All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract skeleton implementation of a MultivaluedMap that is backed by a [key, multi-value] store represented as a Map<K, List<V>>.
Endpoint descendant which represents deployed annotated endpoint.
Java class for anonymous complex type
Listens to application-level events that are interesting for monitoring.
AuthConfig serves as a configuration of HTTP authentication.
The AuthConfig.Builder is a class used for creating an instance of AuthConfig for purpose of HTTP Authentication.
This exception is set as a cause of DeploymentException thrown when WebSocketContainer.connectToServer(...)
Authenticator provides a way how to plug-in custom authentication provider.
Base WebSocket container.
Marker of a public Tyrus API that is still in "beta" non-final version.
Binary frame representation.
Broadcast listener.
Provides the instance for CDI class.
Entry point for client implementation.
The ClientEndpoint annotation a class level annotation is used to denote that a POJO is a web socket client and can be deployed as such.
The ClientEndpointConfig is a special kind of endpoint configuration object that contains web socket configuration information specific only to client endpoints.
The ClientEndpointConfig.Builder is a class used for creating ClientEndpointConfig objects for the purposes of deploying a client endpoint.
The Configurator class may be extended by developers who want to provide custom configuration algorithms, such as intercepting the opening handshake, or providing arbitrary methods and algorithms that can be accessed from each endpoint instance configured with this configurator.
Facade for handling client operations from containers.
Upgrade process result.
Status of upgrade process.
Indicates to container that handshake timeout was reached.
ClientManager implementation.
Reconnect handler.
Tyrus client configuration properties.
Close frame representation.
A class encapsulating the reason why a web socket has been closed, or why it is being asked to close.
A marker interface for the close codes.
An Enumeration of status codes for a web socket close that are defined in the specification.
Enum containing standard CloseReasons defined in RFC 6455, see chapter 7.4.1 Defined Status Codes.
Cluster related context.
Adapter for Encoder and Decoder which implements lifecycle methods.
Wrapper of coders storing the coder coder class (and optionally coder instance), return type of the encode / decode method and coder class.
A callback to notify about asynchronous I/O operations status updates.
Provides an instance.
Provides an instance of component.
A logical websocket connection.
Transport close listener that receives connection close notifications from Tyrus.
Provider class that allows the developer to get a reference to the implementation of the WebSocketContainer.
Credentials can be used when configuring authentication properties used during client handshake.
A Logger wrapper that gives logging records a common formatting and temporarily stores log records and postpones their logging until they can be provided with a session ID.
Tracing threshold - used for configuration granularity of information that will be sent in tracing headers.
Type of tracing - used for tracing configuration.
Type of the record - used to graphically distinguish these message types in the log.
A general exception that occurs when trying to decode a custom object from a text or binary message.
The Decoder interface holds member interfaces that define how a developer can provide the web socket container a way web socket messages into developer defined custom objects.
This interface defines how a custom object (of type T) is decoded from a web socket message in the form of a byte buffer.
This interface defines how a custom object is decoded from a web socket message in the form of a binary stream.
This interface defines how a custom object is decoded from a web socket message in the form of a string.
This interface defines how a custom object of type T is decoded from a web socket message in the form of a character stream.
Provides instances using reflection.
Checked exception indicating some kind of failure either to publish an endpoint on its server, or a failure to connect a client to its server.
The DeploymentException wrapping the HandshakeException and makes the HTTP status code accessible directly.
Extended Session which adds distributed properties.
Provides the instance for the supported EJB classes.
A general exception that occurs when trying to encode a custom object to a string or binary message.
The Encoder interface defines how developers can provide a way to convert their custom objects into web socket messages.
This interface defines how to provide a way to convert a custom object into a binary message.
This interface may be implemented by encoding algorithms that want to write the encoded object to a binary stream.
This interface defines how to provide a way to convert a custom object into a text message.
This interface may be implemented by encoding algorithms that want to write the encoded object to a character stream.
The Web Socket Endpoint represents an object that can handle websocket conversations.
Java class for anonymous complex type
The endpoint configuration contains all the information needed during the handshake process for this end point.
Listens to endpoint-level events that are interesting for monitoring.
Used to collect deployment errors to present these to the user together.
Converts the exceptions into more specific ones.
WebSocket Extension.
Context present as a parameter in all ExtendedExtension methods.
A simple representation of a websocket extension as a name and map of extension parameters.
This member interface defines a single websocket extension parameter.
WebSocket frame representation.
Frame builder.
Grizzly client properties.
Implementation of the WebSocket interface.
Grizzly implementation of ServerContainerFactory and ServerContainer.
Class responsible for performing and validating handshake.
Exception, which describes the error, occurred during the handshake phase.
The handshake request represents the WebSocket defined HTTP GET request for the opening handshake of a WebSocket session.
The handshake response represents the WebSocket-defined HTTP response that is the response to the opening handshake request.
Built in Decoder for InputStream.
Lazily initialized value.
Localizable message.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Localizes the Localizable into a message by using a configured Locale.
Can be implemented to generate masking keys.
Defines a match on an endpoint.
This annotation may be used to annotate server endpoints as a optional annotation to ServerEndpoint.
Listens for message-level events that are interesting for monitoring.
Developers implement MessageHandlers in order to receive incoming messages during a web socket conversation.
This kind of handler is notified by the implementation as it becomes ready to deliver parts of a whole message.
This kind of handler is notified by the container on arrival of a complete message.
Manages registered MessageHandlers and checks whether the new ones may be registered.
A hash table based implementation of MultivaluedMap interface.
A map of key-values pairs.
An implementation of MultivaluedMap where keys and values are instances of String.
Encoder and Decoder implementation for byte array.
