSE: Underlying connection not closed
- [JERSEY-2260] - Default Http client craches when query param is a json object ({key:val})
- [JERSEY-2266] - Fix broken link in user guide
- [JERSEY-2272] - HTTP Digest Authentication algorithm MD5 is broken in Client
- [JERSEY-1278] - MatchingEntityTag should provide better exception message
- [JERSEY-2103] - not optimal implementation of the FreemarkerViewProcessor
- [JERSEY-2189] - Allow to remove User-Agent header entirely in Client requests
- [JERSEY-2222] - Support ClientProperties.ASYNC_THREADPOOL_SIZE
- [JERSEY-2226] - Assign Priorities.AUTHENTICATION to the OAuth1ServerFilter
- [JERSEY-2229] - Upgrade ApacheConnector to use Apache HttpClient 4.3.x
- [JERSEY-2257] - Publish Javadoc of org.glassfish.jersey.process.internal.RequestScope
- [JERSEY-2258] - Introduce ConnectorProvider SPI to improve user experience when working with custom connectors.
- [JERSEY-2261] - Refactor async executor provider SPI and implementation
New Feature
- [JERSEY-2027] - Support Jetty 9 based Jersey Client connector
- [JERSEY-1912] - Add section describing runtimes/deployment environments supported by Jersey (OSGi, Grizzly, Servlet ...)
- [JERSEY-2043] - Page modules-and-dependencies.html does not contain all jersey modules
- [JERSEY-2072] - Fix JES/Jersey Findbugs issues
- [JERSEY-2120] - Update MVC documentation
- [JERSEY-2151] - Create jerseyrobot account in internal git repo
- [JERSEY-2166] - Propose performance testing strategy (plan - what, how)
- [JERSEY-2177] - Update Jersey in WLS
- [JERSEY-2183] - Create hudson job for WLS examples.
- [JERSEY-2201] - Upgrade to Maven 3.1 at Hudson
- [JERSEY-2203] - Release Jersey 2.4.1
- [JERSEY-2208] - Integrate ServletContainerProvider changes to WLS module
- [JERSEY-2209] - Integrate ServletContainerProvider changes to JRF module
- [JERSEY-2210] - Update release jobs on Hudson to be able to automate Jersey release (as much as possible)
- [JERSEY-2218] - Clear jdk6/jdk7 specific test cases
- [JERSEY-2224] - Unify buffering support for client Connectors
- [JERSEY-2250] - Adjust and add missing webapp examples to WLS example bundle (where possible)
- [JERSEY-2251] - Constructor parameter injection does not work on WLS
- [JERSEY-2265] - Create an archetype that would generate a webapp able to run on Heroku.
- [JERSEY-2159] - Support Jetty 9 based Jersey Server container
Previous releases