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Release Notes

1. Required Software

  • Requires Java SE 8 or later

  • Requires Ant 1.9.7 or later

  • Tested with GlassFish v5.x and Apache Tomcat 5.5.20

2. Installation Instructions

The following applies to the Eclipse Implementation of XML Web Services standalone bundles.

  • Extract Eclipse Implementation of XML Web Services 2.3.3 bundle

  • To use with GlassFish

    • GlassFish contains Eclipse Implementation of XML Web Services within Metro package so no installation required. For updating Eclipse Implementation of XML Web Services installation in GlassFish please refer to Metro project.

  • To install on Tomcat

    • Set CATALINA_HOME to your Tomcat installation.

    • Run

      ant install

      This essentially copies lib/*.jar from the root of Eclipse Implementation of XML Web Services extracted bundle to $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib

    • If you are running on top of JDK8, run

      ant install-api

      or use

      ant -help

      for detailed information.

If you intend to only invoke an already existing Web service, then alternatively you can use the wsimport and wsgen scripts in the bin directory of the Eclipse Implementation of XML Web Services 2.3.3 bundle.

3. Running on top of JDK 8

JDK includes Jakarta XML Web Services and JAXB API and RI. Eclipse Implementation of XML Web Services 2.3.3 includes RI of Jakarta XML Web Services/JAXB 2.3. In order to run Eclipse Implementation of XML Web Services 2.3.3 you would need to specify ONLY, and jakarta.xml.bind-api.jar jars using the Java Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism

4. Jar dependency

Table 1. Jar dependencies summary

Runtime Jars

FastInfoset.jar, jakarta.xml.bind-api.jar, jaxb-impl.jar,, jakarta.annotation-api.jar, jaxws-rt.jar, jakarta.jws-api.jar, mimepull.jar, javax.xml.soap-api.jar, saaj-impl.jar, stax2-api.jar, woodstox-core.jar, stax-ex.jar, streambuffer.jar, policy.jar, gmbal.jar, management-api.jar, ha-api.jar

Tooltime Jars

All the runtime jars + jaxb-xjc.jar, jaxb-jxc.jar, jaxws-tools.jar

If you run Eclipse Implementation of XML Web Services 2.3.3 with IBM JDK, there are two options:

  • to add Oracles's JAXP implementation jars along

  • to remove the saaj-impl.jar from the libraries in order IBM SAAJ implementation to be used

Eclipse Implementation of XML Web Services also depends on resolver implementation form JDK, which is not found on AIX. The repackaged resolver.jar can be found in the distribution, or Maven though. First approach is recommended.

5. Current Limitations / Bugs / Issues

  • The java.util.Collection classes cannot be used with rpc/literal or document/literal BARE style due to a limitation in JAXB. However, they do work in the default document/literal WRAPPED style.

  • Although Jakarta XML Web Services customizations are portable across implementations, the names of WSDL and schema files generated are not specified. Therefore each vendor may and most likely will generate different names. Therefore, when switching between implementations of Jakarta XML Web Services, it may be necessary to modify your customization files to reflect different WSDL and schema file names.

  • This holds true for different releases of the Eclipse Implementation of XML Web Services. The Eclipse Implementation of XML Web Services may in each release change these file names to resolve bugs. If and when this does occur, a developer would need to change the filenames in their customization files to match the new file names.

6. Changelog

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