Encoder and Decoder implementation for ByteBuffer.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.glassfish.tyrus.core.wsadl.model package.
This method level annotation can be used to decorate a Java method that wishes to be called when a web socket session is closing.
This method level annotation can be used to decorate a Java method that wishes to be called in order to handle errors.
This method level annotation can be used to make a Java method receive incoming web socket messages.
This method level annotation can be used to decorate a Java method that wishes to be called when a new web socket session is open.
Taken from Jersey 2.
This annotation may be used to annotate method parameters on server endpoints where a URI-template has been used in the path-mapping of the ServerEndpoint annotation.
A path pattern that is a regular expression generated from a URI path template.
The set of right hand path patterns that may be appended to a path pattern.
Represents a URI path segment and any associated matrix parameters.
A URI template for a URI path.
A pattern for matching a string against a regular expression and returning capturing group values for any capturing groups present in the expression.
Ping frame representation.
Pong frame representation.
The PongMessage interface represents a web socket pong.
Collection of decoders for all primitive types.
Represents issue with parsing or producing websocket frame.
Tyrus protocol handler.
Built in Decoder for Reader.
Read handler provides a way for a transport to pass websocket connection data to tyrus runtime.
This exception is set as a cause of DeploymentException thrown from WebSocketContainer.connectToServer(...)
Utility methods for Java reflection.
A tuple consisting of a class and type of the class.
A tuple consisting of a concrete class, declaring class that declares a generic interface type.
The RemoteEndpoint object is supplied by the container and represents the 'other end' or peer of the Web Socket conversation.
This representation of the peer of a web socket conversation has the ability to send messages asynchronously.
This representation of the peer of a web socket conversation has the ability to send messages synchronously.
Remote session represents session originating from another node.
Implementation of all possible request interfaces.
Is user in role delegate.
This exception is set as a cause of DeploymentException thrown from WebSocketContainer.connectToServer(...) when HTTP response status code 503 - Service Unavailable is received.
A simple callback object for asynchronous sending of web socket messages.
The result of asynchronously sending a web socket message.
Implementation of the WebSocket Server.
Developers include implementations of ServerApplicationConfig in an archive containing websocket endpoints (WAR file, or JAR file within the WAR file) in order to specify the websocket endpoints within the archive the implementation must deploy.
The ServerContainer is the specialized view of the WebSocketContainer available in server-side deployments.
HTTP server abstraction.
Factory used to get instances of ServerContainer.
This class level annotation declares that the class it decorates is a web socket endpoint that will be deployed and made available in the URI-space of a web socket server.
The ServerEndpointConfig is a special kind of endpoint configuration object that contains web socket configuration information specific only to server endpoints.
The ServerEndpointConfig.Builder is a class used for creating ServerEndpointConfig.Builder objects for the purposes of deploying a server endpoint.
The ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator class may be extended by developers who want to provide custom configuration algorithms, such as intercepting the opening handshake, or providing arbitrary methods and algorithms that can be accessed from each endpoint instance configured with this configurator.
A public class that holds a wrapped ServerEndpointConfig.
Taken from Jersey 2.
A simple service-provider lookup mechanism.
The default service iterator provider that looks up provider classes in META-INF/services files.
Supports iteration of provider instances or classes.
A Web Socket session represents a conversation between two web socket endpoints.
Session event listener.
A SessionException represents a general exception type reporting problems occurring on a websocket session.
Session listener.
Utility class, which helps to configure ssl context.
SSLEngineConfigurator class from Grizzly project.
Surrogate parsing support.
A class responsible for processing TaskProcessor.Task.
Generic task representation.
Text frame representation.
Client thread pool configuration, which might be used to customize client thread pool.
Fall-back encoder - encoders any object to string using Object.toString() method.
Extended Configurator that can be used for subclassing the user provided configurator.
Tyrus ClientEngine implementation.
Called when response is received from the server.
Inner Tyrus configuration properties holder object.
Wraps the registered application class.
Session listener.
WebSocket Extension implementation.
WebSocket Extension.Parameter implementation.
Frame representation used in Tyrus runtime.
An Enumeration of frame types.
Tyrus Future implementation.
HttpUpgradeHandler and ReadListener implementation.
Wraps the RemoteEndpoint and represents the other side of the websocket connection.
Container for either deployed ServerApplicationConfigs, if any, or deployed classes.
Server Container Implementation.
Configuration ServerEndpointConfig enhanced to offer tyrus specific attributes like maxSessions.
The TyrusServerEndpointConfig.Builder is a class used for creating TyrusServerEndpointConfig.Builder objects for the purposes of deploying a server endpoint.
Tyrus' implementation of ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator.
Registers a filter for upgrade handshake.
Implementation of the Session.
HTTP response representation.
Tyrus representation of web socket connection.
WebSocketEngine implementation, which handles server-side handshake, validation and data processing.
Abstraction for a HTTP upgrade request.
Abstraction for a HTTP upgrade response.
Utility class for validating, encoding and decoding components of a URI.
The URI component type.
A URI template.
A URI template parser that parses JAX-RS specific URI templates.
Utility methods shared among Tyrus modules.
Define to String conversion for various types.
A generic value provider.
A collection of Value provider factory & utility methods.
WebSockets AddOn for the HttpServer.
A WebSocketContainer is an implementation provided object that provides applications a view on the container running it.
WebSocket engine is used for upgrading HTTP requests into websocket connections.
Upgrade info that includes status for HTTP request upgrading and connection creation details.
Upgrade Status for HTTP request upgrading.
WebSocketException can be thrown during runtime (after handshake).
Writer class that is used by tyrus runtime to pass outbound websocket data for a connection to a transport.
Additional data for the transport.
Possible WebSocket Message Types